Froggy status

David Smith dsmith at
Mon Jul 28 18:04:01 UTC 2008

Chris Moller wrote:
> I just committed a bunch of updates to froggy, the big delta of which is
> the multiple-task-per-pid change, but it also handles syscall entries in
> both the module and the testcases. 


> Feedback, as usual, welcome.

I took a quick look at froggy.c (the kernel module).  I'm not sure how
"finished" you consider it, but in general I'm not sure it is "paranoid"
enough.  For instance, what happens if there is a error in a client and
it aborts?  What happens if someone does a "rmmod" on the module while
clients are still running?

David Smith
dsmith at
Red Hat
256.217.0141 (direct)
256.837.0057 (fax)

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