al others were leaning over the rail abo

Dings assures at
Tue Jan 12 01:08:07 UTC 2010

T!' I see--now." "Will you keep still?" whispered Dan. "If they hear us,
you'll find out who wants to kill you. The root she took that time was
nothing. There'll be worse ones--this boat is not through rooting yet."
Neither was she. Ahead the tug loomed, a great dark shape; and the pulse
of her engines was lost in the roiling water rising from the screw
blades and the hiss of it as it raced by the row-boat. There was a dim
blur of light from one of the after-cabin portholes and the shadow of
figures passing to and fro inside could be seen. The decks were
deserted. It was too cold to brave the night wind except under
necessity--a night wind that cut through the pea-jackets and ear-caps
and thick woollen gloves of the two men in the rowboat. Captain Barney
felt a fierce resentment that the _Quinn's_ men should be so warm and
comfortable while he was shivering. "Christmas Eve!" he exclaimed.
"Fine, ain't it?" and he flailed his arms about to keep the blood in
circulation. "Christmas Eve," said Dan solemnly, as though to himself,
"the finest I ever spent"; and he added apologetically, "even if I am
making an eternal fool of myself." On they sped. Frequently the tug
would hit a large stretch of clear water, and at such times the
jingle-bell would sound in the engine-room and the _
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