[zanata-devel] Guava @Beta APIs

Sean Flanigan sflaniga at redhat.com
Thu Feb 28 06:25:19 UTC 2013

TLDR: please don't use Guava Beta APIs.  Also, help wanted for FindBugs

In Guava "Deprecated non-beta APIs will be removed eighteen months after
the release in which they are first deprecated."

For the Guava package in Fedora, the oldest supported version of Fedora
still supported can only be 13 months old, so if we keep pace with the
deprecations, we should be okay.  (EPEL might be another story.)

However, this does not apply to Guava classes/methods which are marked
@Beta.  These can be removed in any major release (eg Guava 11 to 12).

So we need to avoid using @Beta API, at least in the client, if we want
to be able to package the client for Fedora.

The good news is that there is a FindBugs plug-in which can help prevent
us from doing this again:


Anyone want to volunteer to integrate FindBugs, and this plug-in, into
our Maven build?

Sean Flanigan

Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat

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