[almighty] priority driven model for issue tracking

Max Rydahl Andersen manderse at redhat.com
Fri Aug 5 14:10:25 UTC 2016


spotted this article today: 

Pretty interesting read and it captures one of the concerns I always 
have when I see the number of ideas, bugs, tasks etc. flowing into an 
planning tool or issue tracker - it will just overwhelm you if things 
are not nurtured.

In this they very aggressively say that anything not precise enough or 
too old gets removed from the engineering issue tracker.

This article nicely illustrate the importance of not cluttering your 
system - I do see that we need in almighty be careful about how we 
present the workitems and that we do not require a lot of process hell 
to keep it uptodate.

In PDD terms - might be that board views by default filter out higher 
level work items and just provide a link to them. Basic stuff like that.


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