[almighty] Adhoc stack instance for PR code builds

Karanbir Singh kbsingh at redhat.com
Fri Sep 9 08:46:46 UTC 2016

Hash: SHA1


Trying to think through how we achieve

My current thinking is is that we deploy this PR against latest-master
of everything else. eg. a PR for 'core' would deploy against last
deployed api and db. Similarly the PR for core would deploy with the
last good UI and db etc ; but each time, the entire stack is brought
up as an app, and exposed under its own set of hostnames.[1]

Since the PR can come from different services, we would need to map
that via the hostname for clarity eg: core-pr25.<qdn> or ui-pr40.<qdn> e

Two primary concerns at this point are :
1) it will almost always be a blank db.
2) it will be had to have a api change be visible in sync with a
proposed UI PR.

for (1) the easy route is to do a db dump from demo.db and load that
into the db brought up for the instance. However, given that this
brings with it the risk of exposing otherwise-private or privileged
info, we should never really do that. The middle ground between
no-data and all-the-data is to have a test dataset. Is this something
we can do ? if so, we can workout the mechanics of storing it and
loading/validating it.

Given the present dataset live at demo.a.i, generating this test data
might just be a case of dumping the present dataset into sql and
checking it into the git repos.

for (2) the solution will likely be in finding a way to parse and
establish the cross services PR relationship via the github comments.
However, given the complexity in that, and given that the actual CD
pipeline for the service as a while will need to be atomic - I propose
that the PR test stages also be atomic. If a UI function needs core
functionality, it should be built, tested and deployed via core first
then exercised via the UI.


[1]: this would be done using a new-project in openshift, each service
will still come up as a service, and each piece of that will come up
as its own pod - so exactly how we run the demo.* services.

- -- 
Karanbir Singh, Project Lead, The CentOS Project, London, UK
Red Hat Ext. 8274455 | DID: 0044 207 009 4455
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)


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