how do I enable ELF64

Panu Matilainen pmatilai at
Thu Jun 3 05:16:15 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, Hardy Thomas wrote:

> I have a Redhat Linux ES 3 running on a dual AMD opteron box. I have a
> binary file that seems to be in a 64-bit binary format. The file command
> on the binary return the following info which seem to indicate that the
> machine knows of the file format but when I run the executable (after
> setting execute permissions on the file) I get 'binary file cannot be
> executed error': if someone could tell me how to enable the ELF-64
> binary format such that the BDF libraries know of it I would appreciate
> it.
> ________________________________________________
> $ uname -a
> Linux pioneer 2.4.21-15.ELsmp #1 SMP Thu Apr 22 00:10:37 EDT 2004 i686
> athlon i386 GNU/Linux

You'd need to be running a 64bit version of the OS to be able to run 64bit 
software, RHEL for i386 isn't going to cut it. In case of RHEL the x86_64 
version is only available in AS and WS series, ES is for i386 only (or at 
least that was the case last I looked)

	- Panu -

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