Booting Tyan S2882 Dual Opteron on FC3

hayward-redhat at hayward-redhat at
Thu Nov 25 17:20:37 UTC 2004

Ok, further testing turning of the BIOS sata support shows it isn't
the sata_sil driver since it still locks up.  The media is fine and
the hardware is operable.  I can install SuSE 9.0 on the box and it
works pretty well and is what I've been using for the last year.  FC3
locks up when it hits /sbin/loader, my thinking now is maybe due to a
problem with the ATAPI cd-rom driver since I notice io errors on hdb
(my cd-rom) with the FC3 boot kernel.  Similar problems with FC1 and
FC2 boot kernels.  I've never been able to get FC for x86_64 to even
install.  Any ideas?

- Mike

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