Athlon 64, Memory Pricing

Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith at
Wed Dec 14 01:15:24 UTC 2005

Robert L Cochran <cochranb at> wrote:
> I hope this isn't too stupid a question, but are AMD
> processors (and memory sticks, come to think of it) cheaper
> to buy after Christmas?

Except for at initial product launch (when scarcity drives
massive/unethical spikes), immediate demand has very little
to do with semiconductor cost.  Semiconductor cost is largely
a factor of more longer-term trends, especially considering
the cost of fabs (billions USD) and sometimes it's cheaper to
keep a fab going than to shut it down (long, long

> Or will pricing remain the same? I assume that among you
> experienced cpu snf memory buyers, and I'm always open to
> practical buying advice.

New CPU products drive down other prices.
Same deal with GPU.

Memory prices fluctuate far more radically.
Usually based on raw material supply more than anything.
Although fab capacity and longer-term demand are also

But virtually _nothing_ is due to short-term demand
With the exception of initial product launch.

Bryan J. Smith                | Sent from Yahoo Mail
mailto:b.j.smith at     |  (please excuse any |   missing headers)

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