generating 32-bit RPM's

Joshua Jensen joshua at
Fri Sep 9 18:08:30 UTC 2005

On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 11:52:20AM -0500, Jonathan Berry wrote:
> I don't know about the "almost no RPMs do."  Almost all RPMs are built
> for multiple architectures.

You don't need multiple %ifarch statements to build a package for both 
arches... so long as you are building them *natively on those 
platforms*.  You need nothing special to get gcc to assume 64bits on a 
64 bit platform. You need lots of special considerations though to 
recompile for a platform that *isn't* native.  I've worked with a ton of 
packages (even recompiled every single RPM in RHEL3), and besides 
openssl, the kernel, and the glibc packages, there is nothing there to 
support --target.

> > have to have a *cross compiler* installed on your x86_64 platform.  I
> > don't know that -m32 does all that you need.
> But, 32-bit and 64-bit are both x86.  It's not like he's trying to
> compile for SPARC or PowerPC here, which *would* need a
> cross-compiler.  See below.

No they aren't.  A 32 bit binary is very very different than a 64bit 
one.  Sure, the machine code from IA32 looks more similar to x86-64 code 
than say 64bit PPC, but it isn't the same and they should be considered 
completely seperate archs.

Joshua Jensen
joshua at
"If God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?"

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