[Ansible-service-broker] Kubernetes apbs

Ryan Hallisey rhallise at redhat.com
Wed Dec 6 14:33:11 UTC 2017


I put together a pull request documenting the pattern for creating
apbs on kubernetes and openshift [1].  If you want to see it in code,
the relevant pull requests are [2][3][4].

A short summary of how this works - The broker is going to pass in the
'cluster' it's running on as an extravar to the apb.  Then, the apb is
then going to run either the playbook: 'kubernetes' or 'openshift'.

If anyone wants to help getting this kubernetes work finished, I'll
need some reviews on the pull requests below and I'll need some help
adding Kubernetes playbooks to all the apbs we currently have.


[1] - https://github.com/ansibleplaybookbundle/ansible-playbook-bundle/pull/171
[2] - https://github.com/ansibleplaybookbundle/mediawiki-apb/pull/17
[3] - https://github.com/ansibleplaybookbundle/postgresql-apb/pull/23
[4] - https://github.com/openshift/ansible-service-broker/pull/577

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