[augeas-devel] Rewriting inifile.aug

Raphaël Pinson raphink at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 09:56:34 UTC 2008

Hi there,

As I'm playing with inifile.aug and applying it to php.aug, mysql.aug and
dput.aug, I find so many different configurations that inifile.aug gets very
complicated to my taste. Since functions in lenses cannot take defaults, I
end up defining lots of them to set more or less variables. I would like to
really simplify inifile.aug. This might mean making the lenses that use it a
bit more complicated, but also clearer.

Here is my proposal. Comments are very welcome:

Writing a generic INI file using inifile.aug would look like this :

let comment_re      = /[;#]/
let comment_default = ";"
let comment         = IniFile.comment comment_re comment_default

let empty           = IniFile.empty comment_re

let sep_re          = /[:=]/
let sep_default     = "="
let sep             = IniFile.sep sep_re sep_default

(* IniFile.entry_re  = ( /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\._-]+/ - /#comment/ ) *)
let entry_re        = IniFile.entry_re
let entry            = IniFile.entry entry_re sep comment

(* IniFile.record_re = ( /[^]\n\/]+/ - /#comment/ ) *)
let record_re      = IniFile.record_re
let record          = IniFile.record record_re entry comment empty

let lns             = IniFile.lns record comment

This would be a bit longer than it is currently, but much clearer, too.

The values taken by the setting fields would be:

comment_re        := ";"| "#" | /[;#]/
comment_default := ";" | "#"

sep_re                 := ":" | "=" | /[:=]/
sep_default          := ";" | "="

entry_re               := IniFile.entry_re | your_own_re

record_re             := IniFile.record_re | your_own_re

Other values for these fields could not be certified to work properly.

Default values provided:

IniFile.comment_re        = /[;#]/
IniFile.comment_default = ";"
IniFile.sep_re                = /[:=]/
IniFile.sep_default         = "="
IniFile.entry_re              = ( /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\._-]+/ - /#comment/ )
IniFile.record_re            = ( /[^]\n\/]+/ - /#comment/ )

Additionally, IniFile.record_noempty and IniFile.lns_noempty would be
provided, since I don't know how to deal with these.

Another example, with dput.aug :


let comment  = IniFile.comment IniFile.comment_re IniFile.comment_default
let empty      = IniFile.empty IniFile.comment_re

let sep          = IniFile.sep IniFile.sep_re IniFile.set_default

let setting = "allow_non-us_software"
               | "allow_unsigned_uploads"
               | "check_version"
               | "default_host_main"
               | "default_host_non-us"
               | "fqdn"
               | "hash"
               | "incoming"
               | "login"
               | "method"
               | "passive_ftp"
               | "post_upload_command"
               | "pre_upload_command"
               | "progress_indicator"
               | "run_dinstall"
               | "run_lintian"
               | "scp_compress"
               | "ssh_config_options"
let entry = IniFile.entry setting sep comment

let record  = IniFile.record IniFile.record_re entry comment empty

let lns    = IniFile.lns record comment

It is obviously longer than the current format, but also much clearer on
what is accepted and what is not. Alternatively, this is php.aug:


let comment  = IniFile.comment IniFile.comment_re IniFile.comment_default
let empty      = IniFile.empty IniFile.comment_re
let eol          = IniFile.eol

let sep          = IniFile.sep IniFile.sep_re IniFile.set_default

  We have to remove the keyword "section" from possible entry keywords
  otherwise it would lead to an ambiguity with the "section" label
  since PHP allows entries outside of sections.
let entry_re  = ( /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\._-]+/ - /#comment/ - /section/ )
let entry = IniFile.entry entry_re sep comment

let title
           = label "section"
             .Util.del_str "[" . store /[^]]+/
             . Util.del_str "]". eol

let record = [ title_label
             . (entry | comment | empty)* ]

let lns    = ( comment | empty | entry )* . record*

Any thoughts on this ?

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