[augeas-devel] ANNOUNCE: ruby-augeas 0.2.0

David Lutterkort lutter at redhat.com
Wed Aug 27 02:13:01 UTC 2008

I am pleased to announce the availability of version 0.2.0 if the Ruby
bindings for Augeas.

There are really only two changes in this version:

     1. aug_close can now be called explicitly so that the memory
        associated with an Augeas handle is released sooner than on the
        next gc run
     2. A binding for the new aug_mv call (added in Augeas 0.3.0) to
        move subtrees around

Download: http://augeas.net/download/ruby/
Sources: http://hg.et.redhat.com/misc/ruby-augeas
Additional info: http://augeas.net/download.html

Packages for Fedora are making their way through the build system. 

Is anybody interested in getting ruby-augeas into Debian and/or Ubuntu ?
That would be a great help for people trying to use Augeas from puppet.


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