[augeas-devel] language bindings

Dominique Dumont dominique.dumont at hp.com
Thu Jun 5 10:43:01 UTC 2008

Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont at hp.com> writes:

> Harald Hoyer <harald at redhat.com> writes:
>> If you wish more language bindings, just raise your voice.
> If you have time, Perl bindings for Augeas would be welcome.
> If not, I'll probably end up creating them (but not before June or
> July).

Since Harald did not reply, I've begun working on Perl bindings.
The actual bindings will be done with Inline::C.

It will feature an OO API with named parameters to facilate the usage.

For instance:

use Config::Augeas ;

my $aug = Config::Augeas->new( root => '/etc',
                               loadpath => '/usr/local/share/augeas/lenses/') ;

The $aug object will keep track of the C augeas* structure.

I'll get back to you when I get a better idea of the Perl API for
Augeas for the other functions.


Dominique Dumont 
"Delivering successful solutions requires giving people what they
need, not what they want." Kurt Bittner

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