[augeas-devel] Adding new lenses

David Lutterkort dlutter at redhat.com
Fri Mar 14 17:03:45 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-03-14 at 12:50 -0400, Bryan Kearney wrote:
> I tend to see both.

I agree that both uses are useful.

> However, to achieve that I think it would be nice to have lense "types". 
>   For example
> foo.properties
> bar.properties
> JarJar.properties
> all fllow the same structure. I would love for this to be one lens.
>   Or.. three files with an "is_a" relationship to a single grammer.

You can do that already: you can write a properties.aug file that just
has a grammar for Java properties files,
        grammar properties

and the files foo-properties.aug, bar-properties.aug, ... that just have
a 'map' statement that applies that grammar

          grammar properties
          include '/some/path/foo.properties' '/some/where/foo'

or stick everything in one file; Augeas loads all *.aug files on
AUGEAS_SPEC_LIB and reads their grammars before it goes through the map
statements. Therefore, the order in which they are defined (or in which
files) does not matter.


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