[augeas-devel] [PATCH 2 of 6] Adapt sudoers.aug for NaturalDocs parsing

Raphael Pinson raphink at gmail.com
Tue Sep 9 09:52:44 UTC 2008

# HG changeset patch
# User Raphael Pinson <raphink at gmail.com>
# Date 1220952400 -7200
# Node ID e3d8cc4c6ce8a63ae93e7fcefd412bd7cc4bda30
# Parent  1281f65e4bd783475e056257c8c9569f352f5677
Adapt sudoers.aug for NaturalDocs parsing

diff -r 1281f65e4bd7 -r e3d8cc4c6ce8 lenses/sudoers.aug
--- a/lenses/sudoers.aug	Tue Sep 09 11:15:46 2008 +0200
+++ b/lenses/sudoers.aug	Tue Sep 09 11:26:40 2008 +0200
@@ -1,20 +1,41 @@
-(* Sudoers module for Augeas                  
- Author: Raphael Pinson <raphink at gmail.com> 
+Module: Sudoers
+  Parses /etc/sudoers     
+Author: Raphael Pinson <raphink at gmail.com> 
- Reference: `man sudoers`                   
- This lens tries to keep as close as possible to `man sudoers` where possible. 
- For example, recursive definitions such as:
-     Cmnd_Spec_List ::= Cmnd_Spec |
-                        Cmnd_Spec ',' Cmnd_Spec_List
- are replaced by 
-     let cmnd_spec_list = cmnd_spec . ( sep_com . cmnd_spec )*     
- since Augeas cannot deal with recursive definitions.
- The definitions from `man sudoers` are put as commentaries for reference
- throughout the file. More information can be found in the manual.
+About: Reference
+  This lens tries to keep as close as possible to `man sudoers` where possible.
+For example, recursive definitions such as
+     > Cmnd_Spec_List ::= Cmnd_Spec |
+     >                    Cmnd_Spec ',' Cmnd_Spec_List
+are replaced by
+  >   let cmnd_spec_list = cmnd_spec . ( sep_com . cmnd_spec )*
+since Augeas cannot deal with recursive definitions.
+The definitions from `man sudoers` are put as commentaries for reference
+throughout the file. More information can be found in the manual.
+About: License
+  This file is licensed under the GPL.
+About: Lens Usage
+  Sample usage of this lens in augtool
+    * Set first Defaults to apply to the "LOCALNET" network alias
+      > set /files/etc/sudoers/Defaults[1]/type "@LOCALNET"
+    * List all user specifications applying explicitely to the "admin" Unix group
+      > match /files/etc/sudoers/spec/user "%admin"
+    * Remove the full 3rd user specification
+      > rm /files/etc/sudoers/spec[3]
+About: Configuration files
+  This lens applies to /etc/sudoers. See <filter>.
@@ -23,177 +44,304 @@ module Sudoers =
   autoload xfm
- *                           USEFUL PRIMITIVES
- *************************************************************************)
+ * Group:                 USEFUL PRIMITIVES
+ *************************************************************************)
+(* Group: Generic primitives *)
+(* Variable: eol *)
 let eol       = del /[ \t]*\n/ "\n"
+(* Variable: indent *)
 let indent    = del /[ \t]*/ ""
-(* Define separators *)
-let sep_spc  = del /[ \t]+/ " " 
+(* Group: Separators *)
+(* Variable: sep_spc *)
+let sep_spc  = del /[ \t]+/ " "
+(* Variable: sep_cont *)
 let sep_cont = del /([ \t]+|[ \t]*\\\\\n[ \t]*)/ " "
+(* Variable: sep_conf_opt *)
 let sep_cont_opt = del /([ \t]*|[ \t]*\\\\\n[ \t]*)/ " "
+(* Variable: sep_com *)
 let sep_com  = sep_cont_opt . Util.del_str "," . sep_cont_opt
+(* Variable: sep_eq *)
 let sep_eq   = sep_cont_opt . Util.del_str "=" . sep_cont_opt
+(* Variable: sep_col *)
 let sep_col  = sep_cont_opt . Util.del_str ":" . sep_cont_opt
-(* Define fields *)
+(* Group: Stores *)
+(* Variable: sto_to_com_cmnd
+sto_to_com_cmnd does not begin or end with a space
+TODO: there could be a \ in the middle of a command... *)
 let sto_to_com_cmnd = store /([^,=:#() \t\n\\\\][^,=:#()\n\\\\]*[^,=:#() \t\n\\\\])|[^,=:#() \t\n\\\\]/
+(* Variable: sto_to_com *)
 let sto_to_com      = store /[^,=:#() \t\n\\\\]+/
-(* sto_to_com does not begin or end with a space *)
-(* TODO: there could be a \ in the middle of a command... *)
-let sto_to_com_user = store ( /[^,=:#() \t\n]+/ 
+(* Variable: sto_to_com_user *)
+let sto_to_com_user = store ( /[^,=:#() \t\n]+/
                               - /(User|Runas|Host|Cmnd)_Alias|Defaults.*/ )
+(* Variable: sto_to_eq *)
 let sto_to_eq  = store /[^,=:#() \t\n\\\\]+/
+(* Variable: sto_to_spc *)
 let sto_to_spc = store /[^() \t\n\\\\]+/
-(* define comments and empty lines *)
-let comment = 
+(* Group: Comments and empty lines *)
+(* View: comment
+Map comments in "#comment" nodes *)
+let comment =
   let sto_to_eol = store /([^ \t\n].*[^ \t\n]|[^ \t\n])/ in
   [ label "comment" . del /[ \t]*#[ \t]*/ "# " . sto_to_eol . eol ]
+(* View: empty
+Map empty lines *)
 let empty   = [ del /[ \t]*#?[ \t]*\n/ "\n" ]
- *                                     ALIASES
- *************************************************************************)
- *   User_Alias ::= NAME '=' User_List
- *   Runas_Alias ::= NAME '=' Runas_List
- *   Host_Alias ::= NAME '=' Host_List
- *   Cmnd_Alias ::= NAME '=' Cmnd_List
+ * Group:                                    ALIASES
+ *************************************************************************)
+ * View: alias_field
+ *   Generic alias field to gather all Alias definitions
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > User_Alias ::= NAME '=' User_List
+ *     > Runas_Alias ::= NAME '=' Runas_List
+ *     > Host_Alias ::= NAME '=' Host_List
+ *     > Cmnd_Alias ::= NAME '=' Cmnd_List
+ *
+ *   Parameters:
+ *     kw:string - the label string
+ *     sto:lens  - the store lens
 let alias_field (kw:string) (sto:lens) = [ label kw . sto ]
-let alias_list  (kw:string) (sto:lens) = 
+(* View: alias_list
+     List of <alias_fields>, separated by commas *)
+let alias_list  (kw:string) (sto:lens) =
   alias_field kw sto . ( sep_com . alias_field kw sto )*
- *  NAME ::= [A-Z]([A-Z][0-9]_)*
+ * View: alias_name
+ *   Name of an <alias_entry_single>
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > NAME ::= [A-Z]([A-Z][0-9]_)*
 let alias_name
     = [ label "name" . store /[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*/ ]
- *  Alias_Type NAME = item1, item2, ... 
+ * View: alias_entry_single
+ *   Single <alias_entry>, named using <alias_name> and listing <alias_list>
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > Alias_Type NAME = item1, item2, ...
+ *
+ *   Parameters:
+ *     field:string - the field name, passed to <alias_list>
+ *     sto:lens     - the store lens, passed to <alias_list>
 let alias_entry_single (field:string) (sto:lens)
     = [ label "alias" . alias_name . sep_eq . alias_list field sto ]
- *  Alias_Type NAME = item1, item2, item3 : NAME = item4, item5
+ * View: alias_entry
+ *   Alias entry, a list of comma-separated <alias_entry_single> fields
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > Alias_Type NAME = item1, item2, item3 : NAME = item4, item5
+ *
+ *   Parameters:
+ *     kw:string    - the alias keyword string
+ *     field:string - the field name, passed to <alias_entry_single>
+ *     sto:lens     - the store lens, passed to <alias_entry_single>
 let alias_entry (kw:string) (field:string) (sto:lens)
     = [ indent . key kw . sep_cont . alias_entry_single field sto
           . ( sep_col . alias_entry_single field sto )* . eol ]
 (* TODO: go further in user definitions *)
+(* View: user_alias
+     User_Alias, see <alias_field> *)
 let user_alias  = alias_entry "User_Alias" "user" sto_to_com
+(* View: runas_alias
+     Run_Alias, see <alias_field> *)
 let runas_alias = alias_entry "Runas_Alias" "runas_user" sto_to_com
+(* View: host_alias
+     Host_Alias, see <alias_field> *)
 let host_alias  = alias_entry "Host_Alias" "host" sto_to_com
+(* View: cmnd_alias
+     Cmnd_Alias, see <alias_field> *)
 let cmnd_alias  = alias_entry "Cmnd_Alias" "command" sto_to_com_cmnd
- *  Alias ::= 'User_Alias'  User_Alias (':' User_Alias)* |
- *            'Runas_Alias' Runas_Alias (':' Runas_Alias)* |
- *            'Host_Alias'  Host_Alias (':' Host_Alias)* |
- *            'Cmnd_Alias'  Cmnd_Alias (':' Cmnd_Alias)*
+ * View: alias
+ *   Every kind of Alias entry,
+ *     see <user_alias>, <runas_alias>, <host_alias> and <cmnd_alias>
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > Alias ::= 'User_Alias'  User_Alias (':' User_Alias)* |
+ *     >           'Runas_Alias' Runas_Alias (':' Runas_Alias)* |
+ *     >           'Host_Alias'  Host_Alias (':' Host_Alias)* |
+ *     >           'Cmnd_Alias'  Cmnd_Alias (':' Cmnd_Alias)*
 let alias = user_alias | runas_alias | host_alias | cmnd_alias
- *                                 DEFAULTS
- *************************************************************************)
- *  Default_Type ::= 'Defaults' |
- *                   'Defaults' '@' Host_List |
- *                   'Defaults' ':' User_List |
- *                   'Defaults' '>' Runas_List
- *************************************************************************)
-let default_type     = 
+ * Group:                          DEFAULTS
+ *************************************************************************)
+ * View: default_type
+ *   Type definition for <defaults>
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > Default_Type ::= 'Defaults' |
+ *     >                  'Defaults' '@' Host_List |
+ *     >                  'Defaults' ':' User_List |
+ *     >                  'Defaults' '>' Runas_List
+ *************************************************************************)
+let default_type     =
   let value = store /[@:>][^ \t\n\\\\]+/ in
   [ label "type" . value ]
- *  Parameter ::= Parameter '=' Value |
- *                Parameter '+=' Value |
- *                Parameter '-=' Value |
- *                '!'* Parameter
- *************************************************************************)
-let parameter        = 
+ * View: parameter
+ *   A single parameter for <defaults>
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > Parameter ::= Parameter '=' Value |
+ *     >               Parameter '+=' Value |
+ *     >               Parameter '-=' Value |
+ *     >               '!'* Parameter
+ *************************************************************************)
+let parameter        =
   let value = /([^,:= \t\n\\\\][^,\n\\\\]*[^, \t\n\\\\])|[^,:= \t\n\\\\]/ in
   [ label "parameter" . store value ]
- *  Parameter_List ::= Parameter |
- *                     Parameter ',' Parameter_List
+ * View: paramater_list
+ *   A list of comma-separated <parameters> for <defaults>
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > Parameter_List ::= Parameter |
+ *     >                    Parameter ',' Parameter_List
 let parameter_list   = parameter . ( sep_com . parameter )*
- *  Default_Entry ::= Default_Type Parameter_List
- *************************************************************************)
-let defaults = [ indent . key "Defaults" . default_type? . sep_cont 
+ * View: defaults
+ *   A Defaults entry
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > Default_Entry ::= Default_Type Parameter_List
+ *************************************************************************)
+let defaults = [ indent . key "Defaults" . default_type? . sep_cont
                    . parameter_list . eol ]
- *                              USER SPECIFICATION 
- *************************************************************************)
- *  Runas_Spec ::= '(' Runas_List ')'
- *************************************************************************)
-let runas_spec = Util.del_str "(" . alias_list "runas_user" sto_to_com 
+ * Group:                     USER SPECIFICATION
+ *************************************************************************)
+ * View: runas_spec
+ *   A runas specification for <spec>, using <alias_list>
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > Runas_Spec ::= '(' Runas_List ')'
+ *************************************************************************)
+let runas_spec = Util.del_str "(" . alias_list "runas_user" sto_to_com
     . Util.del_str ")" . sep_cont_opt
- * Tag_Spec ::= ('NOPASSWD:' | 'PASSWD:' | 'NOEXEC:' | 'EXEC:' |
- *              'SETENV:' | 'NOSETENV:')
+ * View: tag_spec
+ *   Tag specification for <spec>
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > Tag_Spec ::= ('NOPASSWD:' | 'PASSWD:' | 'NOEXEC:' | 'EXEC:' |
+ *     >              'SETENV:' | 'NOSETENV:')
 let tag_spec   =
   [ label "tag" . store /(NO)?(PASSWD|EXEC|SETENV)/ . sep_col ]
- *  Cmnd_Spec ::= Runas_Spec? Tag_Spec* Cmnd
+ * View: cmnd_spec
+ *   Command specification for <spec>,
+ *     with optional <runas_spec> and any amount of <tag_specs>
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > Cmnd_Spec ::= Runas_Spec? Tag_Spec* Cmnd
 let cmnd_spec  =
   [ label "command" .  runas_spec? . tag_spec* . sto_to_com_cmnd ]
- * Cmnd_Spec_List ::= Cmnd_Spec |
- *                    Cmnd_Spec ',' Cmnd_Spec_List
+ * View: cmnd_spec_list
+ *   A list of comma-separated <cmnd_specs>
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > Cmnd_Spec_List ::= Cmnd_Spec |
+ *     >                    Cmnd_Spec ',' Cmnd_Spec_List
 let cmnd_spec_list = cmnd_spec . ( sep_com . cmnd_spec )*
- * User_Spec ::= User_List Host_List '=' Cmnd_Spec_List \
- *               (':' Host_List '=' Cmnd_Spec_List)*
- *************************************************************************)
-let spec_list = [ label "host_group" . alias_list "host" sto_to_com 
+ * View: spec_list
+ *   Group of hosts with <cmnd_spec_list>
+ *************************************************************************)
+let spec_list = [ label "host_group" . alias_list "host" sto_to_com
                     . sep_eq . cmnd_spec_list ]
+ * View: spec
+ *   A user specification, listing colon-separated <spec_lists>
+ *
+ *   Definition:
+ *     > User_Spec ::= User_List Host_List '=' Cmnd_Spec_List \
+ *     >               (':' Host_List '=' Cmnd_Spec_List)*
+ *************************************************************************)
 let spec = [ label "spec" . indent
                . alias_list "user" sto_to_com_user . sep_cont
                . spec_list
-    	       . ( sep_col . spec_list )* . eol ]
- *                              LENS & FILTER
- *************************************************************************)
+               . ( sep_col . spec_list )* . eol ]
+ * Group:                        LENS & FILTER
+ *************************************************************************)
+(* View: lns
+     The sudoers lens, any amount of
+       * <empty> lines
+       * <comments>
+       * <aliases>
+       * <defaults>
+       * <specs>
 let lns = ( empty | comment | alias | defaults | spec  )*
+(* Variable: filter *)
 let filter = (incl "/etc/sudoers")
     . Util.stdexcl
 let xfm = transform lns filter

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