[augeas-devel] augeas: master - Earley parser based on Jim/Mandelbaum's transducers

David Lutterkort lutter at fedoraproject.org
Fri Jan 15 01:31:30 UTC 2010

Gitweb:        http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/augeas.git?p=augeas.git;a=commitdiff;h=e1b404516e614ff01bf7e5a86f4481156b069740
Commit:        e1b404516e614ff01bf7e5a86f4481156b069740
Parent:        841eb40bd79d878bb7d5a95dc98d6acfd89178cc
Author:        David Lutterkort <lutter at redhat.com>
AuthorDate:    Fri Oct 9 10:02:18 2009 -0700
Committer:     David Lutterkort <lutter at redhat.com>
CommitterDate: Thu Jan 14 14:48:38 2010 -0800

Earley parser based on Jim/Mandelbaum's transducers

 src/Makefile.am |    2 +-
 src/jmt.c       | 1796 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/jmt.h       |   72 +++
 3 files changed, 1869 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 8b8a524..adfd9bf 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ libaugeas_la_SOURCES = augeas.h augeas.c pathx.c \
 	memory.h memory.c ref.h ref.c \
     syntax.c syntax.h parser.y builtin.c lens.c lens.h regexp.c regexp.h \
 	transform.h transform.c ast.c get.c put.c list.h \
-    info.c info.h errcode.c errcode.h
+    info.c info.h errcode.c errcode.h jmt.h jmt.c
   AUGEAS_VERSION_SCRIPT = $(VERSION_SCRIPT_FLAGS)$(srcdir)/augeas_sym.version
diff --git a/src/jmt.c b/src/jmt.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acc110c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jmt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1796 @@
+ * jmt.c: Earley parser for lenses based on Jim/Mandelbaum transducers
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
+ *
+ * Author: David Lutterkort <lutter at redhat.com>
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "jmt.h"
+#include "internal.h"
+#include "memory.h"
+#include "errcode.h"
+/* This is an implementation of the Earley parser described in the paper
+ * "Efficient Earley Parsing with Regular Right-hand Sides" by Trever Jim
+ * and Yitzhak Mandelbaum.
+ *
+ * Since we only deal in lenses, they are both terminals and nonterminals:
+ * recursive lenses (those with lens->recursive set) are nonterminals, and
+ * non-recursive lenses are terminals, with the exception of non-recursive
+ * lenses that match the empty word. Lenses are also the semantic actions
+ * attached to a SCAN or COMPLETE during recosntruction of the parse
+ * tree. Our SCAN makes sure that we only ever scan nonempty words - that
+ * means that for nonrecursive lenses which match the empty word (e.g., del
+ * [ \t]* "") we need to make sure we get a COMPLETE when the lens matched
+ * the empty word.
+ *
+ * That is achieved by treating such a lens t as the construct (t|T) with
+ * T := eps.
+ */
+ * Data structures for the Jim/Mandelbaum parser
+ */
+#define IND_MAX UINT32_MAX
+struct array {
+    size_t elem_size;
+    ind_t used;
+    ind_t size;
+    void *data;
+#define array_elem(arr, ind, typ)                               \
+    (((typ *) (arr).data) + ind)
+#define array_for_each(i, arr)                                  \
+    for(ind_t i = 0; i < (arr).used; i++)
+#define array_each_elem(elt, arr, typ)                          \
+    for(typ *elt = (typ *) (arr).data + 0;                      \
+        elt - (typ *) (arr).data < (arr).used;                  \
+        elt++)
+static void array_init(struct array *arr, size_t elem_size) {
+    MEMZERO(arr, 1);
+    arr->elem_size = elem_size;
+static int array_add(struct array *arr, ind_t *ind) {
+    if (arr->used >= arr->size) {
+        int r;
+        ind_t expand = arr->size;
+        if (expand < 8)
+            expand = 8;
+        r = mem_realloc_n(&(arr->data), arr->elem_size, arr->size + expand);
+        if (r < 0)
+            return -1;
+        memset((char *) arr->data + arr->elem_size*arr->size, 0,
+               arr->elem_size * expand);
+        arr->size += expand;
+    }
+    *ind = arr->used;
+    arr->used += 1;
+    return 0;
+/* Insert a new entry into the array at index IND. Shift all entries from
+ * IND on back by one. */
+static int array_insert(struct array *arr, ind_t ind) {
+    ind_t last;
+    if (array_add(arr, &last) < 0)
+        return -1;
+    if (ind >= last)
+        return 0;
+    memmove((char *) arr->data + arr->elem_size*(ind+1),
+            (char *) arr->data + arr->elem_size*ind,
+            arr->elem_size * (arr->used - ind - 1));
+    memset((char *) arr->data + arr->elem_size*ind, 0, arr->elem_size);
+    return 0;
+static void array_release(struct array *arr) {
+    if (arr != NULL)
+        free(arr->data);
+    arr->used = arr->size = 0;
+static void array_remove(struct array *arr, ind_t ind) {
+    char *data = arr->data;
+    memmove(data + ind * arr->elem_size,
+            data + (ind + 1) * arr->elem_size,
+            (arr->used - ind - 1) * arr->elem_size);
+    arr->used -= 1;
+static int array_join(struct array *dst, struct array *src) {
+    int r;
+    if (dst->elem_size != src->elem_size)
+        return -1;
+    r = mem_realloc_n(&(dst->data), dst->elem_size,
+                      dst->used + src->used);
+    if (r < 0)
+        return -1;
+    memcpy(((char *) dst->data) + dst->used * dst->elem_size,
+           src->data,
+           src->used * src->elem_size);
+    dst->used += src->used;
+    dst->size = dst->used;
+    return 0;
+/* Special lens indices - these don't reference lenses, but
+ * some pseudo actions. We stash them at the top of the range
+ * of IND_T, with LENS_MAX giving us the maximal lens index for
+ * a real lens
+ */
+enum trans_op {
+    EPS = IND_MAX,
+    CALL = EPS - 1,
+    LENS_MAX = CALL - 1
+struct trans {
+    struct state *to;
+    ind_t lens;
+struct state {
+    struct state *next;      /* Linked list for memory management */
+    struct array trans;      /* Array of struct trans */
+    ind_t  nret;             /* Number of returned lenses */
+    ind_t  *ret;             /* The returned lenses */
+    ind_t  num;              /* Counter for num of new states */
+    unsigned int reachable : 1;
+    unsigned int live : 1;
+/* Sets of states used in determinizing the NFA to a DFA */
+struct nfa_state {
+    struct state *state;  /* The new state in the DFA */
+    struct array     set; /* Set of (struct state *) in the NFA, sorted */
+/* For recursive lenses (nonterminals), the mapping of nonterminal to
+ * state. We also store nonrecursive lenses here; in that case, the state
+ * will be NULL */
+struct jmt_lens {
+    struct lens  *lens;
+    struct state *state;
+/* A Jim/Mandelbaum transducer */
+struct jmt {
+    struct error *error;
+    struct array lenses;       /* Array of struct jmt_lens */
+    struct state *start;
+    ind_t  lens;               /* The start symbol of the grammar */
+    ind_t  state_count;
+enum item_reason {
+    R_ROOT = 0,
+    R_COMPLETE = 1 << 1,
+    R_PREDICT = 1 << 2,
+    R_SCAN = 1 << 3
+/* The reason an item was added for parse reconstruction; can be R_SCAN,
+struct link {
+    enum item_reason reason;
+    ind_t            lens;       /* R_COMPLETE, R_SCAN */
+    ind_t            from_set;   /* R_COMPLETE, R_PREDICT, R_SCAN */
+    ind_t            from_item;  /* R_COMPLETE, R_PREDICT, R_SCAN */
+    ind_t            to_item;    /* R_COMPLETE */
+struct item {
+    /* The 'classical' Earley item (state, parent) */
+    struct state    *state;
+    ind_t            parent;
+    /* Backlinks to why item was added */
+    ind_t            nlinks;
+    struct link     *links;
+struct item_set {
+    struct array items;
+struct jmt_parse {
+    struct jmt       *jmt;
+    struct error     *error;
+    const char       *text;
+    ind_t             nsets;
+    struct item_set **sets;
+#define for_each_item(it, set)                                  \
+    array_each_elem(it, (set)->items, struct item)
+#define for_each_trans(t, s)                                    \
+    array_each_elem(t, (s)->trans, struct trans)
+#define parse_state(parse, ind)                                 \
+    array_elem(parse->states, ind, struct state)
+static struct item *set_item(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t set,
+                                 ind_t item) {
+    ensure(parse->sets[set] != NULL, parse);
+    ensure(item < parse->sets[set]->items.used, parse);
+    return array_elem(parse->sets[set]->items, item, struct item);
+ error:
+    return NULL;
+static struct state *item_state(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t set,
+                                    ind_t item) {
+    return set_item(parse, set, item)->state;
+static struct trans *state_trans(struct state *state, ind_t t) {
+    return array_elem(state->trans, t, struct trans);
+static ind_t item_parent(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t set, ind_t item) {
+    return set_item(parse, set, item)->parent;
+static bool is_return(const struct state *s) {
+    return s->nret > 0;
+static struct lens *lens_of_parse(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t lens) {
+    return array_elem(parse->jmt->lenses, lens, struct jmt_lens)->lens;
+ * The parser
+ */
+ * Manipulate the Earley graph. We denote edges in the graph as
+ *   [j, (s,i)] -> [k, item_k] => [l, item_l]
+ * to indicate that we are adding item (s,i) to E_j and record that its
+ * child is the item with index item_k in E_k and its sibling is item
+ * item_l in E_l.
+ */
+/* Add item (s, k) to E_j. Note that the item was caused by action reason
+ * using lens starting at from_item in E_{from_set}
+ *
+ * [j, (s,k)] -> [from_set, from_item] => [j, to_item]
+ */
+static ind_t parse_add_item(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t j,
+                            struct state *s, ind_t k,
+                            enum item_reason reason, ind_t lens,
+                            ind_t from_set,
+                            ind_t from_item, ind_t to_item) {
+    ensure(from_item == EPS || from_item < parse->sets[from_set]->items.used,
+           parse);
+    ensure(to_item == EPS || to_item < parse->sets[j]->items.used,
+           parse);
+    int r;
+    struct item_set *set = parse->sets[j];
+    struct item *item = NULL;
+    ind_t result = IND_MAX;
+    if (set == NULL) {
+        r = ALLOC(parse->sets[j]);
+        ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, parse);
+        array_init(&parse->sets[j]->items, sizeof(struct item));
+        set = parse->sets[j];
+    }
+    for (ind_t i=0; i < set->items.used; i++) {
+        if (item_state(parse, j, i) == s
+            && item_parent(parse, j, i) == k) {
+            result = i;
+            item = set_item(parse, j, i);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (result == IND_MAX) {
+        r = array_add(&set->items, &result);
+        ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, parse);
+        item = set_item(parse, j, result);
+        item->state = s;
+        item->parent = k;
+    }
+    for (ind_t i = 0; i < item->nlinks; i++) {
+        struct link *lnk = item->links + i;
+        if (lnk->reason == reason && lnk->lens == lens
+            && lnk->from_set == from_set && lnk->from_item == from_item
+            && lnk->to_item == to_item)
+            return result;
+    }
+    r = REALLOC_N(item->links, item->nlinks + 1);
+    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, parse);
+    struct link *lnk = item->links+ item->nlinks;
+    item->nlinks += 1;
+    lnk->reason = reason;
+    lnk->lens = lens;
+    lnk->from_set = from_set;
+    lnk->from_item = from_item;
+    lnk->to_item = to_item;
+ error:
+    return result;
+/* Add item (s, i) to set E_j and record that it was added because
+ * a parse of nonterminal lens, starting at itemk in E_k, was completed
+ * by item item in E_j
+ *
+ * [j, (s,i)] -> [j, item] => [k, itemk]
+ */
+static void parse_add_complete(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t j,
+                               struct state *s, ind_t i,
+                               ind_t k, ind_t itemk,
+                               ind_t lens,
+                               ind_t item) {
+    parse_add_item(parse, j, s, i, R_COMPLETE, lens, k, itemk, item);
+/* Same as parse_add_complete, but mark the item also as a predict
+ *
+ * [j, (s,i)] -> [j, item] => [k, itemk]
+ */
+static void parse_add_predict_complete(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t j,
+                                       struct state *s, ind_t i,
+                                       ind_t k, ind_t itemk,
+                                       ind_t lens,
+                                       ind_t item) {
+    parse_add_item(parse, j, s, i, R_COMPLETE|R_PREDICT,
+                   lens, k, itemk, item);
+/* Add item (s, j) to E_j and record that it was added because of a
+ * prediction from item from in E_j
+ */
+static ind_t parse_add_predict(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t j,
+                               struct state *s, ind_t from) {
+    ensure(from < parse->sets[j]->items.used, parse);
+    return parse_add_item(parse, j, s, j, R_PREDICT, EPS, j, from, EPS);
+ error:
+    return IND_MAX;
+/* Add item (s,i) to E_j and record that it was added because of scanning
+ * with lens starting from item item in E_k.
+ *
+ * [j, (s,i)] -> [k, item]
+ */
+static void parse_add_scan(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t j,
+                           struct state *s, ind_t i,
+                           ind_t lens, ind_t k, ind_t item) {
+    ensure(item < parse->sets[k]->items.used, parse);
+    parse_add_item(parse, j, s, i, R_SCAN, lens, k, item, EPS);
+ error:
+    return;
+static bool is_complete(const struct link *lnk) {
+    return lnk->reason & R_COMPLETE;
+static bool is_predict(const struct link *lnk) {
+    return lnk->reason & R_PREDICT;
+static bool is_scan(const struct link *lnk) {
+    return lnk->reason & R_SCAN;
+static bool returns(const struct state *s, ind_t l) {
+    for (ind_t i = 0; i < s->nret; i++)
+        if (s->ret[i] == l)
+            return true;
+    return false;
+static void state_add_return(struct jmt *jmt, struct state *s, ind_t l) {
+    int r;
+    if (s == NULL || returns(s, l))
+        return;
+    r = REALLOC_N(s->ret, s->nret + 1);
+    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+    s->ret[s->nret] = l;
+    s->nret += 1;
+ error:
+    return;
+static void state_merge_returns(struct jmt *jmt, struct state *dst,
+                                const struct state *src) {
+    for (ind_t l = 0; l < src->nret; l++)
+        state_add_return(jmt, dst, src->ret[l]);
+static void nncomplete(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t j,
+                       struct state *t, ind_t k, ind_t item) {
+    for (ind_t itemk = 0; itemk < parse->sets[k]->items.used; itemk++) {
+        struct state *u = item_state(parse, k, itemk);
+        for_each_trans(y, u) {
+            if (returns(t, y->lens)) {
+                ind_t parent = item_parent(parse, k, itemk);
+                parse_add_complete(parse, j,
+                                   y->to, parent,
+                                   k, itemk, y->lens, item);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/* NCALLER for (t, i) in E_j, which has index item in E_j, and t -> s a
+ * call in the transducer and s a return. The item (s,j) has index pred in
+ * E_j
+ */
+static void ncaller(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t j, ind_t item,
+                    struct state *t, ind_t i, struct state *s, ind_t pred) {
+    for_each_trans(u, t) {
+        if (returns(s, u->lens)) {
+            /* [j, (u->to, i)] -> [j, pred] => [j, item] */
+            parse_add_predict_complete(parse, j,
+                                       u->to, i,
+                                       j, item, u->lens,
+                                       pred);
+        }
+    }
+/* NCALLEE for (t, parent) in E_j, which has index item in E_j, and t -> s
+ * a call in the transducer and s a return. The item (s,j) has index pred
+ * in E_j
+ */
+static void ncallee(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t j, ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED ind_t item,
+                    ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED struct state *t, ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED ind_t parent, struct state *s, ind_t pred) {
+    for_each_trans(u, s) {
+        if (returns(s, u->lens)) {
+            /* [j, (u->to, j)] -> [j, item] => [j, item] */
+            parse_add_predict_complete(parse, j,
+                                       u->to, j,
+                                       j, pred, u->lens,
+                                       pred);
+        }
+    }
+static struct jmt_parse *parse_init(struct jmt *jmt,
+                                    const char *text, size_t text_len) {
+    int r;
+    struct jmt_parse *parse;
+    r = ALLOC(parse);
+    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+    parse->jmt = jmt;
+    parse->error = jmt->error;
+    parse->text = text;
+    parse->nsets = text_len + 1;
+    r = ALLOC_N(parse->sets, parse->nsets);
+    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+    return parse;
+ error:
+    if (parse != NULL)
+        free(parse->sets);
+    free(parse);
+    return NULL;
+void jmt_free_parse(struct jmt_parse *parse) {
+    if (parse == NULL)
+        return;
+    for (int i=0; i < parse->nsets; i++) {
+        struct item_set *set = parse->sets[i];
+        if (set != NULL) {
+            array_each_elem(x, set->items, struct item)
+                free(x->links);
+            array_release(&set->items);
+            free(set);
+        }
+    }
+    free(parse->sets);
+    free(parse);
+static struct state *lens_state(struct jmt *jmt, ind_t l);
+static void flens(FILE *fp, ind_t l) {
+    if (l == 0)
+        fprintf(fp, "%c", 'S');
+    else if (l < 'S' - 'A')
+        fprintf(fp, "%c", 'A' + l - 1);
+    else if (l <= 'Z' - 'A')
+        fprintf(fp, "%c", 'A' + l);
+    else
+        fprintf(fp, "%u", l);
+static void parse_dot_link(FILE *fp, struct jmt_parse *parse,
+                           ind_t k, struct item *x, struct link *lnk) {
+    char *lens_label = NULL;
+    if (is_complete(lnk) || is_scan(lnk)) {
+        struct state *sA = lens_state(parse->jmt, lnk->lens);
+        int r;
+        if (sA == NULL)
+            r = xasprintf(&lens_label, "<%d>", lnk->lens);
+        else
+            r = xasprintf(&lens_label, "%d", lnk->lens);
+    }
+    fprintf(fp, "    n%d_%d_%d [ label = \"(%d, %d)\"];\n",
+            k, x->state->num, x->parent, x->state->num, x->parent);
+    if (is_complete(lnk)) {
+        struct item *y = set_item(parse, k, lnk->to_item);
+        const char *pred = is_predict(lnk) ? "p" : "";
+        fprintf(fp, "    n%d_%d_%d -> n%s%d_%d_%d [ style = dashed ];\n",
+                k, x->state->num, x->parent,
+                pred, k, y->state->num, y->parent);
+        if (is_predict(lnk)) {
+            fprintf(fp, "    n%s%d_%d_%d [ label = \"\" ];\n",
+                    pred, k, y->state->num, y->parent);
+            fprintf(fp, "    n%s%d_%d_%d -> n%d_%d_%d [ style = bold ];\n",
+                    pred, k, y->state->num, y->parent,
+                    k, y->state->num, y->parent);
+        }
+        y = set_item(parse, lnk->from_set, lnk->from_item);
+        fprintf(fp,
+                "    n%d_%d_%d -> n%d_%d_%d [ style = dashed, label = \"",
+                k, x->state->num, x->parent,
+                lnk->from_set, y->state->num, y->parent);
+        flens(fp, lnk->lens);
+        fprintf(fp, "\" ];\n");
+    } else if (is_scan(lnk)) {
+        struct item *y =
+            set_item(parse, lnk->from_set, lnk->from_item);
+        fprintf(fp,
+                "    n%d_%d_%d -> n%d_%d_%d [ label = \"",
+                k, x->state->num, x->parent,
+                lnk->from_set, y->state->num, y->parent);
+        for (ind_t i=lnk->from_set; i < k; i++)
+            fprintf(fp, "%c", parse->text[i]);
+        fprintf(fp, "\" ];\n");
+    } else if (is_predict(lnk)) {
+        struct item *y =
+            set_item(parse, lnk->from_set, lnk->from_item);
+        fprintf(fp,
+                "    n%d_%d_%d -> n%d_%d_%d [ style = bold ];\n",
+                k, x->state->num, x->parent,
+                lnk->from_set, y->state->num, y->parent);
+    }
+    free(lens_label);
+static void parse_dot(struct jmt_parse *parse, const char *fname) {
+    FILE *fp = debug_fopen("%s", fname);
+    if (fp == NULL)
+        return;
+    fprintf(fp, "digraph \"jmt_parse\" {\n");
+    fprintf(fp, "  rankdir = RL;\n");
+    for (int k=0; k < parse->nsets; k++) {
+        struct item_set *set = parse->sets[k];
+        if (set == NULL)
+            continue;
+        fprintf(fp, "  subgraph \"cluster_E_%d\" {\n", k);
+        fprintf(fp, "    rankdir=RL;\n    rank=same;\n");
+        fprintf(fp, "    title%d [ label=\"E%d\", shape=plaintext ]\n", k, k);
+        for_each_item(x, set) {
+            for (int i=0; i < x->nlinks; i++) {
+                struct link *lnk = x->links + i;
+                parse_dot_link(fp, parse, k, x, lnk);
+            }
+        }
+        fprintf(fp, "}\n");
+    }
+    fprintf(fp, "}\n");
+    fclose(fp);
+struct jmt_parse *
+jmt_parse(struct jmt *jmt, const char *text, size_t text_len)
+    struct jmt_parse *parse = NULL;
+    parse = parse_init(jmt, text, text_len);
+    ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    /* INIT */
+    parse_add_item(parse, 0, jmt->start, 0, R_ROOT, EPS, EPS, EPS, EPS);
+    /* NINIT */
+    if (is_return(jmt->start)) {
+        for_each_trans(x, jmt->start) {
+            if (returns(jmt->start, x->lens))
+                parse_add_predict_complete(parse, 0, x->to, 0,
+                                           0, 0, x->lens, 0);
+        }
+    }
+    for (int j=0; j <= text_len; j++) {
+        struct item_set *set = parse->sets[j];
+        if (set == NULL)
+            continue;
+        for (int item=0; item < set->items.used; item++) {
+            struct state *t = item_state(parse, j, item);
+            ind_t i = item_parent(parse, j, item);
+            if (is_return(t) && i != j) {
+                /* NNCOMPLETE */
+                nncomplete(parse, j, t, i, item);
+            }
+            for_each_trans(x, t) {
+                if (x->lens == CALL) {
+                    /* PREDICT */
+                    ind_t pred = parse_add_predict(parse, j, x->to, item);
+                    ERR_BAIL(parse);
+                    if (is_return(x->to)) {
+                        /* NCALLER */
+                        ncaller(parse, j, item, t, i, x->to, pred);
+                        /* NCALLEE */
+                        ncallee(parse, j, item, t, i, x->to, pred);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    int count;
+                    struct lens *lens = lens_of_parse(parse, x->lens);
+                    struct state *sA = lens_state(parse->jmt, x->lens);
+                    if (! lens->recursive && sA == NULL) {
+                        /* SCAN, terminal */
+                        // FIXME: We really need to find every k so that
+                        // text[j..k] matches lens->ctype, not just one
+                        count = regexp_match(lens->ctype, text, text_len, j, NULL);
+                        if (count > 0) {
+                            parse_add_scan(parse, j+count,
+                                           x->to, i,
+                                           x->lens, j, item);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (debugging("cf.jmt.parse"))
+        parse_dot(parse, "jmt_parse.dot");
+    return parse;
+ error:
+    jmt_free_parse(parse);
+    return NULL;
+ * Reconstruction of the parse tree
+ */
+static void
+build_nullable(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t pos,
+               struct jmt_visitor *visitor, struct lens *lens, int lvl) {
+    if (! lens->recursive) {
+        if (visitor->terminal != NULL) {
+            (*visitor->terminal)(lens, pos, pos, visitor->data);
+            ERR_BAIL(parse);
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (visitor->enter != NULL) {
+            (*visitor->enter)(lens, pos, pos, visitor->data);
+            ERR_BAIL(parse);
+        }
+        switch(lens->tag) {
+        case L_REC:
+            build_nullable(parse, pos, visitor, lens->body, lvl+1);
+            break;
+        case L_CONCAT:
+            for (int i=0; i < lens->nchildren; i++)
+                build_nullable(parse, pos, visitor, lens->children[i], lvl+1);
+            break;
+        case L_UNION:
+            for (int i=0; i < lens->nchildren; i++)
+                if (lens->children[i]->ctype_nullable)
+                    build_nullable(parse, pos, visitor,
+                                   lens->children[i], lvl+1);
+            break;
+        case L_SUBTREE:
+            build_nullable(parse, pos, visitor, lens->child, lvl+1);
+            break;
+        case L_STAR:
+        case L_MAYBE:
+            break;
+        default:
+            BUG_ON(true, parse, "Unexpected lens tag %d", lens->tag);
+        }
+        if (visitor->exit != NULL) {
+            (*visitor->exit)(lens, pos, pos, visitor->data);
+            ERR_BAIL(parse);
+        }
+    }
+ error:
+    return;
+static void build_trace(const char *msg, ind_t start, ind_t end,
+                struct item *x, int lvl) {
+    for (int i=0; i < lvl; i++) putc(' ', stderr);
+    printf("%s %d..%d: (%d, %d) %d %s%s%s\n", msg,
+           start, end, x->state->num,
+           x->parent, x->links->lens,
+           is_complete(x->links) ? "C" : "",
+           is_predict(x->links) ? "P" : "",
+           is_scan(x->links) ? "S" : "");
+static int ambig_check(struct jmt_visitor *visitor, struct lens *lens,
+                        ind_t k, struct item *x) {
+    ind_t count = 0;
+    ind_t nonpred = 0;
+    for (ind_t i=0; i < x->nlinks; i++) {
+        if (!is_predict(x->links + i) || is_complete(x->links + i)) {
+            nonpred = i;
+            count += 1;
+        }
+    }
+    if (count > 1) {
+        (*visitor->error)(lens, visitor->data, k,
+                 "Ambiguous parse: %d links in state (%d, %d) in E_%d",
+                 x->nlinks, x->state->num, x->parent, k);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (count == 1 && x->links[0].reason == R_PREDICT) {
+        struct link tmp = x->links[0];
+        x->links[0] = x->links[nonpred];
+        x->links[nonpred] = tmp;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int
+build_tree(struct jmt_parse *parse, ind_t k, ind_t item,
+           struct jmt_visitor *visitor, int lvl) {
+    struct item *x = set_item(parse, k, item);
+    struct lens *lens = lens_of_parse(parse, x->links->lens);
+    ind_t start = x->links->from_set;
+    ind_t end = k;
+    struct item *old_x = x;
+    if (start == end) {
+        /* This completion corresponds to a nullable nonterminal
+         * that match epsilon. Reconstruct the full parse tree
+         * for matching epsilon */
+        build_nullable(parse, start, visitor, lens, lvl);
+        return end;
+    }
+    if (ambig_check(visitor, lens, k, x) < 0)
+        return end;
+    ensure(is_complete(x->links), parse);
+    if (debugging("cf.jmt.visit"))
+        build_trace("{", start, end, x, lvl);
+    if (visitor->enter != NULL) {
+        (*visitor->enter)(lens, start, end, visitor->data);
+        ERR_BAIL(parse);
+    }
+    /* x is a completion item. (k, x->to_item) is its first child in the
+     * parse tree. (x->from_set, x->from_item) is its next sibling in
+     * right-to-left order in the parse tree (i.e., the order of children
+     * in the parse tree is reversed */
+    if (! is_predict(x->links)) {
+        item = x->links->to_item;
+        x = set_item(parse, k, item);
+        if (ambig_check(visitor, lens, k, x) < 0)
+            return end;
+        ERR_BAIL(parse);
+        while (is_complete(x->links) || is_scan(x->links)) {
+            struct lens *sub = lens_of_parse(parse, x->links->lens);
+            if (sub->recursive) {
+                build_tree(parse, k, item, visitor, lvl+1);
+                ERR_BAIL(parse);
+            } else {
+                if (debugging("cf.jmt.visit"))
+                    build_trace("T", x->links->from_set, k, x, lvl+1);
+                if (visitor->terminal != NULL) {
+                    (*visitor->terminal)(lens_of_parse(parse, x->links->lens),
+                                         x->links->from_set, k, visitor->data);
+                    ERR_BAIL(parse);
+                }
+            }
+            k = x->links->from_set;
+            item = x->links->from_item;
+            x = set_item(parse, k, item);
+            // FIXME: This is not clean - we are checking if
+            // we would leave because we'd leave the span [start .. end]
+            // That kinda works, but it's a kludge around the trouble we
+            // have with COMPLETE + PREDICT nodes
+            if (x->links->from_set < start)
+                break;
+            if (ambig_check(visitor, lens, k, x) < 0)
+                return end;
+            ERR_BAIL(parse);
+        }
+    }
+    if (debugging("cf.jmt.visit"))
+        build_trace("}", start, end, old_x, lvl);
+    if (visitor->exit != NULL) {
+        (*visitor->exit)(lens, start, end, visitor->data);
+        ERR_BAIL(parse);
+    }
+ error:
+    return end;
+void jmt_visit(struct jmt_visitor *visitor, size_t *len) {
+    struct jmt_parse *parse = visitor->parse;
+    ind_t k = parse->nsets - 1;     /* Current Earley set */
+    ind_t item;
+    struct item_set *set = parse->sets[k];
+    if (set == NULL)
+        goto noparse;
+    for (item = 0; item < set->items.used; item++) {
+        struct item *x = set_item(parse, k, item);
+        if (x->parent == 0 && returns(x->state, parse->jmt->lens)) {
+            for (ind_t i = 0; i < x->nlinks; i++) {
+                if (is_complete(x->links + i)) {
+                    if (debugging("cf.jmt.visit"))
+                        printf("visit: found (%d, %d) in E_%d\n",
+                               x->state->num, x->parent, k);
+                    goto found;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ found:
+    if (item >= parse->sets[k]->items.used)
+        goto noparse;
+    *len = build_tree(parse, k, item, visitor, 0);
+    return;
+ noparse:
+    for (; k > 0; k--)
+        if (parse->sets[k] != NULL) break;
+    *len = k;
+ * Build the automaton
+ */
+static struct state *make_state(struct jmt *jmt) {
+    struct state *s;
+    int r;
+    r = ALLOC(s);
+    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+    s->num = jmt->state_count++;
+    array_init(&s->trans, sizeof(struct trans));
+    if (jmt->start != NULL)
+        list_cons(jmt->start->next, s);
+    else
+        jmt->start = s;
+    return s;
+ error:
+    return NULL;
+static ind_t add_lens(struct jmt *jmt, struct lens *lens) {
+    int r;
+    ind_t l;
+    struct state *sA = NULL;
+    int nullable = 0;
+    r = array_add(&jmt->lenses, &l);
+    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+    ERR_NOMEM(l == IND_MAX, jmt);
+    if (! lens->recursive)
+        nullable = regexp_matches_empty(lens->ctype);
+    array_elem(jmt->lenses, l, struct jmt_lens)->lens = lens;
+    /* A nonrecursive lens that matches epsilon is both a terminal
+     * and a nonterminal */
+    if (lens->recursive || nullable) {
+        sA = make_state(jmt);
+        ERR_NOMEM(sA == NULL, jmt);
+        array_elem(jmt->lenses, l, struct jmt_lens)->state = sA;
+        if (! lens->recursive) {
+            /* Add lens again, so that l refers to the nonterminal T
+             * for the lens, and l+1 refers to the terminal t for it */
+            ind_t m;
+            r = array_add(&jmt->lenses, &m);
+            ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+            ERR_NOMEM(m == IND_MAX, jmt);
+            array_elem(jmt->lenses, m, struct jmt_lens)->lens = lens;
+        }
+    }
+    if (debugging("cf.jmt")) {
+        if (sA == NULL) {
+            printf("add_lens: ");
+            print_regexp(stdout, lens->ctype);
+            printf(" %s\n", format_lens(lens));
+        } else {
+            printf("add_lens: ");
+            flens(stdout, l);
+            printf(" %u %s\n", sA->num, format_lens(lens));
+            if (nullable) {
+                printf("add_lens: // %s\n", format_lens(lens));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return l;
+ error:
+    return IND_MAX;
+static struct trans *
+add_new_trans(struct jmt *jmt,
+              struct state *from, struct state *to, ind_t lens) {
+    struct trans *t;
+    ind_t i;
+    int r;
+    if (from == NULL || to == NULL)
+        return NULL;
+    r = array_add(&from->trans, &i);
+    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+    t = array_elem(from->trans, i, struct trans);
+    t->to = to;
+    t->lens = lens;
+    return t;
+ error:
+    return NULL;
+static struct trans *
+add_eps_trans(struct jmt *jmt, struct state *from, struct state *to) {
+    return add_new_trans(jmt, from, to, EPS);
+static struct lens *lens_of_jmt(struct jmt *jmt, ind_t l) {
+    return array_elem(jmt->lenses, l, struct jmt_lens)->lens;
+static ind_t lens_index(struct jmt *jmt, struct lens *lens) {
+    array_for_each(i, jmt->lenses)
+        if (lens_of_jmt(jmt, i) == lens)
+            return i;
+    return IND_MAX;
+static struct state *lens_state(struct jmt *jmt, ind_t l) {
+    return array_elem(jmt->lenses, l, struct jmt_lens)->state;
+static void print_lens_symbol(FILE *fp, struct jmt *jmt, struct lens *lens) {
+    ind_t l = lens_index(jmt, lens);
+    struct state *sA = lens_state(jmt, l);
+    if (sA == NULL)
+        print_regexp(fp, lens->ctype);
+    else
+        flens(fp, l);
+static void print_grammar(struct jmt *jmt, struct lens *lens) {
+    ind_t l = lens_index(jmt, lens);
+    struct state *sA = lens_state(jmt, l);
+    if (sA == NULL || lens->tag == L_REC)
+        return;
+    printf("  ");
+    print_lens_symbol(stdout, jmt, lens);
+    printf(" := ");
+    if (! lens->recursive) {
+        /* Nullable regexps */
+        print_regexp(stdout, lens->ctype);
+        printf("\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    switch (lens->tag) {
+    case L_CONCAT:
+        print_lens_symbol(stdout, jmt, lens->children[0]);
+        for (int i=1; i < lens->nchildren; i++) {
+            printf(" . ");
+            print_lens_symbol(stdout, jmt, lens->children[i]);
+        }
+        printf("\n");
+        for (int i=0; i < lens->nchildren; i++)
+            print_grammar(jmt, lens->children[i]);
+        break;
+    case L_UNION:
+        print_lens_symbol(stdout, jmt, lens->children[0]);
+        for (int i=1; i < lens->nchildren; i++) {
+            printf(" | ");
+            print_lens_symbol(stdout, jmt, lens->children[i]);
+        }
+        printf("\n");
+        for (int i=0; i < lens->nchildren; i++)
+            print_grammar(jmt, lens->children[i]);
+        break;
+    case L_SUBTREE:
+        print_lens_symbol(stdout, jmt, lens->child);
+        printf("\n");
+        print_grammar(jmt, lens->child);
+        break;
+    case L_STAR:
+        print_lens_symbol(stdout, jmt, lens->child);
+        printf("*\n");
+        print_grammar(jmt, lens->child);
+        break;
+    case L_MAYBE:
+        print_lens_symbol(stdout, jmt, lens->child);
+        printf("?\n");
+        print_grammar(jmt, lens->child);
+        break;
+    default:
+        BUG_ON(true, jmt, "Unexpected lens tag %d", lens->tag);
+        break;
+    }
+ error:
+    return;
+static void print_grammar_top(struct jmt *jmt, struct lens *rec) {
+    printf("Grammar:\n");
+    printf("  ");
+    print_lens_symbol(stdout, jmt, rec);
+    printf(" := ");
+    print_lens_symbol(stdout, jmt, rec->body);
+    printf("\n");
+    print_grammar(jmt, rec->body);
+static void index_lenses(struct jmt *jmt, struct lens *lens) {
+    ind_t l;
+    l = lens_index(jmt, lens);
+    if (l == IND_MAX) {
+        l = add_lens(jmt, lens);
+        ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    }
+    if (! lens->recursive)
+        return;
+    switch (lens->tag) {
+    case L_CONCAT:
+    case L_UNION:
+        for (int i=0; i < lens->nchildren; i++)
+            index_lenses(jmt, lens->children[i]);
+        break;
+    case L_SUBTREE:
+    case L_STAR:
+    case L_MAYBE:
+        index_lenses(jmt, lens->child);
+        break;
+    case L_REC:
+        /* Nothing to do */
+        break;
+    default:
+        BUG_ON(true, jmt, "Unexpected lens tag %d", lens->tag);
+        break;
+    }
+ error:
+    return;
+static void thompson(struct jmt *jmt, struct lens *lens,
+                     struct state **s, struct state **f) {
+    ind_t l = lens_index(jmt, lens);
+    struct state *sA = lens_state(jmt, l);
+    ensure(l < jmt->lenses.used, jmt);
+    *s = make_state(jmt);
+    *f = make_state(jmt);
+    ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    if (lens->recursive) {
+        /* A nonterminal */
+        add_new_trans(jmt, *s, *f, l);
+        add_new_trans(jmt, *s, sA, CALL);
+    } else if (sA == NULL) {
+        /* A terminal that never matches epsilon */
+        add_new_trans(jmt, *s, *f, l);
+    } else {
+        /* A terminal that matches epsilon */
+        add_new_trans(jmt, *s, *f, l);
+        add_new_trans(jmt, *s, sA, CALL);
+        add_new_trans(jmt, *s, *f, l+1);
+    }
+ error:
+    return;
+static void conv(struct jmt *jmt, struct lens *lens,
+                 struct state **s, struct state **e,
+                 struct state **f) {
+    ind_t l = lens_index(jmt, lens);
+    ensure(l < jmt->lenses.used, jmt);
+    struct state *sA = lens_state(jmt, l);
+    *s = NULL;
+    *e = NULL;
+    *f = NULL;
+    if (lens->recursive) {
+        /* A nonterminal */
+        *s = make_state(jmt);
+        *f = make_state(jmt);
+        ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+        add_new_trans(jmt, *s, *f, l);
+        ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+        ensure(sA != NULL, jmt);
+        add_new_trans(jmt, *s, sA, EPS);
+        ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    } else if (sA == NULL) {
+        /* A terminal that never matches epsilon */
+        *s = make_state(jmt);
+        *f = make_state(jmt);
+        ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+        add_new_trans(jmt, *s, *f, l);
+        ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    } else {
+        /* A terminal that matches epsilon */
+        *s = make_state(jmt);
+        *f = make_state(jmt);
+        ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+        add_new_trans(jmt, *s, *f, l);
+        add_new_trans(jmt, *s, *f, l+1);
+        add_new_trans(jmt, *s, sA, EPS);
+        ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    }
+ error:
+    return;
+static void conv_concat(struct jmt *jmt, struct lens *lens,
+                        struct state **s, struct state **e,
+                        struct state **f) {
+    struct state *s2, *f2, *e2;
+    conv(jmt, lens->children[0], &s2, &e2, &f2);
+    *s = make_state(jmt);
+    add_new_trans(jmt, *s, s2, EPS);
+    for (int i=1; i < lens->nchildren; i++) {
+        struct state *s3, *e3, *f3, *scall, *fcall;
+        conv(jmt, lens->children[i], &s3, &e3, &f3);
+        thompson(jmt, lens->children[i], &scall, &fcall);
+        ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+        add_eps_trans(jmt, f2, scall);
+        add_eps_trans(jmt, e2, s3);
+        *f = make_state(jmt);
+        add_eps_trans(jmt, f3, *f);
+        add_eps_trans(jmt, fcall, *f);
+        *e = make_state(jmt);
+        add_eps_trans(jmt, e3, *e);
+        f2 = *f;
+        e2 = *e;
+    }
+ error:
+    return;
+static void conv_union(struct jmt *jmt, struct lens *lens,
+                        struct state **s, struct state **e,
+                        struct state **f) {
+    *s = make_state(jmt);
+    *e = make_state(jmt);
+    *f = make_state(jmt);
+    ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    for (int i = 0; i < lens->nchildren; i++) {
+        struct state *s2, *e2, *f2;
+        conv(jmt, lens->children[i], &s2, &e2, &f2);
+        ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+        add_eps_trans(jmt, *s, s2);
+        add_eps_trans(jmt, e2, *e);
+        add_eps_trans(jmt, f2, *f);
+    }
+ error:
+    return;
+static void conv_star(struct jmt *jmt, struct lens *lens,
+                      struct state **s, struct state **e,
+                      struct state **f) {
+    *s = make_state(jmt);
+    *e = make_state(jmt);
+    *f = make_state(jmt);
+    ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    struct state *si, *ei, *fi, *scall, *fcall;
+    conv(jmt, lens->child, &si, &ei, &fi);
+    thompson(jmt, lens->child, &scall, &fcall);
+    ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    add_eps_trans(jmt, *s, si);
+    add_eps_trans(jmt, ei, si);
+    add_eps_trans(jmt, *s, *e);
+    add_eps_trans(jmt, ei, *e);
+    add_eps_trans(jmt, fi, scall);
+    add_eps_trans(jmt, fcall, scall);
+    add_eps_trans(jmt, fi, *f);
+    add_eps_trans(jmt, fcall, *f);
+    ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+ error:
+    return;
+static void conv_rhs(struct jmt *jmt, ind_t l) {
+    struct lens *lens = lens_of_jmt(jmt, l);
+    struct state *s = NULL, *e = NULL, *f = NULL;
+    struct state *sA = lens_state(jmt, l);
+    if (! lens->recursive) {
+        /* Nothing to do for terminals that do not match epsilon */
+        if (sA != NULL)
+            state_add_return(jmt, sA, l);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* All other nonterminals/recursive lenses */
+    /* Maintain P1 */
+    if (lens->ctype_nullable)
+        state_add_return(jmt, sA, l);
+    switch (lens->tag) {
+    case L_REC:
+        conv(jmt, lens->body, &s, &e, &f);
+        break;
+    case L_CONCAT:
+        conv_concat(jmt, lens, &s, &e, &f);
+        break;
+    case L_UNION:
+        conv_union(jmt, lens, &s, &e, &f);
+        break;
+    case L_SUBTREE:
+        conv(jmt, lens->child, &s, &e, &f);
+        break;
+    case L_STAR:
+        conv_star(jmt, lens, &s, &e, &f);
+        break;
+    case L_MAYBE:
+        conv(jmt, lens->child, &s, &e, &f);
+        add_new_trans(jmt, s, e, EPS);
+        break;
+    default:
+        BUG_ON(true, jmt, "Unexpected lens tag %d", lens->tag);
+    }
+    ensure(sA != NULL, jmt);
+    add_eps_trans(jmt, sA, s);
+    state_add_return(jmt, e, l);
+    state_add_return(jmt, f, l);
+ error:
+    return;
+static int push_state(struct array *worklist, struct state *s) {
+    int r;
+    ind_t ind;
+    r = array_add(worklist, &ind);
+    if (r < 0)
+        return -1;
+    *array_elem(*worklist, ind, struct state *) = s;
+    return 0;
+static struct state *pop_state(struct array *worklist) {
+    if (worklist->used > 0) {
+        worklist->used -= 1;
+        return *array_elem(*worklist, worklist->used, struct state *);
+    } else {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+static void free_state(struct state *s) {
+    if (s == NULL)
+        return;
+    free(s->ret);
+    array_release(&s->trans);
+    free(s);
+static void collect(struct jmt *jmt) {
+    struct array worklist;
+    size_t count, removed;
+    int r;
+    count = 0;
+    list_for_each(s, jmt->start) {
+        s->live = 0;
+        s->reachable = 0;
+        count += 1;
+    }
+    array_init(&worklist, sizeof(struct state *));
+    jmt->start->reachable = 1;
+    for (struct state *s = jmt->start;
+         s != NULL;
+         s = pop_state(&worklist)) {
+        for_each_trans(t, s) {
+            if (! t->to->reachable) {
+                t->to->reachable = 1;
+                r = push_state(&worklist, t->to);
+                ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    list_for_each(s, jmt->start)
+        if (s->reachable && is_return(s))
+            s->live = 1;
+    bool changed;
+    do {
+        changed = false;
+        list_for_each(s, jmt->start) {
+            if (! s->live && s->reachable) {
+                for_each_trans(t, s) {
+                    if (t->lens != CALL && t->to->live) {
+                        s->live = 1;
+                        changed = true;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    } while (changed);
+    list_for_each(s, jmt->start) {
+        if (s->live && s->reachable) {
+            for (ind_t i = 0; i < s->trans.used; ) {
+                struct trans *t = state_trans(s, i);
+                if (! (t->to->live && t->to->reachable))
+                    array_remove(&s->trans, i);
+                else
+                    i += 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    removed = 0;
+    for (struct state *s = jmt->start;
+         s->next != NULL; ) {
+        struct state *p = s->next;
+        if (p->live && p->reachable) {
+            s = p;
+        } else {
+            s->next = p->next;
+            free_state(p);
+            removed += 1;
+        }
+    }
+ error:
+    array_release(&worklist);
+    return;
+static void dedup(struct state *s) {
+    array_for_each(i, s->trans) {
+        struct trans *t = state_trans(s, i);
+        for (ind_t j = i+1; j < s->trans.used;) {
+            struct trans *u = state_trans(s, j);
+            if (t->to == u->to && t->lens == u->lens)
+                array_remove(&s->trans, j);
+            else
+                j += 1;
+        }
+    }
+static void unepsilon(struct jmt *jmt) {
+    int r;
+    if (debugging("cf.jmt.build"))
+        jmt_dot(jmt, "jmt_10_raw.dot");
+    collect(jmt);
+    /* Get rid of epsilon transitions */
+    bool changed;
+    do {
+        changed = false;
+        list_for_each(s, jmt->start) {
+            array_for_each(i , s->trans) {
+                struct trans *t = state_trans(s, i);
+                if (t->lens == EPS) {
+                    struct state *to = t->to;
+                    array_remove(&s->trans, i);
+                    r = array_join(&s->trans, &to->trans);
+                    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+                    state_merge_returns(jmt, s, to);
+                    dedup(s);
+                    changed = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    } while (changed);
+    collect(jmt);
+    if (debugging("cf.jmt.build"))
+        jmt_dot(jmt, "jmt_20_uneps.dot");
+ error:
+    return;
+static bool is_deterministic(struct jmt *jmt) {
+    list_for_each(s, jmt->start) {
+        array_for_each(i, s->trans) {
+            struct trans *t = state_trans(s, i);
+            for (ind_t j = i+1; j < s->trans.used; j++) {
+                struct trans *u = state_trans(s, j);
+                if (t->lens == u->lens)
+                    return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+static void free_nfa_state(struct nfa_state *s) {
+    if (s == NULL)
+        return;
+    array_release(&s->set);
+    free(s);
+static struct nfa_state *make_nfa_state(struct jmt *jmt) {
+    struct nfa_state *result = NULL;
+    int r;
+    r = ALLOC(result);
+    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+    array_init(&result->set, sizeof(struct state *));
+    return result;
+ error:
+    FREE(result);
+    return NULL;
+static ind_t nfa_state_add(struct jmt *jmt, struct nfa_state *nfa,
+                           struct state *s) {
+    ind_t i;
+    int r;
+    array_for_each(j, nfa->set) {
+        struct state *q = *array_elem(nfa->set, j, struct state *);
+        if (q == s)
+            return j;
+    }
+    /* Keep the list of states sorted */
+    i = nfa->set.used;
+    for (int j=0; j + 1 < nfa->set.used; j++) {
+        if (s < *array_elem(nfa->set, j, struct state *)) {
+            i = j;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    r = array_insert(&nfa->set, i);
+    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+    *array_elem(nfa->set, i, struct state *) = s;
+    return i;
+ error:
+    return IND_MAX;
+static bool nfa_same_set(struct nfa_state *s1, struct nfa_state *s2) {
+    if (s1->set.used != s2->set.used)
+        return false;
+    array_for_each(i, s1->set) {
+        struct state *q1 = *array_elem(s1->set, i, struct state *);
+        struct state *q2 = *array_elem(s2->set, i, struct state *);
+        if (q1 != q2)
+            return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+static struct nfa_state *nfa_uniq(struct jmt *jmt, struct array *newstates,
+                                  struct nfa_state *s) {
+    ind_t ind;
+    int r;
+    array_each_elem(q, *newstates, struct nfa_state *) {
+        if (nfa_same_set(s, *q)) {
+            if (s == *q)
+                return s;
+            free_nfa_state(s);
+            return *q;
+        }
+    }
+    r = array_add(newstates, &ind);
+    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+    *array_elem(*newstates, ind, struct nfa_state *) = s;
+    if (s->state == NULL) {
+        s->state = make_state(jmt);
+        ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    }
+    /* This makes looking at pictures easier */
+    if (s->set.used == 1)
+        s->state->num = (*array_elem(s->set, 0, struct state *))->num;
+    return s;
+ error:
+    return NULL;
+static void det_target(struct jmt *jmt, struct array *newstates,
+                       struct nfa_state *nfas, ind_t l) {
+    struct nfa_state *to = NULL;
+    array_each_elem(s, nfas->set, struct state *) {
+        for_each_trans(t, *s) {
+            if (t->lens == l) {
+                if (to == NULL) {
+                    to = make_nfa_state(jmt);
+                    ERR_RET(jmt);
+                }
+                nfa_state_add(jmt, to, t->to);
+                ERR_RET(jmt);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (to != NULL) {
+        to = nfa_uniq(jmt, newstates, to);
+        ERR_RET(jmt);
+        add_new_trans(jmt, nfas->state, to->state, l);
+    }
+static void determinize(struct jmt *jmt) {
+    struct nfa_state *ini = NULL;
+    struct array *newstates = NULL;
+    int r;
+    ind_t ind, nlenses;
+    if (is_deterministic(jmt))
+        return;
+    r = ALLOC(newstates);
+    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+    array_init(newstates, sizeof(struct nfa_state *));
+    nlenses = jmt->lenses.used;
+    /* The initial state consists of just the start state */
+    ini = make_nfa_state(jmt);
+    ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    nfa_state_add(jmt, ini, jmt->start);
+    ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    /* Make a new initial state */
+    ini->state = make_state(jmt);
+    ini->state->num = jmt->start->num;  /* Makes lokking at pictures easier */
+    ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    jmt->start->next = ini->state->next;
+    ini->state->next = jmt->start;
+    jmt->start = ini->state;
+    r = array_add(newstates, &ind);
+    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, jmt);
+    *array_elem(*newstates, ind, struct nfa_state *) = ini;
+    ini = NULL;
+    for (ind_t i = 0; i < newstates->used; i++) {
+        struct nfa_state *nfas = *array_elem(*newstates, i, struct nfa_state *);
+        for (int j = 0; j < nfas->set.used; j++) {
+            struct state *s = *array_elem(nfas->set, j, struct state *);
+            state_merge_returns(jmt, nfas->state, s);
+        }
+        for (ind_t l = 0; l < nlenses; l++) {
+            det_target(jmt, newstates, nfas, l);
+            ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+        }
+        det_target(jmt, newstates, nfas, CALL);
+        ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    }
+    collect(jmt);
+ done:
+    if (newstates) {
+        array_each_elem(s, *newstates, struct nfa_state *) {
+            free_nfa_state(*s);
+        }
+        array_release(newstates);
+        FREE(newstates);
+    }
+    free_nfa_state(ini);
+    return;
+ error:
+    goto done;
+struct jmt *jmt_build(struct lens *lens) {
+    struct jmt *jmt = NULL;
+    int r;
+    ind_t l;
+    ensure(lens->tag == L_REC && lens->rec_internal, lens->info);
+    r = ALLOC(jmt);
+    ERR_NOMEM(r < 0, lens->info);
+    jmt->error = lens->info->error;
+    array_init(&jmt->lenses, sizeof(struct jmt_lens));
+    l = add_lens(jmt, lens);
+    ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    ensure(l == 0, lens->info);
+    index_lenses(jmt, lens->body);
+    if (debugging("cf.jmt"))
+        print_grammar_top(jmt, lens);
+    for (ind_t i=0; i < jmt->lenses.used; i++) {
+        conv_rhs(jmt, i);
+        ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    }
+    unepsilon(jmt);
+    ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    determinize(jmt);
+    ERR_BAIL(jmt);
+    if (debugging("cf.jmt.build"))
+        jmt_dot(jmt, "jmt_30_dfa.dot");
+    return jmt;
+ error:
+    jmt_free(jmt);
+    return NULL;
+void jmt_free(struct jmt *jmt) {
+    if (jmt == NULL)
+        return;
+    array_release(&jmt->lenses);
+    struct state *s = jmt->start;
+    while (s != NULL) {
+        struct state *del = s;
+        s = del->next;
+        free_state(del);
+    }
+    free(jmt);
+void jmt_dot(struct jmt *jmt, const char *fname) {
+    FILE *fp = debug_fopen("%s", fname);
+    if (fp == NULL)
+        return;
+    fprintf(fp, "digraph \"jmt\" {\n");
+    fprintf(fp, "  rankdir = LR;\n");
+    list_for_each(s, jmt->start) {
+        if (is_return(s)) {
+            fprintf(fp, "  %u [ shape = doublecircle, label = \"%u (",
+                    s->num, s->num);
+            flens(fp, s->ret[0]);
+            for (ind_t i = 1; i < s->nret; i++) {
+                fprintf(fp, ", ");
+                flens(fp, s->ret[i]);
+            }
+            fprintf(fp, ")\" ];\n");
+        }
+        for_each_trans(t, s) {
+            fprintf(fp, "  %u -> %u ", s->num, t->to->num);
+            if (t->lens == EPS)
+                fprintf(fp, ";\n");
+            else if (t->lens == CALL)
+                fprintf(fp, "[ label = \"call\" ];\n");
+            else if (lens_state(jmt, t->lens) == NULL) {
+                struct lens *lens = lens_of_jmt(jmt, t->lens);
+                fprintf(fp, "[ label = \"");
+                print_regexp(fp, lens->ctype);
+                fprintf(fp, "\" ];\n");
+            } else {
+                fprintf(fp, "[ label = \"");
+                flens(fp, t->lens);
+                fprintf(fp, "\" ];\n");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fprintf(fp, "}\n");
+    fclose(fp);
+ * Local variables:
+ *  indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ *  c-indent-level: 4
+ *  c-basic-offset: 4
+ *  tab-width: 4
+ * End:
+ */
diff --git a/src/jmt.h b/src/jmt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc344a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jmt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * jmt.h: Earley parser for lenses based on Jim/Mandelbaum transducers
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
+ *
+ * Author: David Lutterkort <lutter at redhat.com>
+ */
+#ifndef EARLEY_H_
+#define EARLEY_H_
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "lens.h"
+struct jmt;
+struct jmt_parse;
+typedef uint32_t ind_t;
+struct lens;
+typedef void (*jmt_traverser)(struct lens *l, size_t start, size_t end,
+                              void *data);
+typedef void (*jmt_error)(struct lens *lens, void *data, size_t pos,
+                          const char *format, ...);
+struct jmt_visitor {
+    struct jmt_parse *parse;
+    jmt_traverser    terminal;
+    jmt_traverser    enter;
+    jmt_traverser    exit;
+    jmt_error        error;
+    void             *data;
+struct jmt *jmt_build(struct lens *l);
+struct jmt_parse *jmt_parse(struct jmt *jmt, const char *text, size_t text_len);
+void jmt_free_parse(struct jmt_parse *);
+void jmt_visit(struct jmt_visitor *visitor, size_t *len);
+void jmt_free(struct jmt *jmt);
+void jmt_dot(struct jmt *jmt, const char *fname);
+ * Local variables:
+ *  indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ *  c-indent-level: 4
+ *  c-basic-offset: 4
+ *  tab-width: 4
+ * End:
+ */

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