[augeas-devel] Help splitting a key on a slash character

David Lutterkort lutter at redhat.com
Tue May 11 17:08:24 UTC 2010

On Tue, 2010-05-11 at 09:57 -0700, Marc Riddle wrote:
> I was hoping someone could help me out with a new lens I'm working on
> (for sssd.conf in rhel6/recent fedoras). It's pretty much a straight
> ini file, with one problem. There are 'domain' sections whose headers
> look like '[domain/LOCAL]', '[domain/LDAP]', which I'm figuring I'll
> split up inside of a 'domain' label, with a tree that ends up
> something like:
> { "domain"
>   { "LOCAL"
>     { "foo" = "bar" } }
>   { "LDAP"
>     { "foo" = "bar" } } }
> but I'm having a hell of a time splitting on the '/'. I was wondering
> if anyone could point me to an existing lens that does something
> similar, or just give me some advice on the best way to proceed with
> this...

To repeat what I said on IRC: given your input, you can't produce the
above tree; what you can produce is

        { "domain"
          { "LOCAL"
            { "foo" = "bar" } } }
        { "domain"
          { "LDAP"
            { "foo" = "bar" } } }

The difference won't matter much to users of the tree - they can still
talk about '/domain/LDAP/foo'.

To do the actual splitting, save the attached file 'split_test.aug' and
run it through augparse.


-------------- next part --------------
module Split_Test =

  let dels (s:string) = del s s
  let word = /[A-Za-z]+/

  let l = [ dels "[" . key word . dels "/" .
            [ key word ] . dels "]" ]

  test l get "[domain/LDAP]" = ?

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