[augeas-devel] 'parse_failed'

Matthew Booth mbooth at redhat.com
Wed May 12 16:53:25 UTC 2010

My (just posted) patch for /etc/modules.conf includes a simple test
including the directives it parses which Modprobe doesn't. For a more
real-world test, I found this beast of a modules.conf:


I copied my modules.aug into /usr/share/augeas/lenses, and put the above
file in /etc/modules.conf. augeas fails to parse it. Output is:

[root at t500 tmp]# augtool
augtool> ls /etc/modules.conf
augtool> match /augeas//error
/augeas/files/etc/modules.conf/error = parse_failed

I created a test file (test_foo.aug) containing the complete contents of
the above file. I copied test_modules.aug to test_foo.aug, then replaced
the contents of 'conf' with the above file. The only changes I had to
make to it were to escape some quote marks in it. This parsed correctly,
although it obviously didn't match the expected output, which I didn't

Can anybody suggest what I might be doing wrong?


Matthew Booth, RHCA, RHCSS
Red Hat Engineering, Virtualisation Team

M:       +44 (0)7977 267231
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