[augeas-devel] [PATCH] Add mke2fs.aug and associated test

Raphael Pinson raphink at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 12:58:15 UTC 2010

This patch adds a lens for /etc/mke2fs.conf.

 lenses/mke2fs.aug            |  140 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lenses/tests/test_mke2fs.aug |   76 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lenses/mke2fs.aug
 create mode 100644 lenses/tests/test_mke2fs.aug

diff --git a/lenses/mke2fs.aug b/lenses/mke2fs.aug
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d1bdc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lenses/mke2fs.aug
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+Module: Mke2fs
+  Parses /etc/mke2fs.conf
+Author: Raphael Pinson <raphink at gmail.com>
+About: Reference
+  This lens tries to keep as close as possible to `man 5 mke2fs.conf` where possible.
+About: License
+   This file is licenced under the LGPLv2+, like the rest of Augeas.
+About: Lens Usage
+   To be documented
+About: Configuration files
+   This lens applies to /etc/mke2fs.conf. See <filter>.
+module Mke2fs =
+  autoload xfm
+ * Group:                 USEFUL PRIMITIVES
+ *************************************************************************)
+(* View: comment *)
+let comment = IniFile.comment IniFile.comment_re IniFile.comment_default
+(* View: sep *)
+let sep = IniFile.sep /=[ \t]*/ "="
+(* View: empty *)
+let empty = IniFile.empty
+ * Group:                 RECORD TYPES
+ *************************************************************************)
+(* View: entry
+    A generic entry for lens lns *)
+let entry (kw:regexp) (lns:lens) = Build.key_value_line kw sep lns
+(* View: list_sto
+    A list of values with given lens *)
+let list_sto (kw:regexp) (lns:lens) = counter "item" .
+                                          entry kw
+                                            (Build.opt_list 
+                                              [lns]
+                                              Sep.comma)
+(* View: entry_sto
+    Store a regexp as entry value *)
+let entry_sto (kw:regexp) (val:regexp) = entry kw (store val)
+ * Group:                 COMMON ENTRIES
+ *************************************************************************)
+(* View: common_entry
+     Entries shared between <defaults> and <fs_types> sections *)
+let common_entry   = list_sto ("base_features"|"default_features")
+                        (key Rx.word)
+                   | entry_sto "blocksize" ("-"? . Rx.integer)
+                   | entry_sto "hash_alg" ("legacy"|"half_md4"|"tea")
+                   | entry_sto ("inode_ratio"|"inode_size") Rx.integer
+ * Group:                 DEFAULTS SECTION
+ *************************************************************************)
+(* View: defaults_entry
+    Possible entries under the <defaults> section *)
+let defaults_entry = entry_sto "force_undo" ("true"|"false")
+                   | entry_sto "fs_type" Rx.word
+                   | entry_sto "undo_dir" Rx.fspath
+(* View: defaults_title
+    Title for the <defaults> section *)
+let defaults_title  = IniFile.title "defaults"
+(* View: defaults
+    A defaults section *)
+let defaults = IniFile.record defaults_title
+                  ((Util.indent . (defaults_entry|common_entry)) | comment)
+ * Group:                 FS_TYPES SECTION
+ *************************************************************************)
+(* View: fs_types_entry
+    Possible entries under a <fs_types_record> group *)
+let fs_types_entry =list_sto "features"
+                        ([del /\^/ "^" . label "disable"]?
+                                           . key Rx.word)
+                   | list_sto "options"
+                        (key Rx.word . Util.del_str "="
+                       . store Rx.word)
+                   | entry_sto "lazy_itable_init" ("true"|"false")
+                   | entry_sto "flex_bg_size" Rx.integer
+(* View: fs_types_record
+     Fs group records under the <fs_types> section *)
+let fs_types_record = [ label "filesystem"
+                     . Util.indent . store Rx.word
+                     . del /[ \t]*=[ \t]*\{[ \t]*\n/ " = {\n"
+                     . ((Util.indent . (fs_types_entry|common_entry)) | empty | comment)*
+                     . del /[ \t]*\}[ \t]*\n/ " }\n" ]
+(* View: fs_types_title
+    Title for the <fs_types> section *)
+let fs_types_title = IniFile.title "fs_types"
+(* View: fs_types
+    A fs_types section *)
+let fs_types = IniFile.record fs_types_title
+                  (fs_types_record | comment)
+ * Group:                 LENS AND FILTER
+ *************************************************************************)
+(* View: lns
+     The mke2fs lens
+let lns = (empty|comment)* . (defaults|fs_types)*
+(* Variable: filter *)
+let filter = incl "/etc/mke2fs.conf"
+    . Util.stdexcl
+let xfm = transform lns filter
diff --git a/lenses/tests/test_mke2fs.aug b/lenses/tests/test_mke2fs.aug
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39ac9e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lenses/tests/test_mke2fs.aug
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+(* Test for keepalived lens *)
+module Test_mke2fs =
+   let conf = "# This is a comment 
+; and another comment
+	base_features = sparse_super,filetype,resize_inode,dir_index,ext_attr
+	blocksize = 4096
+	inode_size = 256
+        ; here goes inode_ratio
+	inode_ratio = 16384
+ ; here we have fs_types
+	ext4dev = {
+                # this is ext4dev conf
+		features = has_journal,^extent
+		inode_size = 256
+		options = test_fs=1
+	}
+	small = {
+		blocksize = 1024
+		inode_size = 128
+		inode_ratio = 4096
+	}
+	largefile = {
+		inode_ratio = 1048576
+		blocksize = -1
+	}
+   test Mke2fs.lns get conf =
+     { "#comment" = "This is a comment" }
+     { "#comment" = "and another comment" }
+     {}
+     { "defaults"
+        { "base_features"
+             { "sparse_super" }
+             { "filetype" }
+             { "resize_inode" }
+             { "dir_index" }
+             { "ext_attr" } }
+        { "blocksize" = "4096" }
+        { "inode_size" = "256" }
+        { "#comment" = "here goes inode_ratio" }
+        { "inode_ratio" = "16384" }
+        {} }
+     { "fs_types"
+        { "#comment" = "here we have fs_types" } 
+        { "filesystem" = "ext4dev"
+             { "#comment" = "this is ext4dev conf" }
+             {}
+             { "features"
+                { "has_journal" }
+                { "extent"
+                   { "disable" } } }
+             { "inode_size" = "256" }
+             { "options"
+                { "test_fs" = "1" } } }
+        { "filesystem" = "small"
+             { "blocksize" = "1024" }
+             { "inode_size" = "128" }
+             { "inode_ratio" = "4096" } }
+        { "filesystem" = "largefile"
+             { "inode_ratio" = "1048576" }
+             { "blocksize" = "-1" } } }
+test Mke2fs.fs_types_entry
+   put "features = has_journal,^extent\n"
+   after set "/features/has_journal/disable" "";
+   rm "/features/extent/disable" = "features = ^has_journal,extent\n"

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