[augeas-devel] Square and Xml lens ready

Francis Giraldeau francis.giraldeau at usherbrooke.ca
Tue Nov 2 18:23:46 UTC 2010


The square lens, required for handling tag based document, is ready. I
tested it with the Xml lens, that pushed the bundaries for this new lens

In order to test the lens, I used many tests that comes from the Oasis
XML conformity testing framework. 

The XML lens parse arbitrary XML documents. Most, but not all features
of XML standard are implemented, partially because the nature of augeas.
      * Document type declaration: elements, attlist, entity
      * XML Prolog
      * XML comments
      * XML processing instructions
      * Neested elements, including empty elements
      * Element attributes
      * Mixed content, text and elements
      * CDATA sections
    Not supported:
      * External entity reference, because augeas can't load a related
        file within a lens
      * Document validation: augeas don't enforce DTD
This lens doesn't respect the PutGet law, becuse of an ambiguity in
union.put with text nodes. If a text node is created as a sibling of
another text node, a put and a get will merge those two nodes. In
practice, no error occur and this is a desirable behavior.

I'm ready to commit it to master branch, but first, I would like
approbation, and if you think of other files to load with this lens, I
would like to know it. (for example, there are OpenOffice files in /usr,
but I don't find overloading ones in /etc...)


-------------- next part --------------
module Test_xml =

let knode (r:regexp) = [ key r ]

 *                           Utilities lens
let _ = print_regexp(lens_ctype(Xml.text))
let _ = print_endline ""

test Xml.comment get "<!-- declarations for <head> & <body> -->" =
  { "#comment" = " declarations for <head> & <body> " }

test Xml.comment get "<!-- B+, B, or B--->" = *

test Xml.prolog get "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" =
  { "#declaration"
    { "#attribute"
      { "version" = "1.0" }
      { "encoding" = "UTF-8" }

test Xml.decl_def_item get "<!ELEMENT greeting (#PCDATA)>" =
  { "!ELEMENT" = "greeting"
    { "#decl" = "(#PCDATA)" }

test Xml.decl_def_item get "<!ENTITY da \"&#xD;&#xA;\">" =
  { "!ENTITY" = "da"
    { "#decl" = "&#xD;&#xA;" }

test Xml.doctype get "<!DOCTYPE greeting SYSTEM \"hello.dtd\">" =
  { "!DOCTYPE" = "greeting"
    { "SYSTEM" = "hello.dtd" }

test Xml.doctype get "<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ELEMENT baz (bar)* >
]>" =
  { "!DOCTYPE" = "foo"
    { "!ELEMENT" = "bar"
      { "#decl" = "(#PCDATA)" }
    { "!ELEMENT" = "baz"
      { "#decl" = "(bar)*" }

let att_def1 = "<!ATTLIST termdef
id      ID      #REQUIRED
name    CDATA   #IMPLIED>"
let att_def2 = "<!ATTLIST list
type    (bullets|ordered|glossary)  \"ordered\">"
let att_def3 = "<!ATTLIST form
method  CDATA   #FIXED \"POST\">"

test Xml.att_list_def get att_def1 = 
  { "!ATTLIST" = "termdef"
      { "#name" = "id" }
      { "#type" = "ID" }
      { "#REQUIRED" }
      { "#name" = "name" }
      { "#type" = "CDATA" }
      { "#IMPLIED" }

test Xml.att_list_def get att_def2 = 
  { "!ATTLIST" = "list"
      { "#name" = "type" }
      { "#type" = "(bullets|ordered|glossary)" }
      { "#FIXED" = "ordered" }
test Xml.att_list_def get att_def3 = 
  { "!ATTLIST" = "form"
      { "#name" = "method" }
      { "#type" = "CDATA" }
      { "#FIXED" = "POST" }

test Xml.notation_def get "<!NOTATION not3 SYSTEM \"\">" = 
  { "!NOTATION" = "not3"
    { "SYSTEM"
      { "#literal" = "" }

let cdata1 = "<![CDATA[testing]]>"
test Xml.cdata get cdata1 = { "#CDATA" = "testing" }

let attr1 = " attr1=\"value1\" attr2=\"value2\""
let attr2 = " attr2=\"foo\""
test Xml.attributes get attr1 =
  { "#attribute"
    { "attr1" = "value1" }
    { "attr2" = "value2" }

test Xml.attributes get " refs=\"A1\nA2  A3\"" =
  { "#attribute"
    { "refs" = "A1\nA2  A3" }

test Xml.attributes put attr1 after rm "/#attribute[1]";
                                    set "/#attribute/attr2" "foo" = attr2

let empty1 = "<a/>"
let empty2 = "<a foo=\"bar\"/>"
let empty3 = "<a foo=\"bar\"></a>\n"
let empty4 = "<a foo=\"bar\" far=\"baz\"/>"
test Xml.empty_element get empty1 = { "a" = "#empty" }
test Xml.empty_element get empty2 =
  { "a" = "#empty" { "#attribute" { "foo" = "bar"} } }

test Xml.empty_element put empty1 after set "/a/#attribute/foo" "bar" = empty2

(* the attribute node must be the first child of the element *)
test Xml.empty_element put empty1 after set "/a/#attribute/foo" "bar";
                                        set "/a/#attribute/far" "baz" = empty4

test Xml.content put "<a><b/></a>" after clear "/a/b" = "<a><b></b>\n</a>"

test Xml.lns put "<a></a >" after set "/a/#text[1]" "foo";
                                 set "/a/#text[2]" "bar" = "<a>foobar</a >" 

test Xml.lns get "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
<!DOCTYPE catalog PUBLIC \"-//OASIS//DTD XML Catalogs V1.0//EN\"
  <doc/>" = 
  { "#declaration"
  { "#attribute"
    { "version" = "1.0" }
  { "!DOCTYPE" = "catalog"
    { "PUBLIC"
      { "#literal" = "-//OASIS//DTD XML Catalogs V1.0//EN" }
      { "#literal" = "file:///usr/share/xml/schema/xml-core/catalog.dtd" }
  { "doc" = "#empty" }

test Xml.lns get "<oor:component-data xmlns:oor=\"http://openoffice.org/2001/registry\"/>
" =
  { "oor:component-data" = "#empty"
    { "#attribute"
      { "xmlns:oor" = "http://openoffice.org/2001/registry" }

let input1 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
        <p class=\"main\">Augeas is now able to parse XML files!</p>
            <li>Translate from XML to a tree syntax</li>
            <li>Translate from the tree back to XML</li> <!-- this is some comment -->

test Xml.doc get input1 =
  { "#declaration"
    { "#attribute"
      { "version" = "1.0" }
      { "encoding" = "UTF-8" }
  { "html"
    { "#text" = "\n    " }
    { "head"
      { "#text" = "\n        " }
      { "title"
        { "#text" = "Wiki" }
      { "#text" = "    " }
    { "#text" = "    " }
    { "body"
      { "#text" = "
        " }
      { "h1"
        { "#text" = "Augeas" }
      { "#text" = "        " }
      { "p"
        { "#attribute"
          { "class" = "main" }
        { "#text" = "Augeas is now able to parse XML files!" }
      { "#text" = "        " }
      { "ul"
        { "#text" = "\n            " }
        { "li"
          { "#text" = "Translate from XML to a tree syntax" }
        { "#text" = "            " }
        { "li"
          { "#text" = "Translate from the tree back to XML" }
        { "#text" = " " }
        { "#comment" = " this is some comment " }
        { "#text" = "
            " }
        { "li"
          { "#text" = "this" }
        { "#text" = "        " }
      { "#text" = "    " }

test Xml.doc put input1 after rm "/html/body" =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>

let ul1 = "

test Xml.doc get ul1 =
  { "ul"
    { "#text" = "
 " }
    { "li"
      { "#text" = "test1" }
    { "#text" = "  " }
    { "li"
      { "#text" = "test2" }
    { "#text" = "   " }
    { "li"
      { "#text" = "test3" }
    { "#text" = "    " }
    { "li"
      { "#text" = "test4" }

test Xml.doc put ul1 after set "/ul/li[3]/#text" "bidon" = "

test Xml.doc put ul1 after rm "/ul/li[2]" = "

(* #text nodes don't move when inserting a node, the result depends on where the node is added *)
test Xml.doc put ul1 after insb "a" "/ul/li[2]" = "

test Xml.doc put ul1 after insa "a" "/ul/li[1]" = "

(* Attributes must be added before text nodes *)
test Xml.doc put ul1 after insb "#attribute" "/ul/li[2]/#text";
                           set "/ul/li[2]/#attribute/bidon" "gazou";
                           set "/ul/li[2]/#attribute/foo" "bar" = "
  <li bidon=\"gazou\" foo=\"bar\">test2</li>

(* if empty element is allowed to be as root, this test triggers error *)
test Xml.lns get "<doc>
</doc>" = 
  { "doc"
    { "#text" = "\n" }
    { "a"
      { "c" = "#empty" }
      { "b"
        { "c" = "#empty" }
      { "c" = "#empty" }
      { "c" = "#empty" }
      { "a" }

let p01pass2 = "<?PI before document element?>
<!-- comment after document element-->
<?PI before document element?>
<!-- comment after document element-->
<?PI before document element?>
<!-- comment after document element-->
<?PI before document element?>
<!-- comment after document element-->
<?PI after document element?>
<!-- comment after document element-->
<?PI after document element?>
<!-- comment after document element-->
<?PI after document element?>

test Xml.lns get p01pass2 = 
  { "#pi"
    { "#target" = "PI" }
    { "#instruction" = "before document element" }
  { "#comment" = " comment after document element" }
  { "#pi"
    { "#target" = "PI" }
    { "#instruction" = "before document element" }
  { "#comment" = " comment after document element" }
  { "#pi"
    { "#target" = "PI" }
    { "#instruction" = "before document element" }
  { "#comment" = " comment after document element" }
  { "#pi"
    { "#target" = "PI" }
    { "#instruction" = "before document element" }
  { "!DOCTYPE" = "doc"
    { "!ELEMENT" = "doc"
      { "#decl" = "ANY" }
    { "!ELEMENT" = "a"
      { "#decl" = "ANY" }
    { "!ELEMENT" = "b"
      { "#decl" = "ANY" }
    { "!ELEMENT" = "c"
      { "#decl" = "ANY" }
  { "doc"
    { "#text" = "
" }
    { "a"
      { "b"
        { "c" = "#empty" }
  { "#comment" = " comment after document element" }
  { "#pi"
    { "#target" = "PI" }
    { "#instruction" = "after document element" }
  { "#comment" = " comment after document element" }
  { "#pi"
    { "#target" = "PI" }
    { "#instruction" = "after document element" }
  { "#comment" = " comment after document element" }
  { "#pi"
    { "#target" = "PI" }
    { "#instruction" = "after document element" }

(* various valid Name constructions *)
test Xml.lns get "<doc>\n<A:._-0/>\n<::._-0/>\n<_:._-0/>\n<A/>\n<_/>\n<:/>\n</doc>" =
  { "doc"
    { "#text" = "\n" }
    { "A:._-0" = "#empty" }
    { "::._-0" = "#empty" }
    { "_:._-0" = "#empty" }
    { "A" = "#empty" }
    { "_" = "#empty" }
    { ":" = "#empty" }

test Xml.lns get "<doc>
</doc>" =
  { "doc"
    { "#text" = "\n" }
    { "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" = "#empty" }
    { "A01234567890" = "#empty" }
    { "A.-:" = "#empty" }

let p06fail1 = "<!--non-validating processors may pass this instance because they don't check the IDREFS attribute type-->
<!ELEMENT doc (a|refs)*>
<a id=\"A1\"/><a id=\"A2\"/><a id=\"A3\"/>
<refs refs=\"\"/>

(* we accept this test because we do not verify XML references *)
test Xml.lns get p06fail1 = 
  { "#comment" = "non-validating processors may pass this instance because they don't check the IDREFS attribute type" }
  { "!DOCTYPE" = "doc"
    { "!ELEMENT" = "doc"
      { "#decl" = "(a|refs)*" }
    { "!ELEMENT" = "a"
      { "#decl" = "EMPTY" }
    { "!ELEMENT" = "refs"
      { "#decl" = "EMPTY" }
    { "!ATTLIST" = "refs"
        { "#name" = "refs" }
        { "#type" = "IDREFS" }
        { "#REQUIRED" }
    { "!ATTLIST" = "a"
        { "#name" = "id" }
        { "#type" = "ID" }
        { "#REQUIRED" }
  { "doc"
    { "#text" = "\n" }
    { "a" = "#empty"
      { "#attribute"
        { "id" = "A1" }
    { "a" = "#empty"
      { "#attribute"
        { "id" = "A2" }
    { "a" = "#empty"
      { "#attribute"
        { "id" = "A3" }
    { "refs" = "#empty"
      { "#attribute"
        { "refs" = "" }

(* we accept dquote, but not single quotes, because of resulting ambiguity *)
let p10pass1_1 = "<doc><A a=\"asdf>'">\nasdf\n    ?>%\"/></doc>"
let p10pass1_2 = "<doc><A a='\"\">'"'/></doc>"

test Xml.lns get p10pass1_1 = 
  { "doc"
    { "A" = "#empty"
      { "#attribute"
        { "a" = "asdf>'">\nasdf\n    ?>%" }

test Xml.lns get p10pass1_2 = *

(* here again, test exclude single quote *)
let p11pass1 = "<!--Inability to resolve a notation should not be reported as an error-->
<!NOTATION not1 SYSTEM \"a%a&b&#0<!ELEMENT<!--<?</>?>/\''\">
<!NOTATION not3 SYSTEM \"\">

test Xml.lns get p11pass1 = 
  { "#comment" = "Inability to resolve a notation should not be reported as an error" }
  { "!DOCTYPE" = "doc"
    { "!ELEMENT" = "doc"
      { "#decl" = "EMPTY" }
    { "!NOTATION" = "not1"
      { "SYSTEM"
        { "#literal" = "a%a&b&#0<!ELEMENT<!--<?</>?>/\''" }
    { "!NOTATION" = "not3"
      { "SYSTEM"
        { "#literal" = "" }
  { "doc" }

test Xml.lns get "<doc>a%b%</doc></doc>]]<&</doc>" = 
  { "doc"
    { "#text" = "a%b%</doc></doc>]]<&" }

let p15pass1 = "<!--a
]]>-<[ CDATA [
\"- -'-

test Xml.lns get p15pass1 = 
  { "#comment" = "a
]]>-<[ CDATA [
\"- -'-
-<doc>" }
  { "#comment" = "" }
  { "doc" }

let p22pass3 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
<!--comment--> <?pi some instruction ?>

test Xml.lns get p22pass3 = 
  { "#declaration"
    { "#attribute"
      { "version" = "1.0" }
  { "#comment" = "comment" }
  { "#pi"
    { "#target" = "pi" }
    { "#instruction" = "some instruction " }
  { "doc"
    { "#pi"
      { "#target" = "pi" }

let p25pass2 = "<?xml version



test Xml.lns get p25pass2 = 
  { "#declaration"
    { "#attribute"
      { "version" = "1.0" }
  { "doc" }

test Xml.lns get "<!DOCTYPE 


<doc></doc>" = 
  { "!DOCTYPE" = "doc"
    { "!ELEMENT" = "doc"
      { "#decl" = "EMPTY" }
  { "doc" }

test Xml.lns get "<doc></doc  \n>" = { "doc" }

test Xml.lns get "<a><doc att=\"val\" \natt2=\"val2\" att3=\"val3\"/></a>" = 
  { "a"
    { "doc" = "#empty"
      { "#attribute"
        { "att" = "val" }
        { "att2" = "val2" }
        { "att3" = "val3" }

test Xml.lns get "<doc/>" = { "doc" = "#empty" }

(* failure tests *)
(* only one document element *)
test Xml.lns get "<doc></doc><bad/>" = * 

(* document element must be complete *)
test Xml.lns get "<doc>" = *

(* emtpy document is rejected *)
test Xml.lns get "" = *

(* malformed element *)
test Xml.lns get "<a><A@/></a>" = *

(* a Name cannot start with a digit *)
test Xml.lns get "<a><0A/></a>" = *

(* no space before "CDATA" *)
test Xml.lns get "<doc><![ CDATA[a]]></doc>" = *

(* no space after "CDATA" *)
test Xml.lns get "<doc><![CDATA [a]]></doc>" = * 

(* CDSect's can't nest *)
test Xml.lns get "<doc>
<![CDATA[XML doesn't allow CDATA sections to nest]]>
</doc>" = *

(* Comment is illegal in VersionInfo *)
test Xml.lns get "<?xml version <!--bad comment--> =\"1.0\"?>
<doc></doc>" = * 

(* only declarations in DTD *)
test Xml.lns get "<!DOCTYPE doc [
]>" = *

(* we do not support external entities *)
test Xml.lns get "<!DOCTYPE doc [
<!ENTITY % eldecl \"<!ELEMENT doc EMPTY>\">
<doc></doc>" = *

-------------- next part --------------
(* XML lens for Augeas
   Author: Francis Giraldeau <francis.giraldeau at usherbrooke.ca>

   Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml11-20060816/

module Xml =

autoload xfm

 *                           Utilities lens

let dels (s:string)   = del s s
let spc               = /[ \t\n]+/
let osp               = /[ \t\n]*/
let sep_spc           = del /[ \t\n]+/ " "
let sep_osp           = del /[ \t\n]*/ ""
let sep_eq            = del /[ \t\n]*=[ \t\n]*/ "="

let nmtoken             = /[a-zA-Z:_][a-zA-Z0-9:_\.-]*/
let word                = /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\._\-]*/
let char                = /.|\n/
(* if we hide the quotes, then we can only accept single or double quotes *)
(* otherwise a put ambiguity is raised *)
let sto_dquote          = dels "\"" . store /[^"]*/ . dels "\""
let sto_squote          = dels "'" . store /[^']*/ . dels "'"

let comment             = [ label "#comment" . dels "<!--" . store /([^-]|-[^-])*/ . dels "-->" ]
let pi_target           = nmtoken - /[Xx][Mm][Ll]/
let empty               = Util.empty
let del_end             = del />[\n]?/ ">\n"

 *                            Attributes

let decl          = [ label "#decl" . sep_spc . store /[^> \t\n\r]|[^> \t\n\r][^>\t\n\r]*[^> \t\n\r]/ ]

let decl_def (r:regexp) (b:lens) = [ dels "<" . key r .
                                     sep_spc . store word . b . sep_osp . del_end ]

let elem_def      = decl_def /!ELEMENT/ decl

let enum          = "(" . osp . nmtoken . ( osp . "|" . osp . nmtoken )* . osp . ")"  


let id_def        = [ sep_spc . key /SYSTEM|PUBLIC/ . [ label "#literal" . sep_spc . sto_dquote ]* ]

let notation_def  = decl_def /!NOTATION/ id_def

let att_def       = [ sep_spc . [ label "#name" . store word . sep_spc ] .
                                [ label "#type" . store att_type . sep_spc ] .
                                ([ key   /#REQUIRED|#IMPLIED/ ] | 
                                 [ label "#FIXED" . (dels "#FIXED" . sep_spc)? . sto_dquote ]) ]

let att_list_def = decl_def /!ATTLIST/ att_def*

let entity_def    = decl_def /!ENTITY/ ([sep_spc . label "#decl" . sto_dquote ])

let decl_def_item = elem_def | entity_def | att_list_def | notation_def

let decl_outer    = sep_osp . del /\[[ \n\t\r]*/ "[\n" . decl_def_item* . dels "]"

let dtd_def       = [ sep_spc . key "SYSTEM" . sep_spc . sto_dquote ]

let doctype       = decl_def /!DOCTYPE/ (dtd_def|decl_outer|id_def)

let attributes    = [ label "#attribute" .
                      [ sep_spc . key nmtoken . sep_eq . sto_dquote ]+ ]

let prolog        = [ label "#declaration" .
                      dels "<?xml" .
                      attributes .
                      sep_osp .
                      dels "?>" ]

 *                            Tags

(* we consider entities as text *)
let text_re   = /[^<]+/ - /([^<]*\]\]>[^<]*)/
let text      = [ label "#text" . store text_re ]
let cdata     = [ label "#CDATA" . dels "<![CDATA[" .
                  store (char* - (char* . "]]>" . char*)) . dels "]]>" ]

let element (body:lens) =
    let h = attributes? . sep_osp . dels ">" . body* . dels "</" in
        [ dels "<" . square nmtoken h . sep_osp . del_end ]

let empty_element = [ dels "<" . key nmtoken . value "#empty" . attributes? .
                      sep_osp . del /\/>[\n]?/ "/>\n" ]

let pi_instruction = [ dels "<?" . label "#pi" .
                       [ label "#target" . store pi_target ] . 
                       [ sep_spc . label "#instruction" . store (char* - (char* . "?>" . char*)) ]? .
                       sep_osp . del /\?>[\n]?/ "?>\n" ]

(* Typecheck is weaker on rec lens, detected by unfolding *)
let content1 = element text
let rec content2 = element (content1|text|comment)

let rec content = element (text|comment|content|empty_element|pi_instruction)

(* we don't allow root element to be empty (ex: <a/>) because it's known to *)
(* leads to ambiguity                                                       *)
(* let rec content = element (text|comment|content|empty_element|pi_instruction) | empty_element *)

(* Constraints are weaker here, but it's better than being too strict *)
let doc = (sep_osp . (prolog  | comment | doctype | pi_instruction))* .
          ((sep_osp . content) | (sep_osp . empty_element)) .
          (sep_osp . (comment | pi_instruction ))* . sep_osp 

let lns = doc

let filter = (incl "/etc/xml/*.xml")
    . (incl "/etc/obex-data-server/*.xml")
    . (incl "/etc/bonobo-activation/*.xml")
    . (incl "/etc/gtkmathview/*.xml")
    . Util.stdexcl

let xfm = transform lns filter
-------------- next part --------------
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