[augeas-devel] Recursive lens and "malformed node" error in put direction

Raphaël Pinson raphink at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 17:15:15 UTC 2011

Hi again,

I'm currently working on aptconf.aug, which is a recursive lens. I've
managed to make it parse what I wanted so far, but I get a "Malformed
node" error in the put direction.

The code is :

  let name_re = /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z:-]*/

  let rec entry =
    let value =
       Util.del_str "\"" . store Rx.word
       . del /";[ \t]*\n?/ "\";\n" in
    let list_elem =
       [ label "@elem" . Util.indent . value ] in
    [ indent
      . key name_re
      . (
          (Sep.space . value)
          | (del /[ \t\n]*\{[ \t]*/ " {"
             . (entry|list_elem|empty|comment)+
            . del /[ \t]*\}[ \t;]*\n?/ "};\n")

  (* View: lns
       The apt.conf lens *)
  let lns = ( empty | comment | entry | include | clear )*

To get what it does, here are some tests that _pass_:

   (* Test a simple entry *)
   let simple_entry = "APT::Clean-Installed \"true\";\n"

   test AptConf.entry get simple_entry =
      { "APT::Clean-Installed" = "true" }

   (* Test simple recursivity *)
   let simple_recursion = "APT { Clean-Installed \"true\"; };\n"

   test AptConf.entry get simple_recursion =
      { "APT" { "Clean-Installed" = "true" } }

   (* Test simple recursivity with several entries *)
   let simple_recursion_multi =
     "APT {
          Clean-Installed \"true\";
          Get::Assume-Yes \"true\";

   test AptConf.entry get simple_recursion_multi =
      { "APT"
         { "Clean-Installed" = "true" }
         { "Get::Assume-Yes" = "true" } }

   (* Test multiple recursivity *)
   let multiple_recursion =
     "APT { Get { Assume-Yes \"true\"; } };\n"

   test AptConf.entry get multiple_recursion =
      { "APT" { "Get" { "Assume-Yes" = "true" } } }

   (* Test simple list *)
   let simple_list = "DPKG::options { \"--force-confold\"; }\n"

   test AptConf.entry get simple_list =
      { "DPKG::options" { "@elem" = "--force-confold" } }

   (* Test recursive list *)
   let recursive_list =
     "DPKG {
          options {
          } };\n"

   test AptConf.entry get recursive_list =
      { "DPKG"
         { "options"
            { "@elem" = "--force-confold" }
            { "@elem" = "--nocheck" } } }

Now the problem...

I manage to do a put with the AptConf.entry lens:

   (* Test put recursive value *)
   test AptConf.entry put "APT { Clean-Installed \"true\"; }\n"
      after set "/APT/Clean-Installed" "false" =
      "APT { Clean-Installed \"false\"; }\n"

But a put with the AptConf.lns:

   (* Test with full lens *)
   test AptConf.lns put "APT { Clean-Installed \"true\"; }\n"
      after set "/APT/Clean-Installed" "false" =
      "APT { Clean-Installed \"false\"; }\n"

fails with:

  tests/test_aptconf.aug:120.3-122.44:exception thrown in test
  tests/test_aptconf.aug:120.8-121.46:exception: Malformed child node
      Lens: ./aptconf.aug:105.10-.56:
      Error encountered at path

  Syntax error in lens definition
  Failed to load tests/test_aptconf.aug

Am I doing something wrong?
I can post the full module code if necessary.


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