[augeas-devel] ANNOUNCE: Augeas 0.9.0

David Lutterkort lutter at redhat.com
Tue Jul 26 00:30:38 UTC 2011

I am pleased to announce the release of Augeas 0.9.0.

The biggest change in this release is the addition of aug_srun to the
API; that makes it possible to run several commands through the API,
similar to what augtool accepts.

Names in path expressions can now contain whitespace, i.e.
`/files/etc/foo bar/baz' is a legal path expressions; there's a bit of a
hack to make sure [expr1 or expr2] and [expr1 and expr2] are handled
properly. Several other additions to the path expression language are
noted below.

Detailed news:
  - augtool: keep history in ~/.augeas/history
  - add aug_srun API function; this makes it possible to run a sequence of
    commands through the API
  - aug_mv: report error AUG_EMVDESC on attempts to move a node into one of
    its descendants
  - path expressions: allow whitespace inside names, making '/files/etc/foo
    bar/baz' a legal path, but parse [expr1 or expr2] and [expr1 and expr2]
    as the logical and/or of expr1 and expr2
  - path expressions: interpret escape sequences in regexps; since '.' does
    not match newlines, it has to be possible to write '.|\n' to match any
  - path expressions: allow concatenating strings and regexps; add
    comparison operator '!~'; add function 'glob'; allow passing a nodeset
    to function 'regexp'
  - store the names of the functions available in path expressions under
  - fix several smaller memory leaks
  - Lens changes/additions
    * Aliases: allow spaces and commas in aliases (Mathieu Arnold)
    * Grub: allow "bootfs" Solaris/ZFS extension for dataset name, bug #201
      (Dominic Cleal); allow kernel path starting with a BIOS device,
      bug #199
    * Inifile: allow multiline values
    * Php: include files from Zend community edition, bug #210
    * Properties: new lens for Java properties files, bug #194 (Craig Dunn)
    * Spacevars: autoload two ldap files, bug #202 (John Morrissey)
    * Sudoers: support users:groups format in a Runas_Spec line, bug #211;
      add CSW paths (Dominic Cleal)
    * Util: allow comment_or_eol to match whitespace-only comments,
      bug #205 (Dominic Cleal)
    * Xorg: accept InputClass section; autoload from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d,
      bug #197

Tarball:          http://augeas.net/download/augeas-0.9.0.tar.gz
GPG signature:    http://augeas.net/download/augeas-0.9.0.tar.gz.sig

RPM's for Fedora and EPEL are making their way through the build systems
and will be available shortly from the usual repos.


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