[augeas-devel] ANNOUNCE: Augeas 1.0.0

David Lutterkort lutter at redhat.com
Sat Dec 22 00:40:26 UTC 2012

I am pleased to announce the release of Augeas 1.0.0. If I were into
codenames, this would be the 'Twas (almost) the night before Christmas'

After 5 years, it was time to finally move to version 1 - the very first
release, 0.0.1, happend on 12/1/2007. The code, and especially the
library interfaces have been exceedingly stable for quite some time now;
more importantly, the community is very healthy and stable, too.

This release contains a gigantic number of changes, way too many to list
in an email. You can find the complete list of changes in the NEWS
file[1] on github.

Some of the bigger changes are:
      * New syntax for the square lens; the syntax is now 'square L1 L2
        L3' and has the same effect as L1 . L2 . L3 with the additional
        constraint that the strings matching L1 and L3 must be
        identical. This is a backwards incompatible change.
      * Amongst the many new and improved lenses, the Sysconfig lens
        will now strip quotes
      * Several new API calls:
              * aug_text_store/aug_text_retrieve to transform strings
                directy into the tree and turn parts of the tree back
                into strings
              * aug_transform to set up a transform more easily, i.e. to
                associate a lens with the file name filters that it
                should handle
              * aug_rename to rename a tree node
              * aug_label to retrive the label of a tree node, similar
                to how aug_get retrieves the value
      * Several additions to the commands aug_srun and augtool
              * touch to create a node with an empty value; the <VALUE>
                argument to set and setm are now optional
              * add text_store, text_retrieve, rename, transform and
                label commands to expose the new API calls
      * Path expressions can now be matched against regular expressions
        case insensitively using "/foo/bar/*[node =~ regexp('[A-Z]+',

Tarball:          http://augeas.net/download/augeas-1.0.0.tar.gz
GPG signature:    http://augeas.net/download/augeas-1.0.0.tar.gz.sig

RPM's for Fedora and EPEL will have to wait until after the break,
unless somebody beats me to it.


[1] https://github.com/hercules-team/augeas/blob/master/NEWS

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