[augeas-devel] Parsing YAML files in Augeas

Tom Limoncelli tal at whatexit.org
Sun Dec 23 18:59:35 UTC 2012

Has anyone made a lens for YAML files?

I noticed that cobbersettings.aug is a YAML-like file format.
However, it doesn't handle 2 levels of indenting.

I tried to extend cobblersettings.aug to handle something simple like this:

 - key2:
   - valA
   - valB

However, coding that is beyond my level of expertise.

Ultimately I need to add the "{ key: val, key2: val2}" notation
because the files that I need to manipulate look like:

 - key2:
   - {key3: val3, key4: val4}
   - {key5: val5, key6: val6}
   - {key6: val6, key7: val7}
   key8: val8
 - key9:
   - {key10: val10, key11: val11}
   - {key12: val12, key12: val12}
   key13: val13

However first I need to get through the issue of handling multiple
levels of indentation.  Suggestions?


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