[augeas-devel] fstab lens

Lance Dillon riffraff169 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 14 14:16:57 UTC 2012

I'm trying to edit /etc/fstab.  I'm trying to change the following line:

tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults        0 0

and add size=256m (and a few other options, but just testing with that for now).

I have this puppet bit:

    define opt ( $fname, $opt, $value ) {
        $key = $name
        $context = "/files/etc/fstab"

        augeas { "$key-$fname-$opt-$value":
            context => "$context",
            onlyif => "match *[spec='$key'][file='$fname']/opt[.='$opt'] size == 0",
            changes => [ "set *[spec='$key'][file='$fname']/opt[last()+1] $opt",
                         "set *[spec='$key'][file='$fname']/opt[last()]/value $value",

Which basically does what I want to do in augtool:

augtool> print /files/etc/fstab/*[spec='tmpfs']/files/etc/fstab/12
/files/etc/fstab/12/spec = "tmpfs"
/files/etc/fstab/12/file = "/dev/shm"
/files/etc/fstab/12/vfstype = "tmpfs"
/files/etc/fstab/12/opt = "defaults"
/files/etc/fstab/12/dump = "0"
/files/etc/fstab/12/passno = "0"
augtool> set /files/etc/fstab/*[spec='tmpfs'][file='/dev/shm']/opt[last()+1] size
augtool> set /files/etc/fstab/*[spec='tmpfs'][file='/dev/shm']/opt[last()] 256m
augtool> print /files/etc/fstab/*[spec='tmpfs']/files/etc/fstab/12
/files/etc/fstab/12/spec = "tmpfs"
/files/etc/fstab/12/file = "/dev/shm"
/files/etc/fstab/12/vfstype = "tmpfs"
/files/etc/fstab/12/opt[1] = "defaults"
/files/etc/fstab/12/dump = "0"
/files/etc/fstab/12/passno = "0"
/files/etc/fstab/12/opt[2] = "256m"

However, there seems to be an error here:

augtool> save
error: Failed to execute command
error: saving failed (run 'print /augeas//error' for details)
augtool> print /augeas//error
/augeas/files/etc/fstab/error = "put_failed"
/augeas/files/etc/fstab/error/path = "/files/etc/fstab/12"
/augeas/files/etc/fstab/error/lens = "/usr/share/augeas/lenses/dist/fstab.aug:23.17-30.22:"
/augeas/files/etc/fstab/error/message = "Failed to match \n    { /spec/ = /[^\\001-\\004\\t\\n #,][^\\001-\\004\\t\\n ]*/ }{ /file/ = 
/[^\\001-\\004\\t\\n #,]+/ }{ /vfstype/ = /[^\\001-\\004\\t\\n #,=]+/ 
}({ /vfstype/ = /[^\\001-\\004\\t\\n #,=]+/ })*{ /opt/ = 
/[^\\001-\\004\\t\\n #,=]+/ }({ /opt/ = /[^\\001-\\004\\t\\n #,=]+/ 
})*({ /dump/ = /[0-9]+/ }({ /passno/ = /[0-9]+/ })?)?\n  with tree\n    { \"spec\" = \"tmpfs\" } { \"file\" = \"/dev/shm\" } { \"vfstype\" = 
\"tmpfs\" } { \"opt\" = \"defaults\" } { \"dump\" = \"0\" } { \"passno\" = \"0\" } { \"opt\" = \"256m\" }"

I'm guessing it is from this:

  let record = [ seq "mntent" .
                   [ label "spec" . store spec ] . sep_tab .
                   [ label "file" . store Rx.neg1 ] . sep_tab .
                   comma_sep_list "vfstype" . sep_tab .
                   comma_sep_list "opt" .
                   (sep_tab . [ label "dump" . store /[0-9]+/ ] .
                    ( sep_spc . [ label "passno" . store /[0-9]+/ ])? )?
                 . eol ]

where the "opt" comma_sep_list is only allowed in one place, but the augtool change (and the puppet augeas change) converts it to an array/list (from a single 
entry), but puts the second entry at the end instead of with the other 

Is this a defect in the lens, or in my code?  What would be the best way of fixing this problem.

I'd rather use augeas rather than the puppet mount type for flexibility.

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