[augeas-devel] Migrating config file formats

Doug Warner doug at warner.fm
Mon May 14 20:08:14 UTC 2012

Here's my current lens for managing the /etc/conf.d/net file for gentoo; it
uses the @syntax to map between baselayout 1 and 2.

The big thing is the difference in handling quoting; the old lens would allow
you to switch between quoting styles within a single variable (since it was a
real array) but now it's forced to one quoting style per-array.  I can think
of situations where this might bite you (including literal $'s) but I can't
think of a good way to handle it.


On 04/25/2012 06:09 PM, Raphaël Pinson wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Doug Warner <doug at warner.fm> wrote:
>> Sorry for the long delay here; starting to come back around to this problem :)
>> I really like your idea for supporting multiple syntaxes here and marking them
>> with this type of "version" string (you could label each syntax for each
>> matching version to make it easier to understand what is going on).
> You need to leave one syntax without a "@syntax" node (probably the
> most recent syntax). The reason for this is that otherwise, this
> parameter would become necessary for the tree to be valid, and users
> would have to specify which syntax they want to use. It's much easier
> if users don't care about it and just get the newest syntax by
> default, without having to even know that "@syntax" nodes exist.
>> So, related to this; would it be possible to include an external lens to
>> handle the parsing for the "old version" and write the new version inside the
>> current file?  I was thinking of just continuing to use the ShellVars lens to
>> parse the line for the "old version" and tag it the appropriate syntax version
>> and then write the new one as the default.
> Sure, that's possible, but there are conditions. The example I gave
> was quite simple (even simplistic). You have to avoid ambiguity in the
> Augeas bidirectional transformations. That means:
> * No ambiguity on keys (same key mapping different syntaxes with
> different lenses);
> * No ambiguity on syntax (overlapping regexes for several syntaxes).
> In the example I gave, I handled these two cases by:
> * Using a single label (in that case "key") declaration to avoid the
> ambiguity on the keys, and handling the syntax cases inside this
> single lens (declaring 3 lenses and using a union of them wouldn't
> work, it would raise an ambiguity since the 3 keys would match the
> same regex);
> * Making sure syntaxes are non-overlapping (in this case, using
> colons, commas or equal sign as separators ensure they cannot be
> overlapping).
> The lens declaration could very well use more complex lenses, and even
> lenses from other modules (such as Shellvars.lns), so long as it
> follows these two rules.
> If you have a specific case, that could be interesting.
> Raphaël
>> On 02/11/2012 05:07 PM, Raphaël Pinson wrote:
>>> After thinking about it some more, I think it could be useful to get
>>> to a standard using subnodes.
>>> Here is an example, unrelated to the suggested problem:
>>> module Migration =
>>> (* There are 3 possible syntaxes for a line
>>>    The last one doesn't have a "@syntax" subnode, it's the default -
>>> newest - syntax *)
>>> let line = [ key Rx.word .
>>>              ( (Sep.colon . store Rx.word . [ label "@syntax" . value "1" ])
>>>              | (Sep.space . store Rx.word . [ label "@syntax" . value "2" ])
>>>              | (Sep.equal . store Rx.word) )
>>>              . Util.eol ]
>>> let lns = line*
>>> (* Now for some tests *)
>>> let full = "foo:bar\nfoo=baz\nfoo baa\n"
>>> (* Get all kind of syntaxes *)
>>> test lns get full =
>>>   { "foo" = "bar"
>>>     { "@syntax" = "1" }
>>>   }
>>>   { "foo" = "baz" }
>>>   { "foo" = "baa"
>>>     { "@syntax" = "2" }
>>>   }
>>> (* Migrate all to new syntax *)
>>> test lns put full after
>>>    rm "//@syntax" =
>>>    "foo=bar\nfoo=baz\nfoo=baa\n"
>>> (* Force syntax 1 for last entry *)
>>> test lns put full after
>>>    set "/foo[3]/@syntax" "1" =
>>>    "foo:bar\nfoo=baz\nfoo:baa\n"
>>> Could that be an interesting approach in general?
>>> Raphaël
>>> 2012/1/26 Raphaël Pinson <raphink at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi Doug,
>>>> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 4:07 PM, Doug Warner <doug at warner.fm> wrote:
>>>>> I'm working on a lens to work with Gentoo's new /etc/conf.d/net format and I
>>>>> realized I need to convert their old format to the new format.
>>>>> What's the best way to migrate from one format to another?  I have my lens
>>>>> mostly working for the new format now, but I realized I might need to parse
>>>>> both versions; but then I thought that it might not update when augeas
>>>>> reads/writes the config file.
>>>>> I am using puppet to manage these files; so the values are typically set each
>>>>> run; I'm hoping that would cause augeas to write down the new format rather
>>>>> than leave it the old version.
>>>>> I guess the last option is to wipe out the old file when I upgrade and let
>>>>> puppet/augeas write down the new file, but that seems painful as well.
>>>>> Any recommendations on what to do here?
>>>> That's a very interesting question. I see two ways of doing this:
>>>> * write a single lens which will map both syntaxes to different nodes
>>>> in the tree, and use the "move" command to migrate;
>>>> * or write two lenses bound to two different files (file.old and
>>>> file.new or something similar) and use the "move" command to migrate.
>>>> Here is a (minimalistic) proof of concept using the first option:
>>>> $ cat myconfig.aug
>>>> module MyConfig =
>>>> autoload xfm
>>>> let old_record =
>>>>   let entry = [ Util.del_str "\""
>>>>               . label "entry"
>>>>               . store /[0-9.\/]+/
>>>>               . Util.del_str "\"" ]
>>>>   in [ label "old_record" . store Rx.word
>>>>        . Util.del_str "=("
>>>>        . Build.opt_list entry Sep.space
>>>>        . Util.del_str ")" . Util.eol ]
>>>> let new_record =
>>>>   let entry = [ label "entry"
>>>>               . store /[0-9.\/]+/ ]
>>>>   in [ label "new_record" . store Rx.word
>>>>        . Util.del_str "=\""
>>>>        . Build.opt_list entry Util.eol
>>>>        . Util.del_str "\"" . Util.eol ]
>>>> let lns = old_record | new_record
>>>> let filter = incl "/file"
>>>> let xfm = transform lns filter
>>>> $ cat fakeroot/file
>>>> config_eth0=("" "")
>>>> $ augtool -I . -r fakeroot
>>>> /files
>>>> /files/file
>>>> /files/file/old_record = "config_eth0"
>>>> /files/file/old_record/entry[1] = ""
>>>> /files/file/old_record/entry[2] = ""
>>>> rpinson at rpinson:~/bas/augeas_migration$ augtool -I . -r fakeroot/
>>>> augtool> print /files/
>>>> /files
>>>> /files/file
>>>> /files/file/old_record = "config_eth0"
>>>> /files/file/old_record/entry[1] = ""
>>>> /files/file/old_record/entry[2] = ""
>>>> augtool> mv /files/file/old_record /files/file/new_record
>>>> augtool> print /files/
>>>> /files
>>>> /files/file
>>>> /files/file/new_record = "config_eth0"
>>>> /files/file/new_record/entry[1] = ""
>>>> /files/file/new_record/entry[2] = ""
>>>> augtool> save
>>>> Saved 1 file(s)
>>>> $ cat fakeroot/file
>>>> config_eth0="
>>>> Note that you can combine this with the -b flag to keep the old version at hand.
>>>> Raphaël

-------------- next part --------------
(* Lens to match the crazy newline-split variables that Gentoo    *)
(* uses in it's openrc-based /etc/conf.d/net file                 *)
module GentooConf_net=
  autoload xfm

  let nl  = Util.del_str "\n"
  let eol = Util.eol

  let key_re = /[A-Za-z0-9_]+/
  let eq      = Util.del_str "="
  let comment = Util.comment
  let empty   = Util.empty
  let indent  = Util.indent
  let char  = /[^;#() '"\t\n]|\\\\"/
  let dquot = /"([^"\\\n]|\\\\.)*"/                    (* " Emacs, relax *)

  let sqword = /[^('\n]+/
  let dqword = /[^("\n]+/
  let uqword = /[^("'\n]+/

  let semicol_eol = del /[ \t]*[;\n]/ "\n"
  let comment_eol = Util.comment_eol
  let comment_or_eol = comment_eol | semicol_eol

  (* handle old style bash arrays in new syntax *)
  let v1_list =
    let v1_list_value = store /[^;#()'"\t\n]+/ in
      [ label "quote" . store /['"]/ ] . [ label "value" . v1_list_value ] . del /['"]/ "\"" .
      [ Util.del_ws_spc . del /['"]/ "\"" . label "value" . v1_list_value . del /['"]/ "\"" ]*

  let v1_arr = del /\([ \t]*/ "(" . v1_list . del /[ \t]*\)/ ")"

  let v1_simple = del /\(/ "(" . [ label "value" . empty ] . del /\)/ ")"

  (* handle lists of arrays *)
  let list(word:regexp) =
    let list_value = store word in
      [ label "value" . list_value ] .
      [ nl . label "value" . list_value ]*

  (* handle single quoted lists *)
  let squote_arr = [ label "quote" . store /'/ ] . (list sqword)? . del /'/ "'"

  (* similarly handle double qouted lists *)
  let dquote_arr = [ label "quote" . store /"/ ] . (list dqword)? . del /"/ "\""

  (* handle unquoted single value *)
  let unquot_val = [ label "quote" . store "" ] . [label "value" . store uqword+]?

  (* the source/. inclusion method of bash *)
  let source =
    [ Util.indent
      . del /\.|source/ "." . label ".source"
      . Util.del_ws_spc . store /[^;=# \t\n]+/ . comment_or_eol ]

  (* lens for key value pairs *)
  let kv = [ key key_re . eq .
     ( ( v1_arr . [ label "@syntax" . value "1" ] )
     | ( v1_simple . [ label "@syntax" . value "1" ] )
     | squote_arr
     | dquote_arr
     | unquot_val
     ) . nl ]
     | source

  let lns = ( comment | empty | kv )*

  let filter = incl "/etc/conf.d/net*"
             . Util.stdexcl

  let xfm = transform lns filter

-------------- next part --------------
(* Local Variables: *)
(* mode: caml       *)
(* End:             *)

module Test_GentooConf_Net=
  let complicated_bridge_vlan_old_arrays = "config_eth0=(\"null\")
vconfig_eth1=(\"set_name_type VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD\")
vlans_eth1=\"10 11 15\"
routes_br10=(\"default via\")
brctl_br10=(\"setfd 0\")
brctl_br11=(\"setfd 0\")
brctl_br15=(\"setfd 0\")

  let complicated_bridge_vlan = "config_eth0=\"null\"
vconfig_eth1=\"set_name_type VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD\"
vlans_eth1=\"10 11 12\"
routes_br10=\"default via\"
brctl_br10=\"setfd 0\"
brctl_br11=\"setfd 0\"
brctl_br12=\"setfd 0\"

  (* FIXME need to parse the old bash arrays *)
  test GentooConf_Net.lns get complicated_bridge_vlan_old_arrays =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "config_eth1"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "vconfig_eth1"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "set_name_type VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "vlans_eth1"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "10 11 15" }
    { "config_vlan10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "bridge_br10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "vlan10" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "routes_br10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "default via" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "config_br10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "RC_NEED_br10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "net.eth1" }
    { "brctl_br10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "setfd 0" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "bridge_br11"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "vlan11" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "config_vlan11"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "brctl_br11"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "setfd 0" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "RC_NEED_br11"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "net.eth1" }
    { "config_br11"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "RC_NEED_br15"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "net.eth1" }
    { "brctl_br15"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "setfd 0" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "config_br15"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "bridge_br15"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "vlan15" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "config_vlan15"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }
    { "vlan_start_eth1"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "no" }
    { "RC_NEED_vlan11"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "net.eth1" }
    { "RC_NEED_vlan10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "net.eth1" }
    { "RC_NEED_vlan15"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "net.eth1" }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns get complicated_bridge_vlan =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
    { "config_eth1"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
    { "vconfig_eth1"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "set_name_type VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD" }
    { "vlans_eth1"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "10 11 12" }
    { "config_vlan10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
    { "bridge_br10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "vlan10" }
    { "routes_br10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "default via" }
    { "config_br10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "" }
    { "RC_NEED_br10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "net.eth1" }
    { "brctl_br10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "setfd 0" }
    { "bridge_br11"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "vlan11" }
    { "config_vlan11"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
    { "brctl_br11"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "setfd 0" }
    { "RC_NEED_br11"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "net.eth1" }
    { "config_br11"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
    { "RC_NEED_br12"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "net.eth1" }
    { "brctl_br12"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "setfd 0" }
    { "config_br12"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
    { "bridge_br12"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "vlan12" }
    { "config_vlan12"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
    { "vlan_start_eth1"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "no" }
    { "RC_NEED_vlan11"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "net.eth1" }
    { "RC_NEED_vlan10"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "net.eth1" }
    { "RC_NEED_vlan12"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "net.eth1" }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "config_eth0=\"null\"\n" =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "config_eth0=(\"null\")\n" =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "config_eth0=(\"\" \"\")\n" =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "" }
      { "value" = "" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns put "" after
    set "config_eth0/quote" "\"";
    set "config_eth0/value" "";
    set "config_eth0/@syntax" "1"
  = "config_eth0=(\"\")\n"

  test GentooConf_Net.lns put "" after
    set "config_eth0/quote" "\"";
    set "config_eth0/value[1]" "";
    set "config_eth0/value[2]" "";
    set "config_eth0/@syntax" "1"
  = "config_eth0=(\"\" \"\")\n"

  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "config_eth0=( \"null\" )\n" =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "null" }
      { "@syntax" = "1" }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns put "" after
    set "config_eth0/quote" "\"";
    set "config_eth0/value[1]" "null"
    = "config_eth0=\"null\"\n"

  (* empty space should get deleted *)
  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "config_eth0=\" \"\n" =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = " " }

  (* empty space should get deleted *)
  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "config_eth0=\"  \"\n" =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "  " }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "vlans_eth1=\"10\"\n" =
    { "vlans_eth1"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "10" }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns put "" after
    set "vlans_eth1/quote" "\"";
    set "vlans_eth1/value[1]" "10"
    = "vlans_eth1=\"10\"\n"

  (* leading space should get deleted *)
  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "vlans_eth1=\" 10\"\n" =
    { "vlans_eth1"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = " 10" }

  (* trailing space should get deleted *)
  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "vlans_eth1=\"10 \"\n" =
    { "vlans_eth1"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "10 " }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "vlans_eth1=\"10 11\"\n" =
    { "vlans_eth1"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "10 11" }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns put "" after
    set "vlans_eth1/quote" "\"";
    set "vlans_eth1/value[1]" "10 11"
    = "vlans_eth1=\"10 11\"\n"

  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "config_eth0=\"\"\n" =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "" }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns put "" after
    set "config_eth0/quote" "\"";
    set "config_eth0/value[1]" ""
    = "config_eth0=\"\"\n"

  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "config_eth0=\"\n"
    . "\"\n" =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "" }
      { "value" = "" }

  (* FIXME doesn't parse at all b/c of trailing newline *)
  (* hard to fix; this might just be invalid *)
  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "config_eth0=\"\n" 
    . "\n\"\n" =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "" }
      { "value" = "" }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns put "" after
    set "config_eth0/quote" "\"";
    set "config_eth0/value[1]" "";
    set "config_eth0/value[2]" ""
    = "config_eth0=\"\n192.168.0.2/24\"\n"

  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "config_eth0=\" scope host\"\n" =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = " scope host" }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "config_eth0=\" scope host\n"
    . "4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ab/64 nodad home preferred_lft 0\"\n" =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = " scope host" }
      { "value" = "4321:0:1:2:3:4:567:89ab/64 nodad home preferred_lft 0" }

  test GentooConf_Net.lns put "config_eth0=(\"\")\n" after
    rm "config_eth0/@syntax"
    = "config_eth0=\"\"\n"

  test GentooConf_Net.lns put "config_eth0=(\"\" \"\")\n" after
    rm "config_eth0/@syntax"
    = "config_eth0=\"\n192.168.0.2/24\"\n"

  test GentooConf_Net.lns get "config_eth0=\"\"\n"
    . ". /etc/conf.d/net.extra\n" =
    { "config_eth0"
      { "quote" = "\"" }
      { "value" = "" }
    { ".source" = "/etc/conf.d/net.extra" }

vlans_eth1="10 11"
routes_vlan10=" via"
routes_vlan11="default via"

-------------- next part --------------
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