[augeas-devel] Help matching a PAM config line

Jennings, Jared L CTR USAF AFMC 96 SK/CCI jared.jennings.ctr at eglin.af.mil
Fri Oct 25 16:22:04 UTC 2013

According to
https://github.com/hercules-team/augeas/wiki/Path-expressions (Tips &
Tricks section), """
  /files/etc/fstab/*[count(opt[. = "noexec"]) = 0]
finds all entries in /etc/fstab that do not have a noexec option."""

This seems to be parallel to your case. So:
# match all pam_motd lines lacking a noupdate argument
$criterion = "*[module = 'pam_motd.so' and count(argument[. =
'noupdate']) = 0]"
augeas { "disableupdates-$name":
  context => "/files/etc/pam.d/$name",
  changes => [
    "ins argument after ${criterion}/argument[last()]",
    # now the last argument is the one just inserted
    "set ${criterion}/argument[last()] noupdate",
  notify => Exec['pam-auth-update'],

To arrive at this without reconfiguring my system, I wrote /tmp/pambla
with these lines:
session optional pam_motd.so motd=/run/motd.dynamic noupdate
session optional pam_motd.so flarble # [1]
session optional pam_motd.so zort # [2]

(I wanted to be sure of what would happen if there happened to be other
arguments on a pam_motd line, but no noupdate; and of what would happen
if there were multiple pam_motd lines lacking a noupdate argument. These
two cases may not happen in the real world, but I've screwed up a lot of
config files before by not thinking about enough possibilities.)

Then I ran augtool and
set /augeas/load/Pam/incl[last()+1] /tmp/pambla
print /files/tmp/pambla

(Playing about with the lens includes like this may be obvious to
everybody else, but I discovered it just now.)

If there were other arguments on the line lacking noupdate, set
*[...]/argument noupdate, as below, could set all of those arguments to
noupdate, which is likely not desirable; the above code would merely
insert another argument. In the case of multiple lines matching the
criterion, it seems with the above code the last matching line will get
a noupdate argument, and next time that line, having a noupdate, will
not match the criterion, so another line will be fixed. So this wouldn't
fix everything in one pass in that case.

I tried just set *[...]/argument[last()+1] noupdate, but this put an
argument after a #comment in the tree, and then it would not save
properly. So the ins followed by set appeared necessary.

-----Original Message-----
From: augeas-devel-bounces at redhat.com
[mailto:augeas-devel-bounces at redhat.com] On Behalf Of Tim Bishop
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 4:39 PM
To: augeas-devel at redhat.com
Subject: [augeas-devel] Help matching a PAM config line


I'd like to ask for some Augeas help. I'm trying to match a specific PAM
config line so I can append something to it. The relevant lines are:

session    optional     pam_motd.so  motd=/run/motd.dynamic noupdate
session    optional     pam_motd.so # [1]

What I want to do is add "noupdate" to second line.

I've done something similar previously using Puppet with this block:

  augeas { "disableupdates-$name":
    context => "/files/etc/pam.d/$name",
    changes => [
      "ins argument after *[module = 'pam_motd.so']/module",
      "set *[module = 'pam_motd.so']/argument 'noupdate'",
    onlyif  => "match *[module = 'pam_motd.so' and argument='noupdate']
size == 0",
    notify  => Exec['pam-auth-update'],

But at the time the PAM config only contained this line:

session    optional     pam_motd.so # [1]

This no longer works because my onlyif statement matches on the new line
before it.

So I'd like some help to modify the above code to only match and modify
the second line. Or maybe there's another way that I've not thought of?

Thank you in advance,


Tim Bishop
PGP Key: 0x6C226B37FDF38D55

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