[augeas-devel] pagekite lens: backwards-incompatible change

Michael info at fonfon.at
Tue Jan 20 21:31:08 UTC 2015

I made a pull request with backwards incompatible changes of the
pagekite lens:

In the previous (initial) version, pagekite "service_on" entries had the
attributes "source" and "destination".

Now, "service_on" entries have the attributes "protocol", "kitename",
"backend_host", and "backend_port".

This more accurately represents the information of "service_on" entries
and allows a more fine-grained control.

Are there any objections to this change?

I'm the author and do not know of anybody using the lens so far. It was
initially merged on 2014-10-17 so it's pretty new and still not included
in the Debian unstable packages. And PageKite is not widely used.

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