[Avocado-devel] Avocado 0.23.0 released!

Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues lmr at redhat.com
Wed Apr 22 14:07:41 UTC 2015

Hello everyone! I'm here to announce the new Avocado 0.23.0 release, 
code named 'Mad Max: Fury Road'! This time around, we have a few 
changes worth of note:

Now avocado looks more like nose and other unittest based test runners: 
You can define a number of test methods prefixed with test, and the 
runner will simply run them. Also, for compatibility with the base 
unittest class, now setup and cleanup are setUp andtearDown.
Let's see how an old avocado test looked like:

from avocado import test
from avocado import job

class OldTest(test.Test):

    def setup(self):
    self.hello = "Hi there!"

    def action(self):
    self.assertEqual(self.hello, "Hi there!")

    def cleanup(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
The new avocado tests look like this:

from avocado import test
from avocado import job

class MultipleTests(test.Test):

    def setUp(self):
    self.hello = "Hi there!"

    def test_hello(self):
    self.assertEqual(self.hello, "Hi there!")

    def testIdentity(self):
    self.assertTrue(1, 1)

    def tearDown(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
avocado run: Simplified command line options, cutting off a number of 
rarely used options and moving them to config file entries
avocado run: Added the --job-timeout option, that allows users to 
specify the maximum time an avocado test job might take.
avocado run: Consolidated the options --remote-timeout and --vm-timeout 
into --job-timeout.
Sysinfo feature: The sysinfo feature went through refactoring and 
simplification - Now it is possible to specify what information from 
the system is to be collected through config files
See how to configure your collectibles:

# File with list of commands that will be executed and have their 
output collected
commands = /etc/avocado/sysinfo/commands
# File with list of files that will be collected verbatim
files = /etc/avocado/sysinfo/files
# File with list of commands that will run alongside the job/test
profilers = /etc/avocado/sysinfo/profilers
The default commands file looks like:

df -mP
dmesg -c
uname -a
lspci -vvnn
gcc --version
ld --version
ifconfig -a
brctl show
ip link
numactl --hardware show
fdisk -l
Multiplexer: A new params retrieval system is in place. Now, instead of 
self.params.keyyou must use the self.params.get(key, path, default) 
API. A compatibility layer with the old dict structure was made, but we 
encourage you to migrate your param retrieval calls from 
self.params.key or self.params['key'] toself.params.get('key').
The full list of commits can be seen here:


Happy testing!
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