[Avocado-devel] [ANNOUNCEMENT] avocado-vt and virt-test merged

Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues lmr at redhat.com
Tue Aug 4 02:40:45 UTC 2015

Hello everyone:

After a lot of work and many reviews later, we have virt-test and 
avocado-vt merged:


What was done there?

* The virttest library calls to autotest APIs were converted to 
equivalent avocado API calls. There's still a tiny bit of autotest 
dependencies there to ensure correct test reporting
* The project was adapted to be installable system-wide, through the 
means of distro packages, such as RPM. By default, the user files are 
all created in ~/avocado/data/avocado-vt (the ~/avocado location is 
* Avocado 0.27.0 and Avocado VT 0.27.0 were released, and both are 
available in our COPR repo so you can install them at your leisure.

What does this mean from now on?

It officially means that virt-test is now avocado-vt, and that new 
development should be done in the avocado-vt repo. virt-test's repo is 
supposed to be left where it is, but we'll disable commit access to it. 
Our current virt-test maintainers will be granted access to the 
avocado-vt's repo, and we'll work to help our contributors to rebase 
their PRs against avocado-vt.


* The next step is to port our test providers to use avocado libraries, 
instead of the autotest ones, and move the repos location to avocado.
* avocado-vt and our test providers will be maintained normally from 
this point forward.
* Myself and my team will eventually move to focus on avocado-virt, the 
successor to avocado-vt. This is still ways to go before it can be 
considered ready for production (stability and feature set good enough 
for daily virt testing).
* Somewhere down the line, avocado-vt will be in maintenance mode, and 
avocado-virt should be the focus of development.

We ask our awesome contributor and maintainer's patience while we work 
out eventual issues that came with the transition. We'd love to hear 
your criticisms and bug reports, and will work as quickly as we can to 
solve these issues.


* Please add my COPR repo:


Check there for install instructions. To test avocado-vt, you can 


That should do the trick. Any problems, please report them on:




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