[Avocado-devel] Multiplexer: mechanism for tests to retrieve variables

Lukáš Doktor ldoktor at redhat.com
Tue Jan 20 18:23:47 UTC 2015

Oh now I remembered (taking a bath helps, sometimes) that I already 
pursuit this matter and it's partially covered in the RFC:


Another usage for the named mux groups was to support default 
multiplexing of the tests. In test metadata you'd be able to say, that 
this test multiplexes over nics (eg: !default-mux: /hw/nic). Than when 
executing without any flags, it'd run as single test. With 
--multiplex-test it'd create all variants defined in 
`$test.data/$test.yaml` (if exists). With --multiplex-related it'd also 
multiplex all the branches defined in metadata (the !default-mux). Last 
option would be --multiplex-all, which would multiplex all yaml variants.

That was actually the original motivation for tagging some nodes as 
!multiplex. To call the namespaces and it's what made sense to me.


Dne 20.1.2015 v 17:57 Lukáš Doktor napsal(a):
> Hi guys,
> I'm struggling a bit with the inverse version of the multiplexer,
> because I designed it with the `mechanism for tests to retrieve
> variables` in mind. I thought about what the inverse version represents
> and actually couldn't sleep last night because of it. (I know how it
> works, but can't think of what it represents and it's always necessarily
> to see the big picture before choosing the path. So I have !nomux
> version already in my tree - the difference is about 10 lines, but I
> can't merge it before really understanding how it affects the concept)
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