[Avocado-devel] Multiplex configuration failing

Lukáš Doktor ldoktor at redhat.com
Thu Nov 19 06:03:52 UTC 2015

Dne 19.11.2015 v 04:25 Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues napsal(a):
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 5:24 PM Olav Philipp Henschel
> <olavph at linux.vnet.ibm.com <mailto:olavph at linux.vnet.ibm.com>> wrote:
>     Thanks, Cleber, I thinks that clarifies the doc, but that's not my
>     issue.
>     I've executed the same command (./avocado multiplex --tree
>     ../examples/mux-environment.yaml) in another machine (x86_64) and it
>     worked.
>     It might be a problem with ppc64 architecture.
> Now that's interesting. Let's see what Lukas has to say on that matter.
> One thing worth checking would be to run the avocado regression suite on
> a ppc64 machine - it runs multiplex functionality tests as well. Please
> try to:
> 1) Uninstall avocado rpms/debs
> 2) clone avocado to some dir
> 3) Certify that the selftests dependencies are installed -
> see requirements-selftests.txt
> 4) 'make check'
> I'm very interested in seeing what the functional suite reports on your
> ppc64 test systems.

Dear Olav,

I haven't read everything yet, but I tried following:

[root at ibm-p8-virt-01 tmp]# avocado multiplex --tree mux-environment.yaml
  ┗━━ run
       ┣━━ hw
       ┃    ┣━━ cpu
       ┃    ┃    ╠══ intel
       ┃    ┃    ╠══ amd
       ┃    ┃    ╚══ arm
       ┃    ┗━━ disk
       ┃         ╠══ scsi
       ┃         ╚══ virtio
       ┣━━ distro
       ┃    ╠══ fedora
       ┃    ╚══ mint
       ┗━━ env
            ╠══ debug
            ╚══ prod

[root at ibm-p8-virt-01 tmp]# avocado multiplex --tree mux-environment.yaml -c
  ┗━━ run
       ┣━━ hw
       ┃    ┣━━ cpu
       ┃    ┃    ╠══ intel
       ┃    ┃    ║     → cpu_CFLAGS: -march=core2
       ┃    ┃    ╠══ amd
       ┃    ┃    ║     → cpu_CFLAGS: -march=athlon64
       ┃    ┃    ╚══ arm
       ┃    ┃          → cpu_CFLAGS: -mabi=apcs-gnu -march=armv8-a 
       ┃    ┗━━ disk
       ┃         ╠══ scsi
       ┃         ║     → disk_type: scsi
       ┃         ╚══ virtio
       ┃               → disk_type: virtio
       ┣━━ distro
       ┃    ╠══ fedora
       ┃    ║     → init: systemd
       ┃    ╚══ mint
       ┃          → init: systemv
       ┗━━ env
            ╠══ debug
            ║     → opt_CFLAGS: -O0 -g
            ╚══ prod
                  → opt_CFLAGS: -O2
[root at ibm-p8-virt-01 tmp]# uname -a
Linux ibm-p8-virt-01.lab.bos.redhat.com 3.10.0-327.el7.ppc64le #1 SMP 
Thu Oct 29 17:31:13 EDT 2015 ppc64le ppc64le ppc64le GNU/Linux
[root at ibm-p8-virt-01 tmp]# rpm -q python

I'll be offline for few hours, but then I'll read the email carefully 
and try to find why is it not working for you.

Kind regards,

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