[Avocado-devel] Multiplexer design recent discussions summary

Paolo Bonzini pbonzini at redhat.com
Wed Nov 25 14:52:05 UTC 2015

On 25/11/2015 15:45, Lukáš Doktor wrote:
>> Snipping, because I have a question then.  Should we just forbid
>> filter-only/filter-out of !mux paths?  What is the use case?
> If we choose to filter-out, than yes. That would be a solution (and I
> really like it).
> If we choose to cut the node out, than we have another problem:
> ```
>     os: !mux
>         fedora:
>             desktop:
>                 xserver: xorg
>             kernel:
>                 /proc/sys/vm/swappiness: 30
>         gentoo:
> ```
> the result is:
> 1. desktop + kernel
> 2. gentoo
> if I cut-out `/os/fedora/desktop`, the result is:
> 1. kernel
> 2. gentoo
> if I filter-out `/os/fedora/desktop`, the result is:
> 1. gentoo

I'm not sure I understands the use case of this?

Even more restrictive, filter-out and filter-only might be applied only
to _the children of a !mux path_, so in this case only to /os/fedora and


> To me cutting makes sense on global scale as opposite to `--mux-inject`
> and it should coexists to `--filter-out`.

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