[Avocado-devel] [ANNOUNCEMENT] Maintainer's commit access to virt-test has been revoked

Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues lmr at redhat.com
Thu Sep 10 18:03:40 UTC 2015


As we have mentioned for a while now, virt-test was going to be turned 
into a read only repository, and development activities should be moved 
to avocado-vt. Well, the time has come and I've revoked commit access 
of everyone working on virt-test, so nobody gets to commit there 

I'm currently working on merging the current state of virt-test's 
master into avocado-vt master, and I'll be shortly going through the 
remaining PRs, closing them and advising the authors to re-open them 
against avocado-vt.

Thanks for understanding. I know there are costs associated with making 
these changes, but we firmly believe the end result is worth it.



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