[Avocado-devel] RFC: Avocado Job API

Cleber Rosa crosa at redhat.com
Wed Apr 13 04:20:12 UTC 2016

On 04/12/2016 06:43 AM, Lukáš Doktor wrote:
> Dne 12.4.2016 v 10:06 Lukáš Doktor napsal(a):
>> Hello Cleber,
>> in general I welcome this RFC. This is my 3rd attempt to make my
>> response understandable. First I'm mentioning the problems, but some
>> explanations follow at the end of the email.
>> Dne 11.4.2016 v 14:09 Cleber Rosa napsal(a):
>>> Note: the same content on this message is available at:
>>> https://github.com/clebergnu/avocado/blob/rfc_job_api/docs/rfcs/job-api.rst
>>> Some users may find it easier to read with a prettier formatting.
>>> Problem statement
>>> =================
>>> An Avocado job is created by running the command line ``avocado``
>>> application with the ``run`` command, such as::
>>>    $ avocado run passtest.py
>>> But most of Avocado's power is activated by additional command line
>>> arguments, such as::
>>>    $ avocado run passtest.py --vm-domain=vm1
>>>    $ avocado run passtest.py --remote-hostname=machine1
>>> Even though Avocado supports many features, such as running tests
>>> locally, on a Virtual Machine and on a remote host, only one those can
>>> be used on a given job.
>>> The observed limitations are:
>>> * Job creation is limited by the expressiveness of command line
>>>    arguments, this causes mutual exclusion of some features
>>> * Mapping features to a subset of tests or conditions is not possible
>>> * Once created, and while running, a job can not have its status
>>>    queried and can not be manipulated
>>> Even though Avocado is a young project, its current feature set
>>> already exceeds its flexibility.  Unfortunately, advanced users are
>>> not always free to mix and match those features at will.
>>> Reviewing and Evaluating Avocado
>>> ================================
>>> In light of the given problem, let's take a look at what Avocado is,
>>> both by definition and based on its real world, day to day, usage.
>>> Avocado By Definition
>>> ---------------------
>>> Avocado is, by definition, "a set of tools and libraries to help with
>>> automated testing".  Here, some points can be made about the two
>>> components that Avocado are made of:
>>> 1. Libraries are commonly flexible enough and expose the right
>>>     features in a consistent way.  Libraries that provide good APIs
>>>     allow users to solve their own problems, not always anticipated by
>>>     the library authors.
>>> 2. The majority of the Avocado library code fall in two categories:
>>>     utility and test APIs.  Avocado's core libraries are so far, not
>>>     intended to be consumed by third party code and its use is not
>>>     supported in any way.
>>> 3. Tools (as in command line applications), are commonly a lot less
>>>     flexible than libraries.  Even the ones driven by command line
>>>     arguments, configuration files and environment variables fall
>>>     short in flexibility when compared to libraries.  That is true even
>>>     when respecting the basic UNIX principles and features that help to
>>>     reuse and combine different tools in a single shell session.
>>> How Avocado is used
>>> -------------------
>>> The vast majority of the observed Avocado use cases, present and
>>> future, includes running tests.  Given the Avocado architecture and
>>> its core concepts, this means running a job.
>>> Avocado, with regards to its real world usage, is pretty much a job
>>> (and test) runner, and there's no escaping that.  It's probable that,
>>> for every one hundredth ``avocado run`` commands, a different
>>> ``avocado <subcommand>`` is executed.
>>> Proposed solution & RFC goal
>>> ----------------------------
>>> By now, the title of this document may seem a little less
>>> misleading. Still, let's attempt to make it even more clear.
>>> Since Avocado is mostly a job runner that needs to be more flexible,
>>> the most natural approach is to turn more of it into a library.  This
>>> would lead to the creation of a new set of user consumable APIs,
>>> albeit for a different set of users.  Those APIs should allow the
>>> creation of custom job executions, in ways that the Avocado authors
>>> have not yet anticipated.
>>> Having settled on this solution to the stated problem, the primary
>>> goal of this RFC is to propose how such a "Job API" can be
>>> implemented.
>>> Analysis of a Job Environment
>>> =============================
>>> To properly implement a Job API, it's necessary to review what
>>> influences the creation and execution of a job.  Currently, a Job
>>> execution based on the current command line, is driven by, at least,
>>> the following factors:
>>> * Configuration state
>>> * Command line parameters
>>> * Active plugins
>>> The following subsections examines how these would behave in an API
>>> based approach to Job execution.
>>> Configuration state
>>> -------------------
>>> Even though Avocado has a well defined `settings`_ module, it only
>>> provides support for `getting the value`_ of configuration keys. It
>>> lacks the ability to set configuration values at run time.
>>> If the configuration state allowed modifications at run time (in a
>>> well defined and supported way), users could then create many types of
>>> custom jobs with that "tool" alone.
>>> Command line parameters
>>> -----------------------
>>> The need for a strong and predictable correlation between application
>>> builtin defaults, configuration keys and command line parameters is
>>> also a MUST for the implementation of the Job API.
>>> Users writing a custom job will very often need to set a given
>>> behavior that may influence different parts of the Job execution.
>>> Not only that, many use cases may be implemented simply by changing
>>> those defaults in the midst of the job execution.
>>> If users know how to map command line parameters into their
>>> programmable counterparts, advanced custom jobs will be created much
>>> more naturally.
>>> Plugins
>>> -------
>>> Avocado currently relies exclusively on setuptools `entry points`_ to
>>> define the active plugins.  It may be beneficial to add a secondary
>>> activation and deactivation mechanism, one that is locally
>>> configurable.  This is a rather common pattern, and well supported by
>>> the underlying stevedore library.
>>> Given that all plugable components of Avocado are updated to adhere to
>>> the "new plugin" standard, some use cases could be implemented simply
>>> by enabling/disabling plugins (think of "driver" style plugins).  This
>>> can be exclusively or in addition to setting the plugin's own
>>> configuration.
>>> Also, depending on the type of plugin, it may be useful to activate,
>>> deactivate and configure those plugins per job.  Thus, as part of the
>>> Job state, APIs would allow for querying/setting plugins.
>>> Use cases
>>> =========
>>> To aid in the design of an API that solves unforeseen needs, let's
>>> think about a couple of use cases.  Most of these use cases are based
>>> on feedback already received and/or features already requested.
>>> Ordered and conditional test execution
>>> --------------------------------------
>>> A user wants to create a custom job that only runs a benchmark test on
>>> a VM if the VM installation test succeeds.
>>> Possible use case fulfillment
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> Pseudo code::
>>>    #!/usr/bin/env python
>>>    from avocado import Job
>>>    from avocado.resolver import resolve
>>>    job = Job()
>>>    vm_install =
>>> resolve('io-github-autotest-qemu.unattended_install.cdrom.http_ks.default_install.aio_native')
>> what plugins are used during "resolve"?
>>>    vm_disk_benchmark =
>>> resolve('io-github-autotest-qemu.autotest.bonnie')
>>>    if job.run_test(vm_install).result == 'PASS':
>>>        job.run_test(vm_disk_benchmark)
>>> API Requirements
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> 1. Job creation API
>>> 2. Test resolution API
>>> 3. Single test execution API
>>> Run profilers on a single test
>>> ------------------------------
>>> A user wants to create a custom job that only runs profilers for the
>>> very first test.  Running the same profilers for all other tests may
>>> be useless to the user, or maybe consume too much I/O resources that
>>> would influence the remaining tests.
>>> Possible use case fulfillment
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> Avocado, has a configuration key that controls profilers::
>>>    [sysinfo.collect]
>>>    ...
>>>    profiler = False
>>>    ...
>>> By exposing the configuration state, the ``profiler`` key of the
>>> ``sysinfo.collect`` section could be enabled for one test, and
>>> disabled for all others. Pseudo code::
>>>    #!/usr/bin/env python
>>>    from avocado import Job
>>>    from avocado.resolver import resolve
>>>    job = Job()
>>>    env = job.environment # property
>>>    env.config.set('sysinfo.collect', 'profiler', True)
>> What config file is used?
>>>    job.run_test(resolve('build'))
>>>    env.config.set('sysinfo.collect', 'profiler', False)
>>>    job.run_test(resolve('benchmark'))
>>>    job.run_test(resolve('stress'))
>>>    ...
>>>    job.run_test(resolve('netperf'))
>>> API Requirements
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> 1. Job creation API
>>> 2. Test resolution API
>>> 3. Configuration API
>>> 4. Single test execution API
>>> Multi-host test execution
>>> -------------------------
>>> Use case description
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> User needs to run the same test on different platforms.  User has
>>> hosts with the different platforms already setup and remotely
>>> accessible.
>>> Possible use case fulfillment
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> Avocado currently runs all tests in a job with a single runner.  The
>>> `default runner`_ implementation is a local test runner.  Other tests
>>> runners include the `remote runner`_ and the `vm runner`_.
>>> Pseudo code such as the following could implement the (serial, for
>>> simplicity) test execution in multiple different hosts::
>>>    from avocado import Job
>>>    from avocado.plugin_manager import require
>>>    from avocado.resolver import resolve
>>>    job = Job()
>>>    print('JOB ID: %s' % job.unique_id)
>>>    print('JOB LOG: %s' % job.log)
>>>    runner_plugin = 'avocado.plugins.runner:RemoteTestRunner'
>>>    require(runner_plugin)
>> What plugins are loaded by default and what needs to be required?
>>>    env = job.environment # property
>>>    env.config.set('plugin.runner', 'default', runner_plugin)
>>>    env.config.set('plugin.runner.RemoteTestRunner', 'username', 'root')
>>>    env.config.set('plugin.runner.RemoteTestRunner', 'password',
>>> '123456')
>>>    test = resolve('hardware_validation.py:RHEL.test')
>>>    host_list = ['rhel6.x86_64.internal',
>>>                 ...
>>>                 'rhel7.ppc64.internal']
>>>    for host in host_list:
>>>        env.config.set('plugin.runner.RemoteTestRunner', 'host', host)
>> Remote runner (as well as most of the plugins) does not support per-test
>> granularity. I reached this problem with the multi-test RFC and we have
>> to do something with it...
>>>        job.run_test(test)
>>>    print('JOB STATUS: %s' % job.status)
>>> It's actually quite simple to move from a custom Job execution to a
>>> custom Job runner, example::
>>>    #!/usr/bin/env python
>>>    import sys
>>>    from avocado import Job
>>>    from avocado.plugin_manager import require
>>>    from avocado.resolver import resolve
>>>    test = resolve(sys.argv[1])
>>>    host_list = sys.argv[2:]
>>>    runner_plugin = 'avocado.plugins.runner:RemoteTestRunner'
>>>    require(runner_plugin)
>>>    job = Job()
>>>    print('JOB ID: %s' % job.unique_id)
>>>    print('JOB LOG: %s' % job.log)
>> I don't think we need to print those manually. Avocado uses `avocado.*`
>> streams to communicate with outside world, it should keep using it,
>> unless the user disables it (changes it ...). Note that avocado should
>> not change the setting, in this usage it's the library, not the
>> application.
>>>    env = job.environment # property
>>>    env.config.set('plugin.runner', 'default', runner_plugin)
>>>    env.config.set('plugin.runner.RemoteTestRunner', 'username', 'root')
>>>    env.config.set('plugin.runner.RemoteTestRunner', 'password',
>>> '123456')
>>>    for host in host_list:
>>>        env.config.set('plugin.runner.RemoteTestRunner', 'host', host)
>>>        job.run_test(test)
>>>    print('JOB STATUS: %s' % job.status)
>> This took me a while to understand. The difference is that you allow to
>> set some things using command line.
>>> Which could be run as::
>>>    $ multi hardware_validation.py:RHEL.test
>>> rhel{6,7}.{x86_64,ppc64}.internal
>>>    JOB ID: 54cacfb42f3fa9566b6307ad540fbe594f4a5fa2
>>>    JOB LOG:
>>> /home/<user>/avocado/job-results/job-2016-04-07T16.46-54cacfb/job.log
>> Brainstorming here: How about allowing people to invoke the avocado
>> parser, which would modify the `config` values? We don't have this
>> mapping already, but we talked about the need for the ways to unify
>> config, multiplexer and args.
>> The workflow would be:
>> 1. parse args:
>>      - get urls
>>      - get remote-hostname from it and split it
>>      - [optionally] get additional arguments eg. from
>>        --job-params foo=bar [...]
>> 2. instantiate the plugin with overridden values
>> 3. run the test
>>> API Requirements
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> 1. Job creation API
>>> 2. Test resolution API
>>> 3. Configuration API
>>> 4. Plugin Management API
>>> 5. Single test execution API
>>> Current shortcomings
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> 1. The current Avocado runner implementations do not follow the "new
>>>     style" plugin standard.
>>> 2. There's no concept of job environment
>>> 3. Lack uniform definition of plugin implementation for "driver" style
>>>     plugins.
>>> 4. Lack of automatic ownership of configuration namespace by plugin
>>> name.
>>> Other use cases
>>> ===============
>>> The following is a list of other valid use cases which can be
>>> discussed at a later time:
>>> * Use the multiplexer only for some tests.
>> Multiplexer creates multiple tests. What is the result of
>> `run_test(test)` then?
>>> * Use the gdb or wrapper feature only for some tests.
>>> * Run Avocado tests and external-runner tests in the same job.
>> Nitpick: This is currently possible by using simple tests with arguments.
>>> * Run tests in parallel.
>> And here we go. Until now everything is doable, but this is amazing and
>> needful function with lots of challenges in it as currently:
>> 1. plugins are per-process
>> 2. plugins are usually per-job
>> 3. config values are not copied for each test (we can't change them
>> during execution unless we do so)
>>> * Take actions based on test results (for example, run or skip other
>>>    tests)
>>> * Post-process the logs or test results before the job is done
>> I'd only say the logs. IIRC the discussion about the multi-test RFC, job
>> must never-ever change the results. It just runs tests, when there are
>> failures it fails, but it is only a container and it must never say this
>> test failed but what the heck, let's pass.
>>> Development Milestones
>>> ======================
>>> Since it's clear that Avocado demands many changes to be able to
>>> completely fulfill all mentioned use cases, it seems like a good idea
>>> to define milestones.  Those milestones are not intended to set the
>>> pace of development, but to allow for the maximum number of real world
>>> use cases fulfillment as soon as possible.
>>> Milestone 1
>>> -----------
>>> Includes the delivery of the following APIs:
>>> * Job creation API
>>> * Test resolution API
>>> * Single test execution API
>>> Milestone 2
>>> -----------
>>> Adds to the previous milestone:
>>> * Configuration API
>>> Milestone 3
>>> -----------
>>> Adds to the previous milestone:
>>> * Plugin management API
>>> Milestone 4
>>> -----------
>>> Introduces proper interfaces where previously Configuration and Plugin
>>> management APIs were being used.  For instance, where the following
>>> pseudo code was being used to set the current test runner::
>>>    env = job.environment
>>>    env.config.set('plugin.runner', 'default',
>>>                   'avocado.plugins.runner:RemoteTestRunner')
>>>    env.config.set('plugin.runner.RemoteTestRunner', 'username', 'root')
>>>    env.config.set('plugin.runner.RemoteTestRunner', 'password',
>>> '123456')
>>> APIs would be introduced that would allow for the following pseudo
>>> code::
>>>    job.load_runner_by_name('RemoteTestRunner')
>>>    if job.runner.accepts_credentials():
>>>        job.runner.set_credentials(username='root', password='123456')
>> I do like this.
>>> .. _settings:
>>> https://github.com/avocado-framework/avocado/blob/0.34.0/avocado/core/settings.py
>>> .. _getting the value:
>>> https://github.com/avocado-framework/avocado/blob/0.34.0/avocado/core/settings.py#L221
>>> .. _default runner:
>>> https://github.com/avocado-framework/avocado/blob/0.34.0/avocado/core/runner.py#L193
>>> .. _remote runner:
>>> https://github.com/avocado-framework/avocado/blob/0.34.0/avocado/core/remote/runner.py#L37
>>> .. _vm runner:
>>> https://github.com/avocado-framework/avocado/blob/0.34.0/avocado/core/remote/runner.py#L263
>>> .. _entry points:
>>> https://pythonhosted.org/setuptools/pkg_resources.html#entry-points
>> Uff, lots of thoughts. Let's start with the plugins:
>> Currently we have
>> 1. subcommand plugins - not related to this email (run, list, multiplex)
>> 2. avocado plugins - related to whole avocado (config)
>> 3. discovery - maps urls to tests (loaders)
>> 4. job-related - modify the job execution (html, json, remote, sysinfo,
>> vm, xunit)
>> 5. test-related - allow to tweak the test execution (gdb, wrapper,
>> sysinfo)
>> 6. variants-generating - related to test, but results in several test
>> variants (multiplexer)
> Actually let me elaborate more about the plugins. We should IMO create
> `avocado.plugins.job.*` and `avocado.plugins.test.*` plugin namespaces,
> where:

If you're talking about modules namespaces, it would only add to the 
aesthetics of the project source tree directory.  What actually defines 
what kind a plugin is, is what interface it implements, and to what 
setuptools namespace it's registered under.

> avocado.plugins.job - is the (4) type of plugin. It should contain the
> TestResults hooks (which defines everything one might need to tweak the
> job).

This is just wrong.  Can you imagine documenting that, to tweak a job, 
you "just" have to add a "*test result*" hook?

> avocado.plugins.test.* - is the (5) type of plugin, which should allow
> pre and post test interaction.

Again, the module namespace doesn't play that role, but I understand 
that you're proposing pre and post test plugins, which was already 
discussed in the other RFC.

> I'm still struggling on the RemoteRunner. That does not apply to any of
> these as it's job-related, but it modifies the runner. So maybe
> similarly to multiplexer it deserves another category as it modifies the
> test execution and requires per-test granularity (to allow running tests
> on different machines):

Agreed.  The "test runner" is another piece of Avocado that deserves 
formal and well defined interfaces.

>      job.run_test(test, params=None, Runner=None)

We will never be able to add too many parameters to run_test().  That's 
why I believe the "job environment" concept is easier to digest and extend.

> where the runner would be heavily simplified and it should support:
> * setUp()  # get the connection, check for avocado...
> * run_test()  # runs the test
> * tearDown()

Sure, you're defining the interface that "test runner" plugins would 
have to implement.

> Example:
>      job.run_test(test)
>      for host in hosts:
>          job.run_test(test, runner=RemoteRunner(host))
>      runner = RemoteRunner(host)
>      for test in [test1, test2, test3]:
>          job.run_test(test, runner)
> Note: If you dislike parsing it as an argument, we can always set it by
> environment or directly to job. Anyway that would require copying this
> to job before resuming from `trigger_job` as another test might want to
> modify it:

Sure.  The implementation level details such as using the environment or 
not will certainly come up a little bit later IMHO.  The important thing 
is to understand if we have the same general view.

>      job.runner = RemoteRunner(host)
>      job.trigger_test(test)
>      # the test must read/store the "runner" before returning
>      job.runner = None
>      job.trigger_test(test)
>      job.wait()
> Anyway these are details. My point is that Runner and Multiplexer are
> special.

They're certainly very important.  But as much as possible, all the 
plugable moving parts should behave similarly.

Again, thanks for the feedback!
  - Cleber.

>> Some of the (4) are related to test, rather than job, but it was not a
>> big issue until now as the runner did not allow mixing them. If we want
>> to allow this, then we should modify:
>> * remote - to trigger tests, rather than jobs (benefit is that default
>> runner would get per-test updates and we'd probably got rid of the
>> RemoteResults)
>> * sysinfo - no actual modification needed (when not running in
>> parallel), but logically it should be separated to be triggered
>> before/after job (belongs to category (4)) and before/after test (5)
>> * vm - the same as remote
>> The category 5 is related per test, but currently does not support
>> modification during run-time. There are additional problems when we want
>> to support parallel execution as gdb and wrapper are set per-process.
>> So to solve all those problems, we can either make those plugins
>> test-process-aware (really ugly) or we need to instantiate the plugin
>> inside the test process (the `plugin.run` would have to be executed
>> inside `avocado.core.runner._run_test`.
>> So to combine my thoughts, the workflow should IMO be (optional user
>> steps not related to avocado are marked by '*'):
>> *  initialize logging, pop some arguments from sys.argv, ask for user
>> input, ....
>> 1. allow to run `from avocado import parser; parser.parse()` to parse
>> either dictionary or `sys.argv` when None.
>> 2. initialize the config (this also happens on parser.parse() along with
>> updating the values from args)
>> *  modify Job-related config (tweak the job-plugins (4))
>> 3. create a Job()
>> 4. instantiate variants-generating plugin(s)
>> *  modify Test-related config
>> *  instantiate Test-related plugins
>> *  process logs
>> *  yield generated variant
>> 5. run/trigger test
>> ...
>> 6. end job
>> *  whatever the user wants to do after job end
>> Some explanations
>> (1) - is optional and without it avocado uses the default config path
>>      from avocado import parser
>>      config = parser.parse(["--config", "/foo.ini"])
>>      # or parser.parse(None) to use sys.argv
>> (2) - lazily executed when `config` used (in step (1), or eg. in
>> resolver, or by using "config")
>>      from avocado import Config
>>      config = Config(file=None)
>>      config.get(...)
>>      config.set(...)
>> (3) - assigns job id and invokes the job-plugins (eg pre-job hooks)
>>      from avocado import Job
>>      job = Job(config=None)
>> (4) - gives the object which allows yielding variants (and more)
>>      from avocado import multiplexer
>>      mux = multiplexer(files=None)
>>      # when file=None use `--multiplex value?)
>>      params = mux.next()
>> (5) - run the test. There are two ways:
>>      # modify the avocado environment
>>      job.run_test()
>>      # the job.run_test() instantiates the plugins, handles
>>      # the execution and report test results
>>      # Another way (prefered by me) is
>>      job.run_test(environment=None, params=None, ...)
>>      # basically does the same
>>      # The difference is when we use `trigger_test` to run in
>>      # background, where the first needs to always copy the whole
>>      # environment (deepcopy), while the second can rely on the user
>> (6) - finishes the job including post-job plugins triggers
>> As you can see all steps except (3), (5) and (6) are optional and use
>> defaults, while allowing their modification. So milestones would be:
>> 1. 3,5,6
>> 2. 2
>> 3. 4
>> 4. 1
>> Regards,
>> Lukáš

Cleber Rosa
[ Sr Software Engineer - Virtualization Team - Red Hat ]
[ Avocado Test Framework - avocado-framework.github.io ]

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