[Avocado-devel] Maintainers of autotest/avocado projects

Lukáš Doktor ldoktor at redhat.com
Wed Apr 13 14:02:09 UTC 2016

Dear Autotest/Avocado maintainers,

I noticed some outdated information in the `MAINTAINERS` files and I'd 
like to ask you if you are still interested in being an official 
contact, or if you want to nominate someone instead of you, or simply 
resign (for any reason).

Feel free to send pull request, or just comment on this email, I can 
update it accordingly.

Also note that "virt-test" is officially dead. I'm adding it here as I 
think it'd be useful to transfer the updated MAINTAINERS file to 


Pull request maintenance - QEMU subtests

M: Jiri Zupka <jzupka at redhat.com>
M: Lukas Doktor <ldoktor at redhat.com>
M: Yiqiao Pu <ypu at redhat.com>
M: Feng Yang <fyang at redhat.com>

Pull request maintenance - openvswitch subtests

M: Jiri Zupka <jzupka at redhat.com>


Pull request maintenance - Libvirt subtests

M: Christopher Evich <cevich at redhat.com>
M: Yu Mingfei <yumingfei at cn.fujitsu.com>
M: Yang Dongsheng <yangds.fnst at cn.fujitsu.com>
M: Li Yang <liyang.fnst at cn.fujitsu.com>

Pull request maintenance - LVSB subtests

M: Christopher Evich <cevich at redhat.com>

Pull request maintenance - Libguestfs

M: Yu Mingfei <yumingfei at cn.fujitsu.com>

Pull request maintenance - v2v subtests

M: Alex Jia <ajia at redhat.com>

avocado-framework/avocado-vt (virt-test)

Pull request maintenance - QEMU subtests

M: Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues <lmr at redhat.com>
M: Cleber Rosa <crosa at redhat.com>
M: Jiri Zupka <jzupka at redhat.com>
M: Lukas Doktor <ldoktor at redhat.com>
M: Yiqiao Pu <ypu at redhat.com>
M: Feng Yang <fyang at redhat.com>

Pull request maintenance - Libvirt subtests

M: Christopher Evich <cevich at redhat.com>
M: Yu Mingfei <yumingfei at cn.fujitsu.com>
M: Yang Dongsheng <yangds.fnst at cn.fujitsu.com>
M: Li Yang <liyang.fnst at cn.fujitsu.com>

Pull request maintenance - LVSB subtests

M: Christopher Evich <cevich at redhat.com>

Pull request maintenance - Libguestfs

M: Yu Mingfei <yumingfei at cn.fujitsu.com>

Pull request maintenance - v2v subtests

M: Alex Jia <ajia at redhat.com>

Pull request maintenance - openvswitch subtests

M: Jiri Zupka <jzupka at redhat.com>

Sincerely yours,
Lukáš Doktor

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