[Avocado-devel] (potential) design issue in multiplexer

Lukáš Doktor ldoktor at redhat.com
Fri Aug 19 10:54:40 UTC 2016

Dne 17.8.2016 v 16:33 Cleber Rosa napsal(a):
> On 08/17/2016 04:43 AM, Lukáš Doktor wrote:
>> Hello guys,
> Hi Lukáš,
> Here are a few comments/questions that arose from a quick read.
>> While looking at the
>> https://github.com/avocado-framework/avocado-virt/pull/90 I noticed
>> quite serious issue in the current multiplexer design and if I
>> understand it correctly even in the ideal multiplexer design (avocado
>> still does not support the full specification). I'm not sure whether I
>> just don't see something obvious so please take a look at it.
>> The problem is, that in that PR Fam assigns the value of non-leaf item.
>> That works well, the problem is when one tries to multiplex it, because
>> he changes the non-leaf object to !mux and it adds the other branches as
>> different mux domains.
>> Let's make it concrete. The idea is to expect `kvm = on|off` in
>> `/plugins/virt/qemu/*` path. This path contains several children already
>> (`/plugins/virt/qemu/paths` and `/plugins/virt/qemu/migrate`), which
>> still works well (one can generate similar output with `avocado
>> multiplex --system-wide ...` when avocado-virt is installed; note you
>> can't use `-s` as it clashes with `--silent`, PR to fix it has been sent):
>> ```
>>  ┗━━ plugins
>>       ┗━━ virt
>>            ┣━━ qemu
>>            ┃    ┣━━ paths
>>            ┃    ┃     → qemu_dst_bin: None
>>            ┃    ┃     → qemu_img_bin: None
>>            ┃    ┃     → kvm: on
>>            ┃    ┃     → qemu_bin: None
>>            ┃    ┗━━ migrate
>>            ┃          → kvm: on
>>            ┃          → timeout: 60.0
>> ```
>> Now when you want to vary between different values, you might want to
>> inject something like:
>> ```
>> plugins:
>>     virt:
>>         qemu: !mux
>>             enabled:
>>                 kvm: on
>>             disabled:
>>                 qemu: off
>> ```
> You mean "kvm: off" here, right?
yep, sorry, I had to modify the examples couple of times due to 

>> The problem is, that it affects the whole `/plugins/virt/qemu` node and
>> all it's children become multiplexed:
>> ```
>>  ┗━━ plugins
>>       ┗━━ virt
>>            ┣━━ qemu
>>            ┃    ╠══ enabled
>>            ┃    ║     → kvm: on
>>            ┃    ╠══ disabled
>>            ┃    ║     → kvm: off
>>            ┃    ╠══ paths
>>            ┃    ║     → qemu_dst_bin: None
>>            ┃    ║     → qemu_img_bin: None
>>            ┃    ║     → qemu_bin: None
>>            ┃    ╚══ migrate
>>            ┃          → timeout: 60.0
>> ```
>> The original multiplexer RFC wanted to always allow left side to be
>> optional. This currently works only for paths inside mux-paths (like
>> /run). Anyway let's assume it works and explore the consequences. The
>> query path would change to `*/plugins/virt/qemu/*` and we'd inject the
>> values on a different place:
> Do you mean injecting nodes with a non-absolute (left-most part missing)
> path?  I fail to see how that would be possible.
No, that's not what I had in mind. The original RFC suggested that users 
should usually supply relative path like `qemu/paths` and the 
multiplexer should search the whole tree for all occurrences. I saw some 
benefits, but a lot of clashes, therefor I suggested the list of 
`multiplex_paths`, which define slices of the tree and those relative 
paths are searched there. Currently when relative path is specified, it 
only looks into the `multiplex_paths` (by default `/run` only) and it 
omits the rest (the `/`).

The consequence is, that those `/plugins` can't be queried for using 
relative paths (unless one specifies `multiplex_path += "/"` or "/plugins").

The following example shows how that would work if avocado supported 
this feature and we tried to query for `plugins/virt/qemu`. Also note 
there is a typo in the example, see the changes below:

>> ```
>>  ┣━━ my
>>  ┃    ┗━━ kvm
>>  ┃         ┗━━ plugins
>>  ┃              ┗━━ virt
>>  ┃                   ┗━━ qemu
>>  ┃                        ╠══ enabled
>>  ┃                        ║     → kvm: on
>>  ┃                        ╚══ disabled
>>  ┃                              → kvm: off
>>  ┗━━ plugins
>>       ┗━━ virt
>>            ┣━━ qemu
>>            ┃    ┣━━ paths
>>            ┃    ┃     → qemu_dst_bin: None
>>            ┃    ┃     → qemu_img_bin: None
>>            ┃    ┃     → qemu_bin: None
>>            ┃    ┗━━ migrate
>>            ┃          → timeout: 60.0
>> ```
>> 1. mux looks into mux-path (`/run`) first, can't find the
>> `kvm/plugins/virt/qemu` there
it can't find the `plugins/virt/qemu`

>> 2. it looks into `/` and finds it in `/my/kvm/plugins/virt/qemu` -> success
>> The problem is, when we use defaults (eg. the way we define default
>> values in avocado-virt):
>> ```
>>  ┣━━ my
>>  ┃    ┗━━ kvm
>>  ┃         ┗━━ plugins
>>  ┃              ┗━━ virt
>>  ┃                   ┗━━ qemu
>>  ┃                        ╠══ enabled
>>  ┃                        ║     → kvm: on
>>  ┃                        ╚══ disabled
>>  ┃                              → kvm: off
>>  ┗━━ plugins
>>       ┗━━ virt
>>            ┣━━ qemu
>>            ┃    ┣━━ paths
>>            ┃    ┃     → qemu_dst_bin: None
>>            ┃    ┃     → qemu_img_bin: None
>>            ┃    ┃     → kvm: Something_else
>>            ┃    ┃     → qemu_bin: None
>>            ┃    ┗━━ migrate
>>            ┃          → kvm: Something_else
>>            ┃          → timeout: 60.0
>> ```
>> 1. mux looks into mux-path (`/run`) first, can't find the
>> `kvm/plugins/virt/qemu` there
the same here, it should be `plugins/virt/qemu`

>> 2. it looks into `/` and finds it in `/my/kvm/plugins/virt/qemu` and in
as well as here `plugins/virt/qemu`

>> `/plugins/virt/qemu` -> failure
>> Yes, one could solve it by defining another `mux-path` to `/my` or even
>> `/my/kvm`, but that just adds the complexity.
>> Let me also mention why do we like to extend nodes from right. Imagine
>> we expect `disk_type` in `/virt/hw/disk/*`. The yaml file might look
>> like this:
>> ```
>> virt:
>>     hw:
>>         disk: !mux
>>             virtio_blk:
>>                 disk_type: virtio_blk
>>             virtio_scsi:
>>                 disk_type: virtio_scsi
>> ```
>> Now the user develops `virtio_scsi_next` and he wants to compare them.
>> Today he simply merges this config with the above:
>> ```
>> virt:
>>     hw:
>>         disk: !mux
>>             virtio_scsi_debug:
>>                 disk_type: virtio_scsi
>>                 enable_next: True
>> ```
>> and avocado produces 3 variants, where `params.get("disk_type",
>> "/virt/hw/disk/*")` reports the 3 defined variants. If we try to do the
>> same with `*/virt/hw/disk` we have to modify the first file:
>> ```
>> !mux
>> virtio_blk:
>>     virt:
>>         hw:
>>             disk:
>>                 disk_type: virtio_blk
>> virtio_scsi:
>>     virt:
>>         hw:
>>             disk:
>>                 disk_type: virtio_scsi
>> ```
>> One would want to prepend yet another node in front of it, because we
>> don't want to vary over disk types only, but also over other items (like
>> cpus, ...). The problem is, that the first category has to again be
>> unique to the whole multiplex tree in order to not clash with the other
>> items. And that is what the tree path was actually introduced, to get
>> rid of this global-namespace.
>> Right now the only solution I see is to change the way `!mux` works.
>> Currently it multiplexes all the children, but (not sure if easily done)
>> it should only define the children, which mix together. Therefor (back
>> to the original example) one would be able to say:
>> ```
>> plugins:
>>     virt:
>>         qemu:
>>             enabled: !newmux
>>                 kvm: on
>>             disabled: !newmux
>>                 kvm: off
>>             paths:
>>                 qemu_dst_bin: None
>>                 qemu_img_bin: None
>>                 qemu_bin: None
>>             migrate:
>>                 timeout: 60.0
>> ```
>> which would produce:
>> ```
>>  ┗━━ plugins
>>       ┗━━ virt
>>            ┣━━ qemu
>>            ┃    ╠══ enabled
>>            ┃    ║     → kvm: on
>>            ┃    ╠══ disabled
>>            ┃    ┃     → kvm: off
>>            ┃    ┣━━ paths
>>            ┃    ┃     → qemu_dst_bin: None
>>            ┃    ┃     → qemu_img_bin: None
>>            ┃    ┃     → qemu_bin: None
>>            ┃    ┗━━ migrate
>>            ┃          → timeout: 60.0
>> ```
>> and in terms of variants:
>> ```
> Even though this is an example, and we're worried about core concepts, I
> fail to see the point of the "/paths" and "/migrate" nodes here.  Both
> "enabled" and "disabled" nodes, actually mean the user indent different
> multiplexed variants, while "/paths" and "/migrate" are "bins" for other
> values.
> It looks like your proposal for a new type of "!mux" tag/behavior is
> partially due to this mixed used of nodes (to be multiplexed and to
> serve as "bins" for misc values).
The problem I'm trying to describe is, that when users try to multiplex 
non-leaf nodes, the `!mux` makes turns the existing nodes/children into 
a different variants and there is no way to avoid it apart from removing 
the node and recreating it. Hopefully it's clearer when I respond to 
Ademar with direct examples.


>> Variant 1:    /plugins/virt/qemu/enabled, /plugins/virt/paths,
>> /plugins/virt/migrate
>> Variant 2:    /plugins/virt/qemu/disabled, /plugins/virt/paths,
>> /plugins/virt/migrate
>> ```
>> I'm looking forward to your suggestions and I hope I'm wrong and that
>> the multiplexer (at least the full-spec) can handle this nicely.
>> Kind regards,
>> Lukáš

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