[Avocado-devel] RFC: Avocado multiplexer plugin

Lukáš Doktor ldoktor at redhat.com
Thu Jul 7 13:44:14 UTC 2016

0Dne 5.7.2016 v 16:10 Ademar Reis napsal(a):
> On Fri, Jul 01, 2016 at 03:57:31PM +0200, Lukáš Doktor wrote:
>> Dne 30.6.2016 v 22:57 Ademar Reis napsal(a):
>>> On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 06:59:39PM +0200, Lukáš Doktor wrote:
>>>> Hello guys,
>>>> the purpose of this RFC is to properly split and define the way test
>>>> parameters are processed. There are several ways to split them apart, each
>>>> with some benefits and drawbacks.
>>>> Current params process
>>>> ======================
>>>> `tree.TreeNode` -> Object allowing to store things (environment, filters,
>>>> ...) in tree-structure
>>>> `multiplexer.Mux` -> Interface between job and multiplexer. Reports number
>>>> of tests and yields modified test_suite templates
>>>> `multiplexer.MuxTree` -> Object representing part of the tree from the root
>>>> to leaves or another multiplex domain. Recursively it creates multiplexed
>>>> variants of the full tree.
>>>> `multiplexer.AvocadoParams` -> Params object used to retrieve params from
>>>> given path, allows defining several domains for relative paths matching
>>>> defined as `mux_path`s.
>>>> `multiplexer.AvocadoParam` -> Slice of the `AvocadoParams` which handles
>>>> given `mux_path`.
>>>> `test.Test.default_params` -> Dictionary which can define test's default
>>>> values, it's intended for removal for some time.
>>>> Creating variants
>>>> -----------------
>>>> 1. app
>>>> 2. parser -> creates the root tree `args.default_avocado_params =
>>>> TreeNode()`
>>>> 3. plugins.* -> inject key/value into `args.default_avocado_params` (or it's
>>>> children). One example is `plugins.run`'s --mux-inject, the other is
>>>> `avocado_virt`'s default values.
>>>> 4. job -> creates multiplexer.Mux() object
>>>>     a. If "-m" specified, parses and filters the yaml file(s), otherwise
>>>> creates an empty TreeNode() called `mux_tree`
>>>>     b. If `args.default_avocado_params` exists, it merges it into the
>>>> `mux_tree` (no filtering of the default params)
>>>>     c. Initializes `multiplexer.MuxTree` object using the `mux_tree`
>>>> 5. job -> asks the Mux() object for number of tests
>>>>     a. Mux iterates all MuxTree variants and reports `no_variants *
>>>> no_tests`
>>>> 6. runner -> iterates through test_suite
>>>>     a. runner -> iterates through Mux:
>>>>         i.  multiplexer.Mux -> iterates through MuxTree
>>>>         	* multiplexer.MuxTree -> yields list of leaves of the `mux_tree`
>>>>         ii, yields the modified test template
>>>>     b. runs the test template:
>>>>         i. Test.__init__: |
>>>>             if isinstance(params, dict):
>>>>                 # update test's default params
>>>>             elif params is None:
>>>>                 # New empty multiplexer.AvocadoParams are created
>>>>             elif isinstance(params, tuple):
>>>>                 # multiplexer.AvocadoParams are created from params
>>>> 7. exit
>>>> AvocadoParams initialization
>>>> ----------------------------
>>>>     def __init__(self, leaves, test_id, tag, mux_path, default_params):
>>>>         """
>>>>         :param leaves: List of TreeNode leaves defining current variant
>>>>         :param test_id: test id
>>>>         :param tag: test tag
>>>>         :param mux_path: list of entry points
>>>>         :param default_params: dict of params used when no matches found
>>>>         """
>>>> 1. Iterates through `mux_path` and creates `AvocadoParam` slices containing
>>>> params from only matching nodes, storing them in `self._rel_paths`
>>>> 2. Creates `AvocadoParam` slice containing the remaining params, storing
>>>> them in `self._abs_path`
>>>> Test params
>>>> -----------
>>>>     def get(self, key, path=None, default=None):
>>>>         """
>>>>         Retrieve value associated with key from params
>>>>         :param key: Key you're looking for
>>>>         :param path: namespace ['*']
>>>>         :param default: default value when not found
>>>>         :raise KeyError: In case of multiple different values (params clash)
>>>>         """
>>>> 1. Tries to obtain the (key,  path, default) from cache
>>>> 2. Tries to get the (key, path) from `self._rel_paths`
>>>> 3. When the `path` is abs_path it tries to get the param from
>>>> `self._abs_path`
>>>> 4. Looks into the Test's default params dictionary
>>>> 5. Returns `default`
>>>> Overview
>>>> --------
>>>> Basically now there are 3 components:
>>>> 1. params parser (yaml => tree)
>>>> 2. variants generator (tree => iterator)
>>>> 3. test parameters (key => value from variant values)
>>>> and we need to decide how do we want to split it and what should be part of
>>>> the plugin API and what core API.
>>>> Plugin parser->tree
>>>> ===================
>>>> We can say the `tree` is the actual params API and we could only allow
>>>> producing custom parsers to construct the tree. This would be the simplest
>>>> method as it only requires us to move the yaml parsing into the module and
>>>> the `AvocadoParams` would stay as they are. The cons is that the plugin
>>>> writers would only be able to produce params compatible with the tree
>>>> structure (flat, or tree-like).
>>>> If we decide to chose this method, we can keep the current avocado arguments
>>>> and only allow replacing the parser plugin, eg. by `--multiplex-plugin
>>>> NAME`. Alternatively we might even detect the suitable plugin based on the
>>>> multiplex file and even allow combining them (`.cfg vs. .yaml, ...)
>>>> The plugin would have to support:
>>>> * parse_file(FILE) => tree_node
>>>> * check_file(FILE) => BOOL	// in case we want automatic detection of
>>>> file->plugin
>>>> Plugin parser->variant
>>>> ======================
>>>> This would require deeper changes, but allow greater flexibility. We'd also
>>>> have to chose whether we want to allow combinations, or whether the plugin
>>>> should handle the whole workflow. I don't think we should allow combinations
>>>> as that would imply another convention for storing the parsed results.
>>>> The user would configure in config or on cmdline which plugin he wants to
>>>> use and the arguments would stay the same (optionally extended by the
>>>> plugin's arguments)
>>>> The plugin would have to support:
>>>> * configure(parser)	// optional, add extended options like --mux-version
>>>> * parse_file(FILE)	// does not return as it's up to plugin to store the
>>>> results
>>>> * inject_value(key, value, path)	// used by avocado-virt to inject default
>>>> values
>>>> * __len__()			// Return number of variants (we might want to extend this to
>>>> accept TEMPLATE and allow different number of variants per TEMPLATE. That is
>>>> currently not supported, but it might be handy
>>>> * itervariants(TEMPLATE)	// yields modified TEMPLATE with params set in
>>>> AvocadoParams understandable format
>>>> Plugin AvocadoParams
>>>> ====================
>>>> I don't think we should make the AvocadoParams replaceable, but if we want
>>>> to we should strictly require `params.get` compatibility so all tests can
>>>> run seamlessly with all params. Anyway if we decided to make AvocadoParams
>>>> replaceable, then we can create a proxy between the params and the plugin.
>>>> Conclusion
>>>> ==========
>>>> I'm looking forward to cleaner multiplexer API. I don't think people would
>>>> like to invest much time in developing fancy multiplexer plugins so I'd go
>>>> with the `parser->tree` variant, which allows easy extensibility with some
>>>> level of flexibility. The flexibility is for example sufficient to implement
>>>> cartesian_config parser.
>>>> As for the automatic detection, I donẗ like the idea as people might want to
>>>> use the same format with different custom tags.
>>> Hi Lukáš.
>>> I believe we're in sync, but I miss the high level overview, or
>>> at least review, of how params, variants and the multiplexer or
>>> other plugins are all related to each other.
>>> Please check the definitions/examples below to see if we're in
>>> sync:
>>> Params
>>> ------
>>>     A dictionary of key/values, with an optional path (we could
>>>     simply call it prefix), which is used to identify the key
>>>     when there are multiple versions of it. The path is
>>>     interpreted from right to left to find a match.
>>>     The Params data structure can be populated by multiple
>>>     sources.
>>>     Example:
>>>     (implementation and API details are not discussed here)
>>>     key: var1=a
>>>     path: /foo/bar/baz
>>>     key: var1=b
>>>     path: /foo/bar
>>>     key: var2=c
>>>     path: NULL (empty)
>>>     get(key=var1, path=/foo/) ==> error ("/foo/var1" not found)
>>>     get(key=var1, path=/foo/*) ==> error (multiple var1)
>>>     get(key=var1, path=/foo/bar/baz/weeee/) ==> error
>>>     get(key=var1, path=/foo/bar/weeee/) ==> error
>>>     get(key=var2) ==> c
>>>     get(key=var2, path=foobar) ==> error ("foobar/var2" not found)
>>>     get(key=var1, path=/foo/bar/baz/) ==> a
>>>     (unique match for "/foo/bar/baz/var1")
>>>     get(key=var1, path=/foo/bar/) ==> b
>>>     (unique match for "/foo/bar/var1/")
>>>     get(key=var1, path=baz) ==> a
>>>     (unique match for "baz/var1")
>>>     get(key=var1, path=bar) ==> b
>>>     (unique match for "bar/var1")
>>>     This kind of "get" API is exposed in the Test API.
>>> Variants
>>> --------
>>>     Multiple sets of params, all with the same set of keys and
>>>     paths, but potentially different values. Each variant is
>>>     identified by a "Variant ID" (see the "Test ID RFC").
>>>     The test runner is responsible for the association of tests
>>>     and variants. That is, the component creating the
>>>     variants has absolutely no visibility on which tests are
>>>     going to be associated with variants.
>>>     This is also completely abstract to tests: they don't have
>>>     any visibility about which variant they're using, or which
>>>     variants exist.
>> Hello Ademar,
>> Thank you for the overview, I probably should have included it. I omitted it
>> as it's described in the documentation, so I only mentioned in the `Plugin
>> AvocadoParams` that I don't think we should turn that part into a plugin.
>> The variant, as described earlier, is the method which modifies the
>> `test_template` and as you pointed out it compounds of `Variant ID` and
>> `Params`. The way it works now it can go even further and alter all the
>> test's arguments (name, methodName, params, base_logdir, tag, job,
>> runner_queue) but it's not documented and might change in the future.
> OK, so I think we should change this. The layers should have
> clear responsibilities and abstractions, with variants being
> restricted to params only, as defined above.
> I don't think the component responsible for creating variants
> needs any visibility or knowledge about tests.
Yes, there is no need for that, it was only simplification:


>>> Given the above, the multiplexer (or any other component, like a
>>> "cartesian config" implementation from Autotest) would be bound
>>> to these APIs.
>> The cartesian config is not related to params at all. Avocado-vt uses a
>> hybrid mode and it replaces the params with their custom object, while
>> keeping the `avocado` params in `test.avocado_params`. So in `avocado_vt`
>> tests you don't have `self.params`, but you have `test.params` and
>> `test.avocado_params`, where `test.params` is a dictionary and
>> `test.avocado_params` the avocado params interface with path/key/value.
>> Cartesian config produces variants not by creating test variants, but by
>> adding multiple tests with different parameters to the test_suite.
> What I mean is that we probably could, in theory at least,
> implement a plugin that parses a "cartesian config" and provides
> the data as needed to fill the variants and param APIs I
> described above. I'm not saying we should do that, much less that
> it would be useful as a replacement for the current cartesian
> config implementation in avocado-vt. I'm simply stating that once
> we have a clear plugin API for Params and Variants, we should be
> able to replace the multiplexer with other mechanisms that
> provide a similar functionality.
> Thanks.
>    - Ademar

In that case yes. You can see it in the conclusion that even the simpler 
version (parser->tree) is capable of using cartesian_config as source of 


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