[Avocado-devel] issues about install avocado-vt

Lukáš Doktor ldoktor at redhat.com
Mon Mar 7 08:55:21 UTC 2016

Hello guys,

thank you for great answers, in deed we forgot to put source code 
install section in 
http://avocado-vt.readthedocs.org/en/latest/GetStartedGuide.html I added 
it to our TODO list.

We do provide some convenience methods to simplify running from sources:

0. Install non-python dependencies listed in documentation
1. From one directory clone avocado and avocado-vt (so the result of `ls 
$TARGET_DIR` are 2 files: `avocado` and `avocado-vt`).
2. Install python dependencies by `make requirements` (optionally `make 
requirements-selftests`) in both directories
3. In `$TARGET_DIR/avocado` run `make link` which walks the `../*` 
directories and registers the avocado plugins for this user.

You only need to do this once, then you can modify the code and it'll 
still run the latest version (it creates something-like-symlinks to the 
sources for this user). You need to run the `make link` when new targets 
are added, but this only happens once in a while (eg. new plugin is added)

Alternatively you can always install it system-wide by `make install` in 
each directory, but that install the current version so you need to 
re-install it each time you change the sources.

Kind regards,

PS: See one more recommendation bellow.

Dne 3.3.2016 v 09:43 Zhu Yijun napsal(a):
> yes, now it works! Thanks very much!
> On 2016/3/3 14:33, Yanbing Du wrote:
>> On 03/03/2016 02:11 PM, Zhu Yijun wrote:
>>> Hi Yanbing,
>>>      Thanks for you reply.
>>> On 2016/3/3 13:20, Yanbing Du wrote:
>>>> On 03/03/2016 12:49 PM, Zhu Yijun wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>       I am trying to setup the avocado and avocado-vt tools.
>>>>>              I have to install them by git repository because some special results. Until now I have installed avocado guided by docs as below:
>>>>>       http://avocado-framework.readthedocs.org/en/latest/GetStartedGuide.html
>>>>>       And avocado has been run successfully. However, for avocado-vt, the only way to install it is by "yum install avocado-plugins".
>>>>>       So is there some method to install by sources code?
>>>> Yes, just like avocado, you can install avocado-vt by:
>>>> #python setup.py --quiet install

For development `--user` is strongly recommended. It creates egg-links 
to those libraries only for this user.

>>> After run it, it still report error when I run avocado.
>>> Failed to load plugin from module "avocado_vt.plugins.vt_list": ImportError('No module named aexpect',)
>>> Failed to load plugin from module "avocado_vt.plugins.vt": ImportError('No module named aexpect',)
>> Make sure you install all these required pkgs, for both avocado and avocado-vt:
>> #pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
>>>>>       Additionally, I try to run "make link" in avocado-vt directory, then run "avocado plugins", it seems like vt & vt_list not installed.
>>>>>       The message as follow:
>>>>>       Failed to load plugin from module "avocado_vt.plugins.vt_list": ImportError('No module named aexpect',)
>>>>>       Failed to load plugin from module "avocado_vt.plugins.vt": ImportEr
>>>>>       Plugins that add new commands (avocado.plugins.cli.cmd):
>>>>>       vt-bootstrap Avocado VT - implements the 'vt-bootstrap' subcommand
>>>>>       exec-path    Returns path to avocado bash libraries and exits.
>>>>>       run          Run one or more tests (native test, test alias, binary
>>>>>       sysinfo      Collect system information
>>>>>       list         List available tests
>>>>>       multiplex    Generate a list of dictionaries with params from a mul
>>>>>       plugins      Displays plugin information
>>>>>       config       Shows avocado config keys
>>>>>       distro       Shows detected Linux distribution
>>>>>       Plugins that add new options to commands (avocado.plugins.cli):
>>>>>       journal Journal options for the 'run' subcommand
>>>>>       remote  Remote machine options for 'run' subcommand
>>>>>       json    JSON output options for 'run' command
>>>>>       html    HTML job report options for 'run' subcommand
>>>>>       wrapper Implements the '--wrapper' flag for the 'run' subcommand
>>>>>       vm      Virtual Machine options for 'run' subcommand
>>>>>       gdb     GDB options for the 'run' subcommand
>>>>>       replay  Replay options for 'run' subcommand
>>>>>       xunit   xUnit output options
>>>>>       Does anyone can give me some advices, thanks in advance!
>>>>> Zhu Yijun
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