[Avocado-devel] Dependencies in avocado-vt cartesian configuration

Lukáš Doktor ldoktor at redhat.com
Mon May 2 06:59:20 UTC 2016

Dne 28.4.2016 v 03:29 Alan Evangelista napsal(a):
> Hi. I have not found a users mailing list, so I'll assume this devel
> mailing list
> is for both users and developers. If I am wrong and there is a users
> mailing list,
> pls point me to it.
> I have not understood what is the purpose of the dependencies feature in
> cartesian configuration, documented in
> http://avocado-vt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/CartesianConfig.html.
> My understanding when reading doc is that its purpose is to order variant
> sets combinations order, however I have tried running the dependencies
> cartesian config example with and without dependencies by the cartesian
> config parser available in the avocado-vt git repository  and the output is
> identical. (dict 1: one, dict 2: two, dict 3: three).
> Could someone explain better the purpose of this feature and present some
> examples?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Alan Evangelista
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Hello Alan,

CC: Lucas, maybe he remembers the story of test deps

I haven't seen that part for ages and I forgot most of what I had known,
but IIRC dependencies were suppose to track if dependent tests of this
test passed (if they were executed) and skip the test if not.

Anyway I don't think it does anything now. I briefly checked the sources
and the functions handling the deps are not used from anywhere.

Avocado-vt always keeps the order as it is in the file, including
multiple variants definition, for example:

    - first:
    - second:
            - a:
            - b:
            - alpha:
            - beta:

first puts the first, then [ab] variants of alpha and the [ab] variants
of beta:

dict    1:  first
dict    2:  second.alpha.a
dict    3:  second.alpha.b
dict    4:  second.beta.a
dict    5:  second.beta.b

If you need to keep the original file and you still want to create
custom cartesian config which reorders the items, you can do it by adding:

include original.cfg
# or just copy&paste the first example

    - myfirst:
        only second
    - mysecond:
        only first


which puts the `first` as `second` and `second` as `first`, while
preserving the `second`'s subvariants order.

dict    1:  myfirst.second.alpha.a
dict    2:  myfirst.second.alpha.b
dict    3:  myfirst.second.beta.a
dict    4:  myfirst.second.beta.b
dict    5:  mysecond.first

Alternatively, as suggested by Wei, you can specify the order ad-hock on
the cmdline `avocado run first second` vs. `avocado run second first`.
(note you can use `--dry-run` to see the test suite before actually
executing it)

Hopefully this helped a bit.


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