[Avocado-devel] RFC: Plugin Management API

Cleber Rosa crosa at redhat.com
Mon May 9 15:12:22 UTC 2016

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Problem statement

This RFC is an offshoot from the "Avocado Job API" RFC.  It aims to
review the current extensibility architecture in Avocado, define
common terminology and propose an API that will allow management and
configuration of those extensible components.

Again, the upcoming proposals, while hopefully useful in their own
rights, are heavily influenced by the perceived needs of the "Job
API".  To put it simply, the Job API is also in the scope of the
problem attempted to be solved here.


During its development, Avocado has adopted many different extensibility
techniques.  This is common in many projects and even more common in
projects built around languages that facilitate the loading of modules
at runtime and `duck typing`_.

On the bright side, Avocado has already got rid of much of the custom
code for handling those extensions, by adopting a mature external
library called `stevedore`_.  Also on the bright side, there's now the
formal definition of the interfaces expected to be available by users
of those plugins.


It was noticed during recent discussions that there seems to be a lack
of common understanding about what a Plugin is, how they're supposed
to be implemented and consumed.  This section attempts to settle the
proposed terminology.

Plugin type

A logical categorization of an extensible subsystem.  In a music
player application, valid plugin types may include:

* Audio decoder
* Lyrics fetcher

In an application such as Avocado, valid plugin types may include:

* Test runner
* Result formatter

In Avocado, a given Plugin type maps to one setuptools entrypoint namespace,
and to a interface declared as Python `abstract base classes`_.

Plugin patterns

A "plugin" is a generic enough term. A "plugin type" doesn't adds much
more than a label to an interface.  So, it's also useful to define
different usage patterns.


When a single plugin is used at a given time.

This usage pattern provides its user an abstract and usually
simplified view of the controlled resource.

The obvious examples are, of course, device drivers.  On most, if not
all, Operating Systems there will only be one driver implementation
active to control a given device at a given time.  That is true even
when there may be multiple driver implementations for the same type of

Using the music application example, for any given audio file, a
single audio decoder "driver" is used.  Using Avocado as an example,
for any given test to be run, a single runner "driver" would be used.


When multiple plugins can be used simultaneously.

This usage pattern allows multiple and independent extensions to
act on on a given subsystem or resource or task.

Using the music application example, there may be multiple lyrics
fetcher extensions, one for each different lyrics database.  Using
Avocado as an example, multiple result formatter may generate reports in
different file formats for a single job.

Interface Declaration

The formal announcement of the interfaces that can be expected by
users of a given plugin. Consequently an interface declaration defines
what must be implemented by individual plugins.

Plugin Management API

A set of functionalities that enable the application to load,
unload, configure, activate and deactivate plugins.

Current Plugin Review

Avocado relies exclusively on setuptools entrypoints to locate
plugins.  A setuptools entrypoint ties together the following 3
pieces of information:

1. namespace, associated with a specific plugin type
2. plugin name, should be unique for a given namespace
3. reference to the plugin implementation, pointing all the way to the
    Python class

One example of such an entrypoint declaration::

     'avocado.plugins.cli': [
                   'gdb = avocado.plugins.gdb:GDB',

Here we have:

1. ``avocado.plugins.cli``, the namespace for all plugins of the
    ``CLI`` type.
2. ``gdb`` as the name for this ``CLI`` plugin.
3. Implemented as the ``GDB`` class of the ``avocado.plugins.gdb``
    Python module.

Avocado, by means of the various dispatcher classes, loads all
registered plugins.  Thus, if the plugin class can be loaded, it will
be loaded by the current dispatcher at its initialization type.

Finally, most dispatchers, at the appropriate time, will attempt to
execute the implemented methods of all loaded plugins, by means of a
``map_method()`` call.

The reason for that simplistic behavior is that all the current "new
style" plugin are mapped to the "extensions" pattern.  For instance,
simply by adding registering a new plugin implementation at the
``avocado.plugins.cli`` namespace, that plugin method ``configure()``
will be executed (which is supposed to add its arguments to the
command line application).

For other plugin types and usage patterns, the current activation
method is not always the best choice.  That is, even if a plugin
can be loaded by Avocado and is ready to be used, it doesn't mean
that it should be used.

For instance, on plugins that map to the driver usage patterns, it
does not make sense to load all plugins of a given type.  The loading
and activation should be deferred to the time that a choice is made on
a specific implementation.

For extension usage patterns, it should allow the user to add or
remove any number of implementations for a given user or resource at


Now, let's give a more concrete example of some of the concepts
introduced earlier.

The context used here is composed by the latest Avocado developments
in the extensibility area, and also the proposed upcoming
developments, with a focus on the "Job API" proposal.

Interface Declaration

One of the recent additions to the "new plugin" standard in Avocado is
the formal declaration of interfaces.  When a new type of plugin is
introduced, to make a specific subsystem of Avocado more modular, a
formal interface is introduced.  Then, when code is written to
implement a specific Avocado subsystem, it MUST implement at least a
minimum set of methods as properly defined in that interface.

One example would be test runners.  The declaration of an interface
could be similar to::

   class Runner(Plugin):
       @abstractmethod  # makes the implementation mandatory
       def run_test(self, test_factory):

       # noop to be inherited by implementations of this interface
       def setup(self):

       # noop to be inherited by implementations of this interface
       def tear_down(self):

Please note that, while a single method (``run_test()``) is marked as
mandatory by the ``@abstractmethod`` decorator, the overall interface
is also composed by ``setup()`` and ``tear_down()``.  Users of plugins
that implement this interface should be able to safely call all
interface methods, given that non-mandatory will have default
implementations.  These default implementations can either be "noops"
or code that is sensible enough to be used by default by any plugin
implementing the given interface.

Interface Implementation

The implementation of a valid test runner could be similar to::

   class Container(Runner):
       def setup(self):

       def run_test(self, test_factory):
           reference = create_reference(test_factory)
           return run_from_image(reference)

       def tear_down(self):

Also valid would be one that implements only the mandatory methods and
inherit default implementations from the base class::

   class Local(Runner):
       def run_test(self, test_factory):
           test = create_test_from_factory(test_factory)
           return fork_and_run(test)

Using an Interface

Assuming that implementations of a given interface are correctly
registered and loaded (more on that on the next section), users
interested in that subsystem can use any implmentation in an agnostic

As an example, code that implements the concept of a Job, can leverage
any of the "Runner" implementations transparently.  If a Job
implementation wants to respect what the user somehow set as the
default runner, it could implement something similar to::

   class Job(object):
       def __init__(self):
           default_runner = settings.get_value('runner', 'default',
           self.runner = plugin_mgmt.new('avocado.plugins.runner',
       def run(self):
           for test in tests:

Both example implementations should work similarly and transparently
to the user (the Job implementation in this example).  One of the
proposed methods for the Plugin Management API has been quietly
introduced in this example.  It will be thoroughly discussed later.

Plugin management API

On the previous section, the idea of a plugin management API was
quietly and briefly planted::

   1 class Job(object):
   2   def __init__(self):
   3       default_runner = settings.get_value('runner', 'default',
   4                                           default='local')
   5       self.runner = plugin_mgmt.new('avocado.plugins.runner',
   6                                     default_runner)

Lines 5 and 6, refer to a proposed method called ``new()`` of an also
proposed module named ``plugin_mgmt``.  Names are quite controversial,
and not really the goal at this point, so please bear with the naming
choices made so far, and feel free to suggest better ones.

It should be clear that the goal of the ``new()`` method is to make
an extensible subsystem implementation ready to be used.  Its
implementation, directly or indirectly, may involve locating the
Python file that contains the associated class, loading that file into
the current interpreter, creating a class instance, and finally,
returning it.

This maps well to the driver pattern, where little or no code is necessary
around the plugin class instance itself.

For usage patterns that map to the extensions definition given before, the
"dispatcher" code may have higher level and additional methods::

   01 class ResultFormatterDispatcher:
   03     NAMESPACE = "avocado.plugin.result.format"
   05     def add(self, name):
   06         "Adds a plugin to the list of active result format writers"
   07         self.active_set.add(plugin_mgmt.new(self.NAMESPACE, name)
   09     def remove(self, name):
   10         "Removes a plugin from the list of active result format 
   11         self.active_set.remove_by_name(name)
   13     def set_active(self, names):
   14         "Adds or removes plugins so that only given plugin names 
are active"
   15         ...

Which could be used as::

   class Job(object):
       def __init__(self):
           self.result_formats = settings.get_value('result', 'formats',
           self.result_dispatcher = plugin_mgmt.ResultFormatterDispatcher()

       def run(self):
           for test in tests:

Activation Scope

It was mentioned during the definition of the different plugin patterns
that only one driver plugin would be active at a given time.  This is a
simplification, one that doesn't take into account any kind of scopes.

Avocado's code should implement contained scopes and add/remove
plugins instances to these scopes only.  For instance, on a single
job, there may be multiple parallel test runners.  The activation
scope for a test runner driver plugin, is of course, individual to
each runner.

Layered APIs

It may be useful to provide more focused APIs as, supposedly, thin
layers around the features provided by Plugin Management API.  One
example may be the activation and deactivation of test result
formatters.  Example::

     class Job(object):
         def add_runner(self, plugin_name):

This simplistic but quite real example has the goal of allowing users
of the ``Job`` class to simply call::

   parallel_job = Job()
   for count in xrange(multiprocessing.cpu_count()):


Hopefully this text helps to pin-point the aspects of the Avocado
architecture that, even though may need adjustments, can contribute to
the implementation of the ultimate goal of providing a "Job API".

.. _duck typing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_typing
.. _stevedore: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/stevedore
.. _abstract base classes: https://docs.python.org/2/library/abc.html

Cleber Rosa
[ Sr Software Engineer - Virtualization Team - Red Hat ]
[ Avocado Test Framework - avocado-framework.github.io ]

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