[Avocado-devel] [avocado_vt] Avoid re-creating subtests/guest-os on run

Lukáš Doktor ldoktor at redhat.com
Tue May 10 16:02:28 UTC 2016

Dear avocado-vt developers,

we discovered an inconsistency in the avocado-vt workflow, which was
abused as a feature for a long time, but recently it started causing
problems in parallel avocado execution, so let's fix it properly once
for all.

Avocado-vt heavily depends on the `cartesian_config` files. Especially
important and special are the `subtests.cfg` and the `guest-os.cfg`
files. According to documentation they are updated during
`vt-bootstrap`, but for a convenience they were actually updated on each
avocado-vt loader invocation. This PR:


is fixing the behavior, but before merging it I'd like to confirm with
you that your systems are prepared for this change. Basically for
production environemnt there should be no changes as tests are deployed
and bootstrap executed once. This change should only affect test
developers, who frequently modify the subtests.cfg and occasionally even
the guest-os.cfg files. Those need to add `avocado vt-bootstrap` to
their workflow (I'd recommend adding --vt-guest-os followed by
non-asset-managed os variant to avoid JeOS decompression).

Please take a look at your systems and let me know should this
modification cause significant troubles.

Kind regards,

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