[Avocado-devel] avocado-vt: 'avocado list' slower than usual

Lukáš Doktor ldoktor at redhat.com
Mon Oct 3 11:01:03 UTC 2016

Dne 23.9.2016 v 00:44 Eduardo Habkost napsal(a):
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 05:29:37PM -0300, Cleber Rosa wrote:
>> On 09/22/2016 03:34 PM, Eduardo Habkost wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I haven't been using avocado-vt for a while, but today I have
>>> updated and git-cleanded all my git clones (autotest, avocado,
>>> avocado-vt, tp-qemu), removed my old ~/avocado dir, re-run
>>> vt-bootstrap, and noticed that 'avocado list' is very slow. It is
>>> taking 29 seconds to run and list the avocado-vt test cases. I
>>> don't remember seeing it take so long to run, before.
>>> When I interrupt avocado, I get a backtrace that shows a very
>>> deep call chain with recursive get_dicts() calls inside
>>> virttest/cartesian_config.py (see below).
>>> Is this expected? Has anybody else noticed this recently?
>> I'll try to reproduce.  Can you please check the exact avocado and
>> avocado-vt versions (commits) you're using?
> avocado: b82344f707424e53c1ad85429bc74a8d40e0cf31 Merging pull request 1484
> avocado-vt: 7a12dc6d19c8ca356cdaaa211d74158c2064145f Merging pull request 708

Hello Eduardo,

does this problem still persists? I tried running `avocado run boot 
boot`, which takes 29s (20s first boot, 7s the second) using the git 
commits your mentioned. The first thing I'd try is to re-run 
`vt-bootstra` as with new options new default filters can be added, 
which might lead to a lot of combinations created.

Another thing which might help us identify the root cause is to try 
running `--dry-run`, which only discovers the tests (which means only 
parsing the cartesian config).

As for the very deep call, that's expected, cartesian config is written 
recursively and to parse it takes quite a time, but unless you parse a 
huge cfg it should not take so long.

If none helps, please share the exact command along with all the 
required configs in order I can reproduce it.


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