[Avocado-devel] option --output-check-record behavior

Marcos E. Matsunaga Marcos.Matsunaga at oracle.com
Thu Sep 8 18:19:31 UTC 2016

Hi Cleber,

Sorry for being a pain. I've tried to use process.system to execute 
commands, but I got an error, that's why I kept the autotest libraries 
(I actually copied from one of the files in io-github-autotest-libvirt).

The error I'm getting is:

2016-09-08 13:49:25,844 sysinfo          L0371 INFO | Profiler disabled
2016-09-08 13:49:25,845 test             L0214 INFO | START 
2016-09-08 13:49:25,846 process          L0334 INFO | Running 'xl 
info|grep xen_version| awk '{print $3}''
2016-09-08 13:49:25,863 process          L0435 INFO | Command 'xl 
info|grep xen_version| awk '{print $3}'' finished with 1 after 
2016-09-08 13:49:25,863 stacktrace       L0038 ERROR|
2016-09-08 13:49:25,863 stacktrace       L0041 ERROR| Reproduced 
traceback from: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/test.py:448
2016-09-08 13:49:25,864 stacktrace       L0044 ERROR| Traceback (most 
recent call last):
2016-09-08 13:49:25,864 stacktrace       L0044 ERROR|   File 
"/root/avocado-vt/io-fs-autotest-xen/xen/tests/xentest.py", line 52, in 
2016-09-08 13:49:25,864 stacktrace       L0044 ERROR| xenversion = 
process.system_output(cmd, ignore_status=False)
2016-09-08 13:49:25,864 stacktrace       L0044 ERROR|   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/utils/process.py", line 1139, 
in system_output
2016-09-08 13:49:25,864 stacktrace       L0044 ERROR| sudo=sudo)
2016-09-08 13:49:25,864 stacktrace       L0044 ERROR|   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/utils/process.py", line 1046, 
in run
2016-09-08 13:49:25,864 stacktrace       L0044 ERROR|     raise 
CmdError(cmd, sp.result)
2016-09-08 13:49:25,864 stacktrace       L0044 ERROR| CmdError: Command 
'xl info|grep xen_version| awk '{print $3}'' failed (rc=1)
2016-09-08 13:49:25,864 stacktrace       L0045 ERROR|
2016-09-08 13:49:25,865 test             L0563 ERROR| Traceback (most 
recent call last):

2016-09-08 13:49:25,865 test             L0563 ERROR|   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/core/test.py", line 503, in 
     raise test_exception

2016-09-08 13:49:25,865 test             L0563 ERROR| CmdError: Command 
'xl info|grep xen_version| awk '{print $3}'' failed (rc=1)

I looked at "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/avocado/utils/process.py", 
line 1139 and didn't see anything that could be causing the problem. I 
even tried to add "sudo=False" argument in process.system, but I get the 
same error.

Thanks again.

On 09/08/2016 06:36 PM, Cleber Rosa wrote:
> On 09/08/2016 01:50 PM, Marcos E. Matsunaga wrote:
>> On 09/08/2016 05:44 PM, Cleber Rosa wrote:
>>> On 09/08/2016 11:34 AM, Marcos E. Matsunaga wrote:
>>>> Hi Cleber,
>>>> Thanks for your quick reply. That's exactly what I understood, but here
>>>> is what is happening
>>>> I have a directory ~/avocado/xen/tests where I have the xentest.py
>>>> script. When I execute it, it does create the directory
>>>> ~/avocado/xen/tests/xentest.py.data with stderr.expected and
>>>> stdout.expected (empty). It also creates the two files (stdout and
>>>> stderr) in the job-results/latest directory, but also empty.
>>>> The weird thing is that instead of saving, it reports to the job.log as
>>>> an error "L0151 ERROR| [stderr] Parsing config from /VM/guest1/vm.cf".
>>>> That's why I think I am missing something.
>>> Can you post the full test code and the resulting `job.log` file?
>> Sure.. It is attached.
>> And the multiplex file I am using is:
>> xentest:
>>      guest1:
>>          action: !mux
>>              start:
>>                  run_action: "create"
>>                  domain_name: "perf1"
>>                  sleep_time: 1
>>              stop:
>>                  run_action: "shutdown"
>>                  domain_name: "perf1"
>>                  sleep_time: 60
>>          guest_cfg: /Repo/VM/perf1/vm.cfg
>>>> Thanks again for your help.
>>>> On 09/08/2016 02:59 PM, Cleber Rosa wrote:
>>>>> On 09/08/2016 10:25 AM, Marcos E. Matsunaga wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> I am new to avocado and have just started to look into it.
>>>>>> I have been playing with avocado on Fedora 24 for a few weeks. I
>>>>>> wrote a
>>>>>> small script to run commands and was exploring the option
>>>>>> "--output-check-record", but it never populate the files
>>>>>> stderr.expected
>>>>>> and stdout.expected. Instead, it prints an error with "[stderr]" in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> job.log file. My understanding is that the output (stderr and stdout)
>>>>>> of commands/scripts executed by avocado would be captured and saved on
>>>>>> those files (like on synctest.py example), but it doesn't. I want to
>>>>>> know if I am doing something wrong or it is a bug.
>>>>> Hi Marcos,
>>>>> Avocado creates the `stdout` and `stderr` files in the test result
>>>>> directory.  In the synctest example, for instance, my contains:
>>>>> $ avocado run examples/tests/synctest.py
>>>>> $ cat
>>>>> ~/avocado/job-results/latest/test-results/1-examples_tests_synctest.py\:SyncTest.test/stdout
>>>>> PAR : waiting
>>>>> PASS : sync interrupted
>>>>> `stderr` is actually empty for that test:
>>>>> $ wc -l
>>>>> ~/avocado/job-results/latest/test-results/1-examples_tests_synctest.py\:SyncTest.test/stderr
>>>>> 0
>>>>> /home/cleber/avocado/job-results/latest/test-results/1-examples_tests_synctest.py:SyncTest.test/stderr
>>>>> What you have to do is, once you're satisfied with those outputs, and
>>>>> they're considered "the gold standard", you'd move those to the test
>>>>> *data directory*.
>>>>> So, if you test is hosted at, `/tests/xl.py`, you'd created the
>>>>> `/tests/xl.py.data`, and put those files there, named `stdout.expected`
>>>>> and `stderr.expected`.
>>>>> Whenever you run `avocado run --output-check-record all /tests/xl.py`,
>>>>> those files will be used and the output of the *current* test execution
>>>>> will be compared to those "gold standards".
>>>>>> The script is very simple and the way I execute the command is:
>>>>>> cmd = ('/usr/sbin/xl create /VM/guest1/vm.cfg')
>>>>>> if utils.system(cmd) == "0":
> The issue seems to be related to the fact that you're using old autotest
> libraries to execute your external commands.
> The output record/check support is built into Avocado's libraries,
> namely `avocado.utils.process`.
> Try to replace your code with:
>     from avocado.utils import process
>     ...
>     process.system(cmd)
> Also, mixing and matching autotest and avocado libraries in the same
> test code is not something I'd recommend.  Not that it's guaranteed to
> break. I'd recomend to (try to) move to avocado libraries, or keep an
> eye on strange behavior like this.
>>>>>>          pass
>>>>>> else:
>>>>>>          return False
>>>>>> The command send to stdout:
>>>>>> Parsing config from /VM/guest1/vm.cfg
>>>>>> I run the test as:
>>>>>> avocado run --output-check-record all xentest.py
>>>>>> The job.log file contains:
>>>>>> 2016-09-07 13:04:48,015 test             L0214 INFO | START
>>>>>> 1-/root/avocado-vt/io-fs-autotest-xen/xen/tests/xentest.py:xentest.test_xen_start_stop;1
>>>>>> 2016-09-07 13:04:48,051 xentest          L0033 INFO |
>>>>>> 1-/root/avocado-vt/io-fs-autotest-xen/xen/tests/xentest.py:xentest.test_xen_start_stop;1:
>>>>>> Running action create
>>>>>> 2016-09-07 13:04:49,067 utils            L0151 ERROR| [stderr] Parsing
>>>>>> config from /VM/guest1/vm.cfg
>>>>>> 2016-09-07 13:04:49,523 test             L0586 INFO | PASS
>>>>>> 1-/root/avocado-vt/io-fs-autotest-xen/xen/tests/xentest.py:xentest.test_xen_start_stop;1
>>>>>> Thanks for your time and help.
>>>>> Let me know if it's clear now! And thanks for trying Avocado out!



Marcos Eduardo Matsunaga

Oracle USA
Linux Engineering

“The statements and opinions expressed here are my own and do not
necessarily represent those of Oracle Corporation.”

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