[Avocado-devel] [RFC] Recursive Test Discovery [V2]

Amador Pahim apahim at redhat.com
Fri Jun 2 07:26:32 UTC 2017


Currently we can discover test classes that does not inherit directly
from `avocado.Test`. To do so, we rely on the inclusion of a docstring
(`:avocado: enable`) in the mentioned class. Example below.

File `/usr/share/avocado/tests/test_base_class.py`::

    from avocado import Test

    class BaseClass(Test):

        def test_basic(self):

File `/usr/share/avocado/tests/test_first_child.py`::

    from test_base_class import BaseClass

    class FirstChild(BaseClass):
        :avocado: enable

        def test_first_child(self):

In the example above, if we ask Avocado to list the tests from
`test_first_child.py`, `FirstChild.test_first_child` will be listed and
the `BaseClass.test_basic` won't::

    $ avocado list test_first_child.py
    INSTRUMENTED test_first_child.py:FirstChild.test_first_child

The request is that, in such cases, we have a way to include the
`BaseClass.test_basic` into the results.


To include the parent classes into the discovery results, we have three
main aspects to consider:

- How to flag that we want that behaviour?
  The proposal is the creation of a new docstring `recursive`. Example::

    class FirstChild(BaseClass):
        :avocado: recursive

- How deep is the recursion?
  The proposal is that the recursion goes all the way up to the class
  inheriting from `avocado.Test`.

- Will the recursion respect the parents docstrings?
  The proposal is that the docstrings in the parents are ignored when
  recursively discovering. Example:

  File `/usr/share/avocado/tests/test_base_class.py`::

    from avocado import Test

    class BaseClass(Test):
        :avocado: disable

        def test_basic(self):

  File `/usr/share/avocado/tests/test_first_child.py`::

    from test_base_class import BaseClass

    class FirstChild(BaseClass):
        :avocado: recursive

        def test_first_child(self):

  Will result in::

    $ avocado list test_first_child.py
    INSTRUMENTED test_first_child.py:FirstChild.test_first_child
    INSTRUMENTED test_first_child.py:BaseClass.test_basic

Expected Results

The expected result is to provide users more flexibility when creating
the Avocado tests, being ablr to create a chain of test classes and
providing only the module containing the last one as a test reference.

Additional Information

Avocado uses only static analysis to examine the files and this
feature should stick to this principle in its implementation.

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