[Avocado-devel] Wrapping a simple test into an instrumented one

Alan Martinovic alan.martinovic at senic.com
Thu Jul 11 15:09:30 UTC 2019

I have a standalone executable written as a form of test which accepts
cli parameters. In it's core it's executed as  `./test  -c parameter`

I'd like to wrap that with some python code so that it becomes an
test. That way it can benefit from the the standardized way of passing

I've dedicated a directory for both files:

The wrapper is executing test with:

As I try to run it with avocado by passing the wrapper_tests as a parameter
errors seem to happen:
* subprocess.check_output can't find ./test
* ./test itself is detected as a standalone test to run

Is there a best practice for this situation?

(even though names seem to be the same, this isn't a use case
for the wrapper plugin)

Be Well,
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