[Avocado-devel] question related to avocado config

Lukáš Doktor ldoktor at redhat.com
Thu Nov 26 15:22:18 UTC 2020

Dne 26. 11. 20 v 14:02 Daniel Cristea napsal(a):
> Hello,
> I have a question related to avocado for Oracle Linux 8.  There is a request to use rom_bar=off flag when calling virt-install, in the --network section, so that the vm to be deployed.  Could someone point me to the person which can help on this issue?  I don't know where to add this in the config files of avocado so that virt-install is called with this flag.
> Thank you and regards,Daniel

Hello Daniel,

I am not a libvirt guy, but IIRC such options should be handled in `virttest/libvirt_vm.py` in the `add_nic` section (roughly around the line 888). I don't see a way to add extra arguments so I think you'd have to add a support for it (either via custom arguments or just a support for the rom_bar.


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