New Tree Uploaded

Mike Barnes strepsil at
Sun Jul 25 13:30:26 UTC 2004

There's a subdirectory called "bootstrap" which I'll throw utilities
into that may be useful in getting this going on top of a RH 7.2
system. Right now there's just a copy of an older version of Yum
that's been built on a 7.2 system, and a yum.conf pointing to the
Carmen tree. It may be helpful, but I really haven't tried upgrading a
system to this recently. If anyone who's done it wants to chime in
with some pointers, please go ahead. I'm happy to dump any other
scripts or docs in here. If someone could post a Kickstart file for a
_really_ stripped down 7.2 base system, that'd be nice.

This tree contains the latest versions of everything I've been working
with, including the new glibc package and glibc-kernheaders from
Cristian that solve a lot of build issues, as well as the Anaconda
packages I've been messing with.

SRPMs are only included where they're modified from the main FC2
release. A set of the i386 SRPM images are on the FTP server under
/pub/install/fedora/2/SRPMS/ but you'll probably be better off
grabbing them from your nearest mirror instead.

There are some boring release notes in there somewhere as well. Good
luck. I'm more than happy to take patches and fixes to spec files.
Mail them to me.

Oh, if anyone's had any luck getting a recent Mozilla to build, I'd
love to hear from you. There's an SRPM for 1.7 being uploaded now, but
no binaries to go with it. The SRPM includes the patch for this bug:
The builds still seem to be hitting this one, though:
(Yes, I've tried building with -O0. YMMV.)

Oh - couple of quick notes. Nautilus and Evolution work just fine in
this build. Also, after installing the Kernel package, you'll need to
run mkinitrd manually.

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