alpha clustering

Joe Brazeal JBrazeal at
Tue Jun 8 14:26:07 UTC 2004

I was wondering if someone could help me with alpha clustering on 7.1 or if I simply need to update to 7.2 and if so where I can find the location to download.

Here is what I am trying to do.

I have 4 alpha 255s running 7.1.  I want to setup a simple cluster.  I have focused on attempting various versions of OSCAR, to no avail.  

For example, with 7.1 I am running Perl 5-6 yet if one attempts to install the latest OSCAR 3.0 or even 2.3.1 it complains I need  Perl-Tk.  When access CPAN for Perl-Tk it says I need to be on Perl 5-7. Now, from my searches it seems the only version of Perl (I know I am missing the boat here) that I can get for alpha is 5-6. Certainly some of you have successfully install 5-7 or above on Alpha 7.x?  Again, if I need to update, where do I go for 7.2?

OK, since I didn't get anywhere with these versions I backed up to OSCAR version 1.1. The next problem is the install complained 
"package TkTcl-4.1-1 is for a different architecture"

So, it seems if I could get past this I might be in business.  I believe if I could get the Install Gui up I could complete the rest of the cluster install.

the question is, has anyone been successful with installing the OSCAR clustering for Alpha 7.x? If so, can you please advise?

My final effort was to search for other clusting installs. I did find the following that might be of interest to you and may be my only path.
Please refer to, Beowulf Cluster Using RedHat 7.1

Can you tell me if this is the best way to cluster alpha linux?  Maybe I am barking up the wrong tree by staying with Redhat 7.x  Maybe Mandrake or some other  would be better or some other path? If so, what do you suggest and where can I optain the source or install path?  I would be grateful.  (I was of the mind set if I am on the basic kernel it really doesn't matter ... in terms of the big picture)

I really would like to complete this goal. What I am trying to do is put some older alpha equipment to work rather than scrap them... btw, I was successful with the OSCAR install on an Intel platform...well at least getting the server node up and running.

thank you very much,
joe brazeal

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