164SX is still stupid.

Jeff A. jeff.abell at intnlsoftwareproducts.com
Thu Nov 18 08:19:54 UTC 2004

Hey kids!  Wow, I haven't been around for a long time.

Just thought I'd let everyone know that I got some kind of IBM ECC RAM and
the SX *hated* it.  No worki.  I've been playing with 8500/8600 Macs under
linux recently and when I fired up the Alpha a couple days ago, I wanted to
cry at how much faster the machine was.  A PPC is a tolerable linux machine,
but the 5MB/sec Mac SCSI is the pits... not to mention that older old world

Someone asked me if I wanted to buy their Alpha a while back... if I had the
money, I would.  However, I'm dead broke.  :-(


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